grand! i was hoping to go in lolita this year, but my hopes were dashed. xD
that's cool. ^^ *goes to wiki to find out more* do you know what the drama is about?
i WISH i could go. but i can't. therefor, i shall stop wishing. v.v lucky tobi cosplayer.
really? which drama?
it is! ^^ now i'm addicted. xD the song is kinda sad, dark-- but lovely all the same. xD
damn. we have failed. *keels over* X________x
seems like someone likes arashi, no? xD
xD hello! ^^ xD
ya, he does call her fat. XD poor naruto. xD
i already did, ollie. ^^
sorry sweetheart, that's up to her. xD *throws pillow at gaby*
yersh... he calls sakura fat, ugly, b*tch... the list goes on! and he seems to favor commenting on naruto's manlyness. xD
this lilly is good. :D and gaby's fine too.
she should be. :3
i know! sasuke pwns deidara in fights, but deidara pwns sasuke in arts and crafts. :D sai is very funneh. xD
helloooooo brudda-brudda.
nope. can't. that's on the whole other side of the u.s for me.
well...... it stole a lot of stuff from me. my key-chain, my phone, my bracelet AND my necklace.
nope. (me and hope actually fought over the hats. xD) i'm the one wearing the bunny hat. ^^ my name is something i'm proud of.
just check all of my albums. i think its the one of the mega con. my last name is choate (my german heritage) and my family is well-known for...