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  1. Light-Rune Maven


    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Dec 28, 2023, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Light-Rune Maven
    So guys, just posting this quick notice here.

    I'm sorry I haven't added anything new to this in a while: I hit a small wall with chapter 7 and wanted to go back and fix a couple things in the previous chapters... then life happened. I know it's been months now, but I do intend to get the rest of these fixed and start posting new chapters again, though it may take me a while yet. I just wanted to apologize to everyone... though I know two people who read this aren't in the Social Forum. Anyway, thank you for your patience.
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 22, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  3. Light-Rune Maven
    On the matter of this "Disney Corner" of ours I suddenly realized something. While I understand the point in picking a single setting for our little interaction times (Organization and time and junk), but what if were to limit ourselves a little less? Since not much voting is getting done, and 3 of 4 options are public facilities, why not make the setting a town where all three places are available? We could live in the hotel, and hang out at the cafe or house of mouse. If we were to fit into into the universe of KH we could make it a modern version of the Disney Town world. As for world terminus, it could appear in visions, dreams, and the like. It would also ultimately allow us to expand the setting as we see fit through new establishments in the town. This is really just an idea that randomly popped into my head when I went to check the polls. If it's not something we can do, no big deal. I just thought I should say something since it came to mind.
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, May 7, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  4. Light-Rune Maven
    So, I had an idea awhile back, and I thought i'd post it for all of you to see.
    I am not a master wordsmith and may say something in a really stupid way that implies a different meaning.
    Be forewarned that this is but conjecture based on facts within the game itself.
    You probably figured it would be but i'm just making sure.

    It's notated within the game that the Reapers really do get points for erasing players and whatnot. So this means "Points" do exist in the Universe of the World Ends with You. But, how exactly? You could make lot's of assumptions, but the best way to narrow it down to a few, would be to look at the ranking system itself.

    In the game, ESP'er points are gained from successful reductions, buying items over 10,000 yen, playing Tin Pin slammer with real people, and running into different entities in mingle mode.
    Battles, purchases, and mingle mode encounters each get 1 point per 1 success, and winning a Tin Pin match will get you three. As the games Secret reports focus on Souls and the science of them, it doesn't really take too much knowledge from these to figure that points are likely relatively small pieces of soul which, due to the nature of the interaction involved, were absorbed into another persons (Don't ask me about the spending money one, I have no clue). Presumably, the more points you gain, the more you expand your soul (Personal energy output). This can be shown through the ranks:

    Only Human: E (0 - 99 ESP'er Points)
    Spoon-bender: E (100 - 199 ESP'er Points)
    Supernatural: D (200 - 299 ESP'er Points)
    Master Player: C (300 - 499 ESP'er Points)
    Reaper: C (500 - 999 ESP'er Points)
    Conductor: B (1000 - 1999 ESP'er Points)
    Composer: B (2000 - 2999 ESP'er Points)

    There are more ranks, but I'm just going to stop there as anything beyond B is irrelevant to the idea.

    As everyone is no doubt now wondering what the heck this has to do with the story, I will finally get on with it.
    On the Seventh day of the Third week, Neku uses a noise Pin, which should be impossible as only Reapers should be able to do that. Of course, we knew he was OP, just not why. In the earlier reports, It's stated that while unstable, the Soul Neku gives off is immense. Considering that the game's ranking system is really for the game and not the characters themselves, this could put Neku's points while still Alive somewhere in the late E's to early D's, nevermind the power boost that comes from advancing to another plane. For all we Know, Neku could've started the game as a Master Player.
    Even if he was only a rank D, it stands to reason that with a starting point such as that, it wouldn't be unrealistic to rack up enough points to hit the Reaper rank after 3 weeks of point gathering. The basic idea is that while most other players go back to life or become reapers after 1 or 2 weeks, Neku spent a whole 3 weeks gaining power (and through the harmonizer pin, focus) that most spiritual beings, including reapers, haven't reached. You also have to consider that most of the reapers were made into reapers, so most of them were forcibly tuned to that level. It's pretty much what the wings are for, and it really the only thing that defines reapers from player under normal circumstances(that and their organizational position). Neku is a kind of... natural born reaper, as his power would have grown to that level through his own abilities. So of course he doesn't have wings, but he is quite powerful all the same. It's also likely that considering who all he beat, he probably has already reached the conductor rank.

    Anyway, these are just thoughts, and I had more but I'm too lazy to remember them. I'll probably post about 'em later.

    EDIT: I don't believe that I'm as brilliant as people around me say. To that end, I'd like some feedback on this idea.
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Apr 27, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  5. Light-Rune Maven
    April 22, 2014
    So, just to make sure we are all aware, I shall restate my purposes.
    This is, in essence, Steel's journal.
    This is for fun mainly. It is to show the story from Steel's point of view from when he appears in the story, onward. As this is just for kicks and has no effect on the story of SOS, I'm letting up on his power limitations a little. Which is to say that things he never specifically does in the rp are revealed here, and you get a bit more behind his logic. How this will all be organized is something I'll go into later, but it will basically be a table of contents in this first post, so feel free to leave your comments if you want.

    I'm going to base most of what happens on the entries on what happens around Steel at the time, and thus number them based on which of my post they are in the thread. For other worlds, I might make entirely separate entries, and label them by RP page numbers or actual in thread post numbers. I will put all entries in Spoiler tags. I'm not going to make the transition from one entry to another noticeable, as there is not exactly an easy way to tell day to day in SOS, so mostly the events of each entry will just be separated by the time it's actually posted, and they'll all run into each other as though I never stopped writing in the first place. Lastly, I am not sure how often I will get around to this, as I'm nearing the end of my school year, and wasn't exactly keeping up with my other writing thing. (It's seriously almost done, I just have yet to actually FINISH the chapter.)

    Anyway, here is entry 1:

    I left the castle early this morning.

    As I had originally planned, I put Tyson and Aura in charge; despite the events of yesterday. Aura still seemed mad at me, but she at least held out her hand for me to shake. I tried not to reveal the hope in my eyes as I accepted, but it didn't seem like it mattered; she was distracted. I have no doubt that she will soon leave. I will be sad, but it's for the best; she deserves to live a life safe from all this nonsense. It saddens me really; the fact that they all do. Unfortunately, she is the only one who can leave it all behind.

    Putting those gloomy thoughts behind me, I slipped on the mask I had prepared, and departed through a dark corridor. As I stalked through the darkness around me, I reflected. I reflected on the mysterious letter, on my new weapon and it's powers, on the turn recent events had taken, and on the foreign presence within the darkness. This last one was a new addition, as I could sense that amongst the usual creatures stalking about within, there was a new one that didn't belong. Upon reaching the end of the tunnel, I quickly decided that this was tied to the crisis of time described in the letter, and that the mask didn't have enough light for me to take the time to investigate.

    So with one last look at my surroundings, I delved into the new world that lay beyond the exit.

    Upon my arrival, I was quite surprised to find that the world was in perfect balance. There was no more light than darkness and vice-versa. To find such a land is rare. Upon my arrival to this "Land of Departure" I ran into two beings that I later learned were some of my companions. One was a young girl, crying over events that transpired before I had become involved. The other, a young man who attempted to comfort her. He arrived after I did, and I decided it may be best to hide and observe the two.

    It's relatively short, but I just wanted to kick it off.

    May 7, 2014
    TIME. TIME IS THE KEY. TIME IS the reason this came out somewhat half-baked.
    Anyway, I did the best I could to get this done without taking too long. But I also think I might not have put in as the first one. Oh well. Again I would like to say that you should all feel free to post your thoughts, It'll keep the thread nice and recent or whatever. I... yeah okay.

    As I was observing the girl- Luna- brushed off the boy's -Kel's- help, and proceeded to call me out. She apparently felt my position based on my Aura. The power to sense my Aura... I analyzed her own Aura just to be sure, and sure enough found that she held the power of the moon within. Luna said that I should introduce myself to the others in the castle before walking off, leaving me and Kel behind. I appeared out of the darkness next to Kel. I wasn't really sure whether or not he was surprised, though it would be a common reaction to be startled for at least a brief moment. I was still wearing my mask, so that probably didn't help anything. I promptly removed it, introducing myself and trying to be as polite as possible.

    However, my attempts meant little, as Kel was more concerned with Luna. He greeted me politely before heading off towards the castle. He was focused; good. He would likely need to be. Especially considering my track record. Of course, it could aslo just be that my natural existential make-up repelled him, as it no dobt will at least some people. Deciding to focus on that later, I made sure to split off and sneak a bit of myself into his shadow; I would need to analyze the members of this little masquerade a bit more if I wanted to get anywhere, and heaven knows they would tell me anything about their

    personal lives. I would get Luna later. It seemed the two of them were awfully focused on that castle, and Luna had said that the other were there.

    I figured it must be their headquarters, so I tucked the mask away; as I was certain I would need it again later, and with a strangely maniacal smile on my face, proceeded to walk towards the castle. As I arrived, quietly behind the other two, I became witness to a young soul making a rather idiotic statement, in which there was little purpose. I promptly told him that his logic was completely illogical, and he apologized with a greatly embarrassed look on his face.

    The boy -Etrius as he introduced himself, seemed to be of the darkness; like myself, and I could tell and innate understanding instantly passed between the two of us. We started our introduction over on a somewhat better foot, and It was revealed to me that my castle was at least somewhat known to him. This shocked me greatly, though I hid the severity of it. . My castle was very different from other worlds, and to know that it had appeared to others at some point in time gave me something to think about.

    Bask in it's insufficient glory!

    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Apr 22, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  6. Light-Rune Maven

    So I was on another forum site, and this was brought up by one of the members. There is a whole discussion thread to deal with it there, but I want to see what you guys think. It's a theory about how a bunch of Pixar movies contribute to the events of a single universe. I already have my opinions on this, but I'm not going to share them until we get the ball rolling a bit. So let's discuss it!
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 26, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Disney Galaxy
  7. Light-Rune Maven
    Y'know when for assignments, they just give the people in the scenario seemingly random names? Well one time recently, I was doing my homework and one of the people was named "Kay H." I kid you not. Needless to say, I was greatly amused. Anyone else remember some funny ones?
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 5, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Light-Rune Maven
    SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It's about KH3... Or more to the point, It's something that might be revealed in Kh3. So to begin the theory, we must first think of part of the story of Re:Coded as "Relevant". I know for some of you this will be INSANELY difficult, but let's imagine for a moment...
    In Re:Coded, Maleficent destroyed data Sora's keyblade, HOWEVER he gained an ACTUAL keyblade (The first was made of Data) later because through his interactions with others, he had become a living being with his own heart. (Which ties into my "Seven lights being soras" theory) Data Sora gained an 8-bit themed Keyblade around the time of these events. (Don't remember exactly when. In Kingdom Hearts (The original) The keyblade returned to Sora when his heart was stronger than riku's. Last of all In 3D, the reality shift for the final world forms individual Keyblades for them both, then combines them into a one. So here is my theory: What if Sora's Keyblade is RIKU'S? Like Data Sora gained a real heart so he got a real Keyblade. What if Sora's "My friends are my power" speech Caused the keyblade to come to him? Remember what Aqua said? "One keyblade is enough for any friendship." What if it's riku's, or what if It's entirley other peoples hearts? I put this in Kh3 because the way sora's story is going it will likely be readdressed in KH3 why exactly sora has a keyblade, and I thought this was a possibility. Your thoughts?

    Edit: I am Editing this post onto the first so it cannot go on being ignored.

    ... I'm not sure I get what you guys are trying to say... I mean, I get that you are right, it's a observation, not a theory I guess... But why are we going over the same points? I know that Sora had a keyblade that was SUPPOSED to be Riku's, What I'm asking is what if it's possible his Keyblade is actually STILL Riku's. See, that's why I went over the DDD Reality shift. I'm wondering if the keyblade is the same thing, split into different ones... This would explain why all but two of Sora and Riku's keyblades in DDD are the same. Most of the unlockables also seem to be themed on both of them at the same time... Divewing for example. Anyway, I guess I should just give up on this analyzing stuff... I seem great at it until I start my own thread... (In other people's opinions)
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Aug 2, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Light-Rune Maven
    So these are the characters that have made at least one appearance so far, plus some others that I may announce ahead of time. This will be updated whenever a new character appears in a new chapter. Also, I will add pictures of most of them that I will usually get from asking other members at their graphic shops. (I have only ever made 2 or 3 decent drawings, and I don't have the proper software to make them high quality) So here we go:

    Reality Theory

    Steel: A Lucid wolf that is the spirit of the rain. He has some trouble stringing words into full sentences despite the fact that he seems more intelligent then humans. It is considered that he merely cannot communicate properly specifically because of his higher intelligence. The castle that everyone uses as a base is his.

    Clair Alice Bright: A girl who has recently moved to Hypnos Terra; she seems more aware of the citizens then they do.

    Aura: Clair's Alter Ego in the dream world. She wields a sword of great power called: the Looking Glass. She also holds a deep bond with Steel.

    Sors Alexander Hope: A mysterious boy who lives in Hypnos Terra. He spoke to Clair once, but everyone claims that he either can not, or refuses to speak to anyone.

    Alice Aquila: A girl who seems very interested in having Clair as a friend; a strange fact considering her usual gloomy personality and lonely obsession with studying Steel's Legend.

    Leonidas Aquila: Alice's older brother; a genius with an air of madness about him. Despite his wacky personality, he can be very serious, and it is scary when he makes the sudden change.

    Tyson Blanca Arpeggio
    A strange Boy who has a thing for music, and an unknown connection to Aura. He does not usually let people know his actual thoughts, but instead just goes with the rhythm of the rain.

    Lifes' Harmony

    Pre-announced character:

    Micheal V. Placid: The main character, Micheal V. Placid once burned his hands to the point that the muscle tissue was damaged and they could not properly be used. He goes around with bandaged hands, and can usually get by seeing as how his arms still work perfectly. He thinks he might be crazy though, as he sometimes watches people and animals freeze around him while his hands become bony Extremities to fight off waves of Grotesque monsters.

    Tell me your opinions please.
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, May 4, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  10. Light-Rune Maven
    So here is why: School. NOT "Oh school is so hard for me, school is depressing, I wish it was over." This is more like: "Why do those moronic brats who have the nerve to think they are old enough to be considered Teenagers such Imbecilic Jerks!" I mean, SERIOUSLY.

    First they call me whiny because: I state the fact that any other joke of the same kind as mine is funny unless -I- say it. (Yes I understand this reaction seems whiny, but I will get that in a moment.) THEN because I'm slightly angry about it, my teacher ask me what is wrong; I tell her and those little twerps call me a TATTLE TALE. You guys are seriously gonna resort to a term usually used to describe the behavior of a 3-7 year old, because I was ASKED A QUESTION? Now of course that made me mad but that is not what got me to writing this. (Or -actually- admittedly whining.) The reason is because this is NOT the first time that has happened in that class. (Yes its always the same class.)

    Brief history: People didn't really like me when I was a little kid so I eventually got home schooled. I didn't end up going out much and didn't even really care about socializing or making friends after a certain point. But things got way too busy and my parents couldn't really teach me anymore; the nearby home school group wasn't going to help because I couldn't even get in till the next school year. So rather than spend all of next year only getting an education on Friday, we went back to public school. it's a smallish one, so it wasn't to extremely uncomfortable a shift. But I still sit at lunch alone after a year and while I do have Acquaintances, I don't really have many friends.... other than all my teachers... with if whom I were to start a conversation it could go on for hours.... moving on. So Having other people to talk to is more than a distant dream from KH now, it's a hope, and every time I feel a little bit like it might actually happen some day... THIS HAPPENS!

    Back to the present. Whenever I'm upset enough I start thinking about all the times in my life that I did something stupid or got really mad at someone, and I just get further and further into the dumps. I feel like no one wants to be my friend, not really, and that the few people who care to get to know me all go away eventually. So now I'm angry AND depressed; hence the whining. Furthermore I feel like if I see the girl who started the class getting on to me next week, I will EXPLODE, or at least become angry and ruin the rest of my day. (This day has been ruined as well; and it was a half-day.) Even video games didn't help with this for long. I feel like an idiot.

    I know I should just ignore them, but since I can't get a word in to those people, I feel like I'M getting ignored even when I ignore them.

    Please help.
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Apr 26, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  11. Light-Rune Maven


    We're planning to talk about Sora right? ..... Let's start then....
    What do you like about his character?
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Apr 25, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  12. Light-Rune Maven


    HA! I beat the rest of you scum to it! Anyway here's a thread for discussion, "I expect you to use it"-Siax voice. So here we go....
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Apr 18, 2013, 7 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  13. Light-Rune Maven

    An Idiot

    ...... Yeah so anyone ever do stupid stuff? of course you did. Any funny stories?
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Apr 2, 2013, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Light-Rune Maven
    So, to the few of you who knew this was coming, Here it is; Steels story. It's long and mysterious and I hope somewhat creepy. But don't be disappointed that he does not have a keyblade; that was for the purpose of the RP. I came up with this story a long time ago, but could never make the ends meet the way I wanted to. Now I have, SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, the prologue. Enjoy

    It was a cold wet afternoon. Rain was pouring down and fog could be seen in the distance. It was the normal weather; at least it was in Hypnos Terra. There were not many people around, but there was a young girl standing all by herself. She was tall with soft, long white hair, and blue eyes. She wore a white t-shirt, blue jeans, tennis shoes, and a black duster. She was standing within a gazebo, at the edge of a park, observing a nearby performance. Masked men and women were dancing in the street; wrapped in black cloaks, they continued to dance and sing as the rain poured harder and harder. “Why do they do it?” She asked herself. “Why do they continue to perform in this pouring rain?”
    What was stranger still was that people usually came out to watch. She looked around but saw no one today. She thought about the place she was in, the town called Hypnos Terra. It was a strange name, It seemed so unrealistic. But this is where she was stuck; this was the newest place foster care had taken her. She sighed as she grabbed her backpack. At least the the fresh air had helped to clear her head. She turned to run out into the pouring rain, not caring if she got wet. She was rather surprised to crash into someone instead. Papers were scattered about the gazebo as she and a boy her age fell to the ground.

    She groaned as she rose from the ground. Right across from her, the boy sat up and rubbed his forehead. “I Apologize.” He said to her. He began to gather up the papers. He was also a tall person, taller than she was. His hair was dark blue, as were his hoodie jacket and tennis shoes. He wore blue jeans, a white t-shirt and slight scowl. His eyes also dark blue; they could be compared to a whirlpool out at sea.

    “No, it’s alright.” She said. She started to gather up papers as well. Surprisingly none of the papers had fallen outside the protection of the gazebo. There was one paper however, that had fallen uncomfortably close to the wet rain. Next to it laid an empty white envelope. It seemed to be a letter for someone. For some reason the letter seemed important, as if it was something she should see. So she stopped to read the contents of the paper she now held in her hands. She was quite surprised at what she found.

    Dear Professor
    Regarding our discussion on the research of ancient prophecies, I have found the one you had requested. It was not easy; the prophecy is very old, only one copy of the book holding it exists. I know you are a busy person, so please contact me whenever you can. The subject material is just as you described, and it will definitely take some work to estimate what the civilization was like based on the contents of this book. I have to ask though… why does this interests you all of a sudden? You don’t have to tell me, I suppose. But if you’re in some kind of trouble, you can tell me.
    Clair Alice Bright

    “What the…” The girl was shocked by the contents. “Who…” But her thoughts were quickly interrupted.

    “Excuse me.” The boy Said form in front of her. The girl looked up to see that all the books and papers had been stacked neatly into two piles. “I have to deliver that letter.”

    “Oh, right, sorry.” She folded the letter, placed it in the envelope, and gave it to the boy.

    “So you’re the new student right?” He asked. His eyes had an appraising look about them, as if he were trying to determine everything about her merely by sight.

    “Umm, yes…” the girl was now unsure of the boy; the letter had thrown her off. She would never have guessed its contents. “I’m sorry I read it.” She told him.

    “Don’t be, it wasn't anything private. I was told to deliver it; I wasn't told it wasn't for prying eyes.

    “But the writer was clearly concerned about someone’s safety. She thought that someone was being blackmailed or worse.” She didn't know how to respond to the boys complete lack of concern.

    “She told me that she worries about that kind of stuff all the time, and that it was nothing to worry about.” The boy shrugged off the subject and started a new one. “So what are you doing here?” he asked.

    The girl decided to play along. “Oh, I just needed some fresh air, what about you?”

    “I enjoy watching the Masquerade’s performances.” He told her as he looked out onto the street. The Masked men and women continued all kinds of performances, as if they were at a carnival. After a brief silence, the girl spoke up.

    “Well I better go.” She watched his face for any change.

    “All right then,” He said with a perfectly straight face. “I hope you enjoy it here.”

    “Thank you.” She said. She gathered all her things, and hurried out into the pouring rain. Once she was away, she whispered to herself: “What’s going on? I didn't write that letter.” As Clair turned to look back at the boy, she could have sworn he was smiling all of a sudden.

    As Clair neared the Dorm she saw a boy and a girl at the sidewalk. They seemed to be talking about something important. As she neared though the Boy; who had Red hair green eyes and wore jeans, a black t-shirt, a lab coat, and white gloves; gave the girl a smile and walked away.
    As she came closer, the girl turned to see who was approaching. She had long black hair and green eyes similar to that of the boy who just left. She wore a knee length black skirt, Black boots, and a black t-shirt. She smiled warmly as Clair approached. “Hi!” She said cheerfully. “You must be Clair Alice Bright. We have a name in common, I’m Alice Aquila.” She extended her hand.

    “It’s nice to meet you.” Clair Responded. “If you don’t mind me asking, who were you just talking to?”

    “Oh that was my brother Leonidas. Everyone calls him Leo. He just went back to the boys’ dorm.” Clair thought that explanation made sense. Of course he would come to see his sister. “Let’s go inside shall we? It’s very wet out here.” Clair realized that she hadn't even felt the rain anymore until Alice said something. It was strange, but she followed Alice inside.

    The rest of the evening was uneventful. Alice introduced her to some of the other girls, and then she finished her homework, and ate dinner. As she was getting ready for bed, her thoughts drifted back to the strange letter and the boy that had been delivering it. She decided to ask Alice about him tomorrow, seeing as how Alice had taken it upon herself to be Clair’s guide. When she turned out the lights and lay down in bed, her thoughts drifted once again; this time to a book she had found in the Public Library after leaving school. But she could not think of why her thoughts turned there. Not long after, she fell into sleep.
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Mar 14, 2013, 14 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Light-Rune Maven

    The Song...

    Of the Water Buffalo......................................................
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Mar 8, 2013, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Light-Rune Maven
    I mean right when Setzer begins the Fight in KH2 it sounded like "My life is a chip in your pie!"... That confused me. Having no knowledge of Final Fantasy VI, and not being very well versed in the ways of the internet, i just let it Slide. Even though i was pretty sure that wasn't what he said. For years I would laugh when I suddenly thought "My Life is a chip in your pie!" lol. I know i'm an idiot. I just assumed he meant he was out of place or something like that. Later when i learned about the usefulness of the internet, i watched some of a walk-through of FF6. Thus finally acknowledging that what he had said was "Pile". But I also learned that he says this when he joins the party. Don't get me wrong, I learned all this years ago. It just suddenly struck me, Shouldn't there be a different line to start the battle? One that doesn't propose Loyalty to the character? So I ask you FF6 experts, if there is a Setzer line you think should have opened the fight.
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 16, 2013, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Light-Rune Maven
    I Just wanted to say that to all of you wonderful people. Speaking of wonderful the Tea party is today right?
    Between that and the fact that today is the last full day of school this week, (tomorrow is a half-day) I'm having a great morning! What do you guys like about Valentines Day?
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 14, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Light-Rune Maven
    Did anyone other than me realize that Its not in DDD? In my personal opinion, its always been sora's TRUE basic keyblade.... if anyone responds to this i'll explain further cause I have to go now...
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 10, 2013, 23 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Light-Rune Maven
    Someone help me? Uplifting comments? Jokes? Stupidity? Anything will do really. Please! :(
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 10, 2013, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Light-Rune Maven


    So... Anyone besides me like these? (if so dont give away books 4 and 5 i havent read them)
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 7, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Literature