do you think Sanctuary will be the theme song of BBS or will they use a new song?
wait, you have to hold down A? I thought you just had to mash it. I'll try that thanks
is there a certain way to activate it? I have the panel equipped and I know it only works when your health is down, but nothings happening
everyone says I look like Seth Rogan
I found one! thanks.
where can you get a Rune Tech+?
math is hard
a prequel would be a great time to put in the Crisis Core gang, teaming up with Zack, with Genesis as an optional boss. I mean, didn't Nomura make CC too?
Sometimes I feel like checkin' out I want to get it wrong Can't always be strong And love it won't be long... ���������������������������������������� currently my favorite song
do you think squeenix would re-release it for PSP like Rockstar did with GTA: Chinatown Wars?
well there will probably be more voiceover in XIII than in BBS, so maybe BBS won't take as long
Lego Island 3
that would be nice but it probably won't happen. actually, come to think about it, I hope it doesn't happen because they would only get it in japan... days has only been out 4 days in na and people are already talking about remakes
how much longer do you think it will be before I get it back?
excuse me a minute... *bawls* now, what were you saying?
I bought one for $10 at goodwill. it was broken, but I didn't know that.
what ever happened to good ol' "kick the can"?
avi: 5/10 sig: 9/10 PWND
DemyxPlaysMySitar I see your name as that in the corner of my eye