Doctor, we've got defcon 1 shiz up in here. You don't mean- Yes. Freindzone Level: Lesbian Spoiler
Kelly, I saw the hat pic, you're only enforcing my delusion that you're indeed a chuzzle.
~Below Haven City~ :Enter: He swooped in fast, barley making a sound louder than his cape swooshing around as he examined the beacon. He rushed around the device in a circle before scratching his mask. "Nope, don't know what it is. Obviously from a different platform." Meta Knight groaned then took a look at his surroundings, making himself familiar with the group. He coughed slightly while walking up to the much taller man, "Excuse me up there green elf man with pet ocelot. Was this beacon intended to summon all of these people, including myself?" Before Meta Knight would be able to get a straightforward answer, boom, the device was thwacked by what appeared to be high velocity vending machine. "Damn satellites messing with my reception." A blond haired man was waving his phone up in down in the air nearby, apparently very peeved at nothing in particular. Meta Knight turned his head slowly to get a good look at the more than likely chucking culprit. "What the devil are you doing?!" "Huh?" He closed his phone and adjusted his shades, "Was that your damn satellite?" "No, but that's beside the point. The point-" "Shuuuut up!" The man shouted, quickly regaining his composure afterwards. He walked up to the group and tilted his head, "So what's going on here?" ~Sky Sanctuary~ "Oh. This is your hideout? Pfft, Oogie you know that?" "No, pfft, naw. What? wat." "Yeah! Yeah, you know lions with directions, always got 'em crossed. We were just going." Hades watched Scar and Oogie attempt to slink away with his arms crossed, "Guys, Lord of the Dead. God. He can't touch me, ergo, you'll be fine." Despite the harsh vision he was shown, Hades ignored the threat and looked the kid in the eyes. "It's just another spiky haired kid, how tough can he-" 'Spiky haired kid' replayed in Hades head for what seemed like 5 minutes before he grabbed Scar's tail and Oogie's head, "Yeah, just going is what he said." The three poofed in a blue cloud of smoke, appearing back in the grand hall of Hollow Bastion.
I was, I've got to get all my characters updated soon.. Hecticness and such keep preventing me from sitting down and writing it all up. I'll...
/alwaysviewing Yes, sounds fine to me. I could do the banners myself if people didn't want to make them, titles and shiz is up to you guys.
Requesting: Silver Skull - Use: Serenity Gem Bulky Medal - Use Serenity Shard 2011 Pin Thank ye~
DT, with you, everything's kawaii.
It's weird seeing you use Cynthia, hero.. Keep thinking you're a chick even though I know you're not.. Theme is cool though.
I'd love to, gives me a project to work on later. I enjoy making the graphics for the cove almost as much as actually RPing in it.
Have to post this in every non-RP thread. Glad to see this up and excited to tell you all stories about my day. This morning I was having toast, but "Hark!" I yelped. I was late for design class. Scurrying out the door with the buttered toast hanging on by only a tooth I leapt into the car and hightailed it out onto the open road. Then I rolled over in bed nodding to myself about what I should be doing instead of sleeping an extra 5 minutes.
Good 'ol Jayn. Of course I'm going to have to make an intricate banner for the family thread, unless you'd like to handle that thread's graphics?
Brilliant idea, not only will this help keep the OOC a little more focused, it should strengthen the community as a whole. Grand job, DT~
People will still go on Election day just because, but allowing the early voting seems like a great way to get more people to the polls. I was able to vote in less than ten minutes upon arriving, that's incentive enough right there. On top of that even the President voted early, way of the future mann.
Got to vote early last Thursday. More states should implement early voting, makes it so much easier to get to the polls.
Every election. First year voting~ Resisted urge to write in Scar..
Couldn't hear him over Biden's laughter in the VP debate. Does anyone know who the libertarian candidates are? I was able to early vote (first time, woo) last Thursday, was surprised because I hadn't heard anything about them. At this point it seems ridiculous to have them on the ballot for the most part.
Awesome, wish nothing but the best for you two~