I'm staying, I started my stuff and I'm finishing it, hope you don't mind having me.
Storm looked at Fardel as he turned to face them. He put a hand on the boy's shoulder, smiling gently."You did the right thing, you let your anger out. I'm proud."He said and lightly punched his arm.
Storm only nodded at the healer's words, looking to the side to see that Michelo came to them. He nodded his greetings with a small smile, then saw Fardel's wounds slowly vanish.
Storm retreated with the others, mostly sticking to Fardel and looked over his unconscious body. He didn't even look at Alisha."Will he be okay?"He asked.
"His heart is clouded with vengeance."Storm started, glancing to the side at Michelo."If he kills the emperor, then what?I doubt he has even thought this through. If he takes his vengeance, this kingdom and its people will be thrown into chaos, can you imagine the atrocity?"He said.
Storm bit his lower lip and looked over at the Emperor, then glanced down, unsure of whose side to take. He gripped the keyblade in his hand, then looked at Fardel."Spare him.."
Storm focused his eyes on the battle, looking between Fardel and the emperor. He wasn't sure who would win. Fardel had a lot of fight in him but the Emperor was quite skilled himself.
Storm stepped back and his keyblade appeared in his hand, staring at the two combatants."Just let me know what I can do to help!"He shouted to Fardel.
Storm only stood there, staring at Fardel and then the Emperor, bowing his head briefly with greeting and respect. Would Fardel go through with this? It wasn't that Storm was taking sides, something like this could leave a big mess..he wanted to avoid that.
He made it into town, looking from side to side. He merged through the crowds of people until he came up to the market part of the small town. He paused, seeing the top of the temple from where he stood. he smiled, having fond memories of traveling here with the Gullwings. Even if he didn't understand them, and vice versa, he cared for all of them.
Storm stared at Fardel, smirking a little bit and looking forward. He crossing his arms looking forward."My good sir.."He said, uncrossing his arms."The emperor is only one man, still..killing him could start a global war..with every action comes a reaction, just warning you."
Storm walked alongside Fardel and looked to the side at him."And your visit to the emperor will be a peaceful one? Don't be too noisy.."He said, his smile remaining as he kept alongside the man.
Chin stumbled along from the beach, his hand tracing the wall and his eyes down. He had been out for nearly three days. No wonder he felt so weakened. Fiends were wise not to mess with him during his long sleep but it wouldn't exactly help him contact the gullwings. There was a couple of people on the island he knew, however, could help him."Ruru.."He murmured in his broken English.
Storm saw a trio of people pass him towards the palace and he blinked. Then nodded."THis emperor is popular all right..maybe I can talk to him.."He said, running up and spotting the trio at the front."Hey"He greeted, nodding to Alisha, Fardel, and Michelo."What brings you here?"
"Nnngh.."The water splashed at his side again, stirring him from unconsciousness. He slowly leaned up, wincing at a splitting headache and looked around. It was a beach, not just any."Besaid.." He thought to himself. He stood, his legs feeling like jello and he fell back on his bottom. he tried shaking the stars from his eyes, He tried to remember what had happened..he fell off the Celsius..then nothing..how long had he been out? Judging by his swollen dry tongue and weak legs, more than a day..
Name: Qui Young Chin Age: 23 Race: human Appearance: Default Dressphere: Samurai Ultimate Dresspshere: Fēng xǐ dāo (Wind Cutter) Bio: Qui Young Chin is a friendly young man who speaks broken English, most likely because he came from a different part of Spira. Many mysteries and questions come up around his past however, he's helped the Gullwings a few times before without really revealing much about himself. His broken English is a consequence of his inadequacy with other people, or..it could be a clue to his jumbled past. Either or, he is friendly, and somewhat mysterious. Weapon: Samurai: Katana of Yoshinaka Feng Xi Dao: Steel Fans of the beautiful west.
( OOC: Is it too late to join this? )
Storm walked down the city street, seeing a group of people pass him on their way to the palace. He stuck his hands in his pockets and smally smiled, he couldn't blame them the emperor seemed quite popular nowadays.. He saw a man passing him on his way to his house, tilting his head."Huh..must be doing some research.."He said, smiling a little, it was a busy day it seemed.
Storm breathed and stood straight, making sure the ground was stable before nodding gently."Okay..everything seems in order..I just hope it stays that way."He said. Whatever was going on, he only hoped that he would never be in the thick of it. He sighed and scratched the back of his head."Now where do I go.." OOC: Sorry for no post, been busy
Name: Storm Age: 17 Weapon:Odin Gender: Male Relationships:None at the moment Side/Occupation: The side of light Appearance: Storm Bio: Kross was born in the city in the Bright Empire. He was a gifted mage at birth, able to awaken when he was ten years old. He was unfortunate, his parents were separated from him when he turned twelve and he strived to find them amidst the war, chaos, deceit, and darkness. He is very nice towards people, treasuring friendship over his own life.This has gotten him far in life, despite the war and it has made him see that there would be a bright side to all of this. He wants to find his parents, he loves them and no matter what the task, he would be ready to overcome it.