does anyone have the code that allows DW roxas to use retaliating slash?
there is, but the problem is...that i dont know the code...if you can find the code for final mix maybe you can ask someone to port it...which means put it into the regular kh2 just in case u didnt know.
yep and if you want more people you can get rid of donald and goofy too...sometimes they get in the sorry i overloaded you with Here: There is a code for having more than 3 Axels in mickeys castle. There are codes that change the objects in the castle into watever you want. The ones your looking for is the changing of objects to axel rite? The objects are like the skateboard, the door, the light orb thingy, etc. U understand better now i explained it a little?
like the train in twilight town or the bees in the mini game, you know the objects... what my bad i thought you said something else but yeah there is a code for the objects in mickeys castle but i dont know these digits
nope in order to do that you have to mod the objects of the room
what exactly is your problem? Cant help if i dont know what to help...
i would help but i do not know the digits for the white balls and making them not die is impossible... those digits havent been hacked yet and i dont know if they sorry
what do you need exactly? i'll provide while i make this vid...
so v3 is the best if you dont care about it being a longer this riku code is sure hard to perfect...
that means the only way to get hurt is with the reaction comman...what is the point of pressing the reaction command in order to lose health.
that is true but he wants to make you level up to get the stats instead of using the stats mods...but wouldnt that still be using the stat confused...
thanks i will pm you the results when im done so you can see if i miss that okay?
im makin a vid with the new codes like riku cloud and leon vs sephy
no prob anytime...
you want the Riku Jokered (R2) KF0M-86H8-4JEWH BW5G-Y4T9-ZM1VG JXZW-7MU7-W9V8K F7XU-M49N-UKN20 QAJH-Q1RQ-RYZ0Q 2YZ0-KR96-04M0Q CK2B-B0RR-FD22U 8A8J-0KWH-EEM71 B1P0-GTXZ-8ZU61 5X8K-W3CW-PBZ1H 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7
just joker the riku code and you can skip cutscenes...
both, they are the same code... thanks!!!!
thanks... so that means if i have 7 lines i would put 07 there in the XX?
can anyone give me the line to joker for R2 plz and thanks...