Happy Birthday, Midny! You're an old hag now, so maybe people will stop mistaking you for an 11 year old.
Impressions? Irn Bru? Haggis? Favourite Scottish Phrase/Word? Prepare to Die, Eggbear? Member you'd like to punch in the face?
Cat's already had a question time.
I guess I can try it out. Haven't played Halo since Reach. I'mma die a lot.
Have a heart.
Bet you'd fuck Kelly's.
Impressions? What do you think of the Brony fanbase? Best villain from FiM? Which former member of staff would you like back?
Whilst stabbing your various Voodoo dolls of certain members on the site. > this thread > nice
Oh the irony .
Hahahaha, jack my swag.
Name: Feenie Anime/TV Video Games Music Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler Digimon Inu x Boku SS (Watanuki, Karuta) Arashi No Yoru Ni Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai! (Togashi Yuuta) Card Captor Sakura Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Hyouka (Satoshi) Madoka Magica (Mami, Sayaka, Homura) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 ONLY) (Donnie, Mikey) Pokémon (Grovyle) Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky (Grovyle, Celebi) Legend of Zelda Tales of the Abyss (Guy, Anise) Tales of Vesperia (Rita, Karol) Tales of Graces (Hubert, Pascal) Tales of Xillia Tales of Symphonia (Genis) Portal/Portal 2 (Chel, GLaDOS) Ace Attorney Mother Earthbound/Mother 2 Mother 3 Murray Gold Nintendo (more specifically, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky) I have other interests, but they aren't interesting me much, so I thought I'd leave those uninteresting interests out of this interests list. By the way I totally could've just filled in this entire list with Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky.
Just how Kelly likes it.
It did so much damage that the video wiped itself out of existence.
dat Lickitung
This place hardly seems important to me anymore. This makes me sad.
Calling it right now. It's totally Descole.