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  1. heartless_angel
    I'm gonna be visiting my family over the next month. I'm not positive if I'll have connection there, but if I can, I will post if I can.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, May 30, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  2. heartless_angel
    This is basically the Sychronize RP I made a while back and watched it fail miserably T^T
    I've changed some things, mostly in the battles and terms. The rest is basically about the same.

    2050 in the continent called Kimpo. The land known for peace and love through music. Music was the core of Kimpo and incorporated in many forms of competitions, symphonies, and as a symbol of peace Many of nations came together and wanted an end to the bickering and quarrels they had for centuries. The rest of the nations that wanted competition and occupation didn’t agree to their customs as well as having very little luxury goods on their lands and launched a full scale attack on the lands of innocent people and children, killing many. So for the final time, the nations raised their arms and fought the occupying nations, wiping them off the map.

    The peaceful nations may have won the battle, but the results were bittersweet however. The war led to billions of casualties and a once beautiful continent, Kimpo was now a wasteland full of death and memories full of pain and sorrow. To ensure this would never happen again, the surviving nations forged an agreement to state that they will never go fight again against each other and to remove every lethal weapon off the face of Kimpo and decide to reform what was left into a citadel for music and peace. They created a committee solely for this purpose called the United Peace Committee (UPC). They split Kimpo into 5 sectors; 4 of them represented a different part of melodies and symphonies and the 5th was the capitol. The center of the continent was the capitol of Kimpo called Melodia. There at Melodia, would be a place where instead of using threats and weapons to compete, they would use music. Seeing as music as the new status, people started to look down upon the people with disabilities. It depended on the person from as being nothing from a sprained finger to major discrimination when a person is deaf. The normal folk called them the “Despaired.” The leaders tried their best to close the gap, but in their world, as long as music remained dominant, there could be no way to fix the discrimination between the Despaired and the regular people. So they created a way for the Despaired to return back to society. Every year, each of the regions’ leaders would come together to Melodia to hold the Major Revival Symphony (MRS). Here is where the best players from the 5 regions would come together to compete for the grand prize: a chance to remove one disability. For those who are already fine, they take back bragging rights and many other privileges not available to the normal person. The Despaired were satisfied with this and agreed with this plan.

    50 years of hard work and many competitions, the land of Kimpo seems to be restoring from its deep scar from the war. The landscape was now being filled with people and life, not as enough before the war, but a good start. Despaired and the normal people actually getting along and even accepting each other despite their weakness in music. It was silenced quickly when a major attack occurred in Melodia when an unknown organization started to bomb the performance hall where they held the 50th MRS. There were many fatalities and even many were injured. This stirred up a larger fuse between the Despaired and the normal people, blaming each other for the action. Just when they were ready to accept each other, the gap widened again, but even larger now. It seemed at this point that unity would never happen.

    10 years of bitter arguments and even close to violence, it looks as if the continent would split again. The condition has not improved in 2110. Discrimination is subtle, but very noticeable on the streets. Each Despaired walking down the street is a victim of any normal mob and vice versa to a normal person. In school, the regular kids pick on the Despaired and place them on the bottom of the social scale. Older generations keep pondering if what they really did was the right thing and longing for the peace and happiness they once experienced.

      • No godmodding/power playing (Though if either players agree, you can power play in some cases)
      • I do not have a problem with the limits on language/romance/violence though make sure you know when your limit is at
      • Try to keep killing off of radar. Tis RP should not involve any death...for now
      • No removing other players unless the owner and I give approval
      • Your character cannot learn more than 4 instruments unless I have given you the all clear to create The Honored. I will keep tabs on how many there are in this RP.
      • No RP out here is perfect. If you wish to discuss things with me, please feel free to do so. I shall listen to your opinions and decide whether it should be incorporated or not
      • This is rather a very character interactive RP. I will expect you to post pretty frequently. If life is really taking a toll on you, I understand, but please to notify me as I may have to move on.
      • If you learned an electric instrument, you also learn the regular instrument as well. Keep in mind that this only counts as leaning one instrument though.
      • For Synchronization battles, I'll let you guys judge at your own pace and style though don't make these battles go for LONG periods of time unless it's a major event
      • Instead of adding a bio, try incorporating it within your story and role playing. It makes it a lot more interactive
      • Please have fun :)
    Thread by: heartless_angel, May 17, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. heartless_angel


    Sign in here ---> <-----------​

    You are the music while the music lasts - T. S. Eliot
    2050 in the continent called Kimpo. The land known for peace and love through music. Music was the core of Kimpo and incorporated in many forms of competitions, symphonies, and as a symbol of peace Many of nations came together and wanted an end to the bickering and quarrels they had for centuries. The rest of the nations that wanted competition and occupation didn’t agree to their customs as well as having very little luxury goods on their lands and launched a full scale attack on the lands of innocent people and children, killing many. So for the final time, the nations raised their arms and fought the occupying nations, wiping them off the map.

    The peaceful nations may have won the battle, but the results were bittersweet however. The war led to billions of casualties and a once beautiful continent, Kimpo was now a wasteland full of death and memories full of pain and sorrow. To ensure this would never happen again, the surviving nations forged an agreement to state that they will never go fight again against each other and to remove every lethal weapon off the face of Kimpo and decide to reform what was left into a citadel for music and peace. They created a committee solely for this purpose called the United Peace Committee (UPC). They split Kimpo into 5 sectors; 4 of them represented a different part of melodies and symphonies and the 5th was the capitol. The center of the continent was the capitol of Kimpo called Melodia. There at Melodia, would be a place where instead of using threats and weapons to compete, they would use music. Seeing as music as the new status, people started to look down upon the people with disabilities. It depended on the person from as being nothing from a sprained finger to major discrimination when a person is deaf. The normal folk called them the “Despaired.” The leaders tried their best to close the gap, but in their world, as long as music remained dominant, there could be no way to fix the discrimination between the Despaired and the regular people. So they created a way for the Despaired to return back to society. Every year, each of the regions’ leaders would come together to Melodia to hold the Major Revival Symphony (MRS). Here is where the best players from the 5 regions would come together to compete for the grand prize: a chance to remove one disability. For those who are already fine, they take back bragging rights and many other privileges not available to the normal person. The Despaired were satisfied with this and agreed with this plan.

    50 years of hard work and many competitions, the land of Kimpo seems to be restoring from its deep scar from the war. The landscape was now being filled with people and life, not as enough before the war, but a good start. Despaired and the normal people actually getting along and even accepting each other despite their weakness in music. It was silenced quickly when a major attack occurred in Melodia when an unknown organization started to bomb the performance hall where they held the 50th MRS. There were many fatalities and even many were injured. This stirred up a larger fuse between the Despaired and the normal people, blaming each other for the action. Just when they were ready to accept each other, the gap widened again, but even larger now. It seemed at this point that unity would never happen.
    10 years of bitter arguments and even close to violence, it looks as if the continent would split again. The condition has not improved in 2110. Discrimination is subtle, but very noticeable on the streets. Each Despaired walking down the street is a victim of any normal mob and vice versa to a normal person. In school, the regular kids pick on the Despaired and place them on the bottom of the social scale. Older generations keep pondering if what they really did was the right thing and longing for the peace and happiness they once experienced.

    • Kimpo before the war was a large continent filled with beautiful fields, lush forests, towering cities, and large scale farms. After the war, it was all craters and burnt land. 60 years put a good look on Kimpo as well as the 5 sectors, but it’s never enough to restore the real beauty it had. For crime, every sector has their own police force armed with specialized stun guns that can immobilize a group of people quickly. Each sector has their special school in teaching its form of music.



      Also known as “The City of the Future.” This sector is known for their superior technology and their music being incorporated into electronics. However, this leads to major loss in handicap points since of its convenience and diversity as well as a kind of loss to the originality of music and its basic pure form. If there is an instrument out there, Xanzo has it in an electric form. The city is very futuristic and heavily populated due to its highly knowledgeable people and their technology. Most of the technologies in other cities are created in Xanzo. Far off into the east is a ruined city polluted by strong pockets of radiation from the war. Many mutated creatures live there and claimed many lives of foolish explorers who wished to uncover secrets of the past. For general safety, the law enforcement has put that area on lockdown to prevent more casualties.

      Colpure- [​IMG]

      Flying over a giant mountain range, Colpure is a giant metropolis powered by powerful turbines keeping it in air. They are known for their musical knowledge involving windpipes and vocals. The only way to get o Colpure is through flying transportation or a monorail from Melodia that leads it to Colpure. Besides its knowledge of their own music, it’s known for its amazing sights of the mountain ranges and its exhibit of over 500 species of birds they keep there. There is also an old air base on Colpure that is now reformed into a war museum talking about the war. Underneath Culpure is a crater full of hazardous waste where precious gems are mined by the miners. This is where they once were settled in, but had to leave due to having hazardous waste beneath them. Now, the crater has abundant amounts of gems and harvested for its main revenue.

      Except not as menacing looking :p
      The land…or more like the island known for their string music and their knowledge in it. Zalta is a huge island with a city split in two parts: one on top, and the other underwater. The upper part of the city is in its humid jungle biome while the under part is a giant city where the residents live and want to take a look at the sea wildlife. Connecting the top and bottom is a giant elevator through the 2 towers in Zalta: one above and one below. Fish and tropical fruits is the main food source here and also being shipped to other sectors. Zalta is also known as the most romantic place in Kimpo due to its beautiful beaches and its unhindered sight of the moon and stars at night. Getting here is simple due to the ease of having ferries that can be taken to Zalta, flying there…or for the people who wish to swim to Zalta as they are either dumb or stupidly dumb as the waters are spotted with dangerous sea creatures. Sea mines from the war also litter around Zalta, but most are dysfunctional and far away from public. There also is an underwater city a few miles off of Zalta that was abandoned during the first war when it was built on a cliff, but the cliff broke and fell into the ocean. It holds many secrets and hidden articles about the past and the war, but it’s currently too dangerous for normal people to visit due to aggressive animals living around there and also being surrounded by sea mines.

      Farj- [​IMG]

      The oldest city in Kimpo as also known where the first people settled here in this fertile land. The land known for percussion and piano and their knowledge in it. One can say Farj is the least technological city in Kimpo. Farj has the smallest population than all of the other sectors, but it’s very famous and well used because Farj is surrounded by 3 biomes: plains, a giant lake, and the jungle/mountains. This makes Farj the best land used for farming and also 95% of the food source of Kimpo comes from Farj. Farj also holds the largest zoo in Kimpo, holding thousands of animals due to their diverse biomes and landscapes with many endangered species from the result of the war. They also have daily tour rides around the whole sector, showing all the lovely biomes and sights. Easily accessible by foot and all forms of transportation. Many of the Despaired live in Farj because the other cities despise them and Farj is people living off the old ways of living, making the Despaired a lot more comfortable in Farj. Farj despises the land of Xanzo and their technology, saying they are straying off the customs of Kimpo where they wouldn't rely too much on technology.

      Melodia- [​IMG]
      The Heart of Kimpo and also located in the middle of the 4 sectors. This is where all the different cultures blend together in one large metropolis. If someone were to be born here, they can hold all the knowledge of music in their hands. However, only the wealthy and powerful live in Melodia. Here is where also the MRS is held every year in the giant conference hall they own. The UM also hold their place here next to the conference hall. Underground subways also connect to the other 4 sectors. Melodia seems to favor the technology of Xanzo as it makes living and the transportation in Melodia more convenient. There’s also a giant monument that shows the victims in the fateful attack 10 years ago.


      Not much is known of Shivga. If a person was deemed too far evil for a local jail, they would be sent to Shivga, an infamous prison where once in, no one would ever get back out. Located on an island far off the shores of Kimpo, only a secret underwater rail leads to it and even then, only special personal are authorized to visit it. Some say it was just a normal prison. Others say it’s a death camp where people would work until they died. Whatever the rumor is, nothing leaves Shivga intact.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Mar 22, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. heartless_angel
    NOTICE: I have made major changes to the section of Synchro battles after hearing some feedback. The whole notion shall still be implemented in the RP, but its been modified heavily.
    You are the music while the music lasts - T. S. Eliot
    2050 in the continent called Kimpo. The land known for peace and love through music. Music was the core of Kimpo and incorporated in many forms of competitions, symphonies, and as a symbol of peace Many of nations came together and wanted an end to the bickering and quarrels they had for centuries. The rest of the nations that wanted competition and occupation didn’t agree to their customs as well as having very little luxury goods on their lands and launched a full scale attack on the lands of innocent people and children, killing many. So for the final time, the nations raised their arms and fought the occupying nations, wiping them off the map.

    The peaceful nations may have won the battle, but the results were bittersweet however. The war led to billions of casualties and a once beautiful continent, Kimpo was now a wasteland full of death and memories full of pain and sorrow. To ensure this would never happen again, the surviving nations forged an agreement to state that they will never go fight again against each other and to remove every lethal weapon off the face of Kimpo and decide to reform what was left into a citadel for music and peace. They created a committee solely for this purpose called the United Peace Committee (UPC). They split Kimpo into 5 sectors; 4 of them represented a different part of melodies and symphonies and the 5th was the capitol. The center of the continent was the capitol of Kimpo called Melodia. There at Melodia, would be a place where instead of using threats and weapons to compete, they would use music. Seeing as music as the new status, people started to look down upon the people with disabilities. It depended on the person from as being nothing from a sprained finger to major discrimination when a person is deaf. The normal folk called them the “Despaired.” The leaders tried their best to close the gap, but in their world, as long as music remained dominant, there could be no way to fix the discrimination between the Despaired and the regular people. So they created a way for the Despaired to return back to society. Every year, each of the regions’ leaders would come together to Melodia to hold the Major Revival Symphony (MRS). Here is where the best players from the 5 regions would come together to compete for the grand prize: a chance to remove one disability. For those who are already fine, they take back bragging rights and many other privileges not available to the normal person. The Despaired were satisfied with this and agreed with this plan.

    50 years of hard work and many competitions, the land of Kimpo seems to be restoring from its deep scar from the war. The landscape was now being filled with people and life, not as enough before the war, but a good start. Despaired and the normal people actually getting along and even accepting each other despite their weakness in music. It was silenced quickly when a major attack occurred in Melodia when an unknown organization started to bomb the performance hall where they held the 50th MRS. There were many fatalities and even many were injured. This stirred up a larger fuse between the Despaired and the normal people, blaming each other for the action. Just when they were ready to accept each other, the gap widened again, but even larger now. It seemed at this point that unity would never happen.

    10 years of bitter arguments and even close to violence, it looks as if the continent would split again. The condition has not improved in 2110. Discrimination is subtle, but very noticeable on the streets. Each Despaired walking down the street is a victim of any normal mob and vice versa to a normal person. In school, the regular kids pick on the Despaired and place them on the bottom of the social scale. Older generations keep pondering if what they really did was the right thing and longing for the peace and happiness they once experienced.

      • No godmodding/power playing (Though if either players agree, you can power play in some cases)
      • Keep things at a PG-13 level (romance, violence, language, ect. You can censor the words)
      • Try to keep killing off of radar. This RP actually disapproves murder and death unless a plot twist occurs (which there will be Muhahahaha)
      • No removing other players unless the owner and I give approval
      • Your character cannot learn more than 4 instruments unless I have given you the all clear to create The Honored. I will keep tabs on how many there are in this RP.
      • Currently I don’t have a problem with character limit, but I like it when people have small amounts of characters and not like 20 to control. I’ll say try not to make over 5 characters at one time unless you are absolutely capable to do so. If a character is removed, you are more welcome to make more (Blah dumb rule)
      • This is probably the most important rule. When doing Synchro battles, PLEASE try to keep it a reasonable length. I don’t want a battle going over 100 posts. Try to keep it around 10 posts per person on average before ending the battle. A little less is better. Unless it is an important part in the story or a major group battle, try not to post too long in battles (Removed since Synchro battles has been modified to become more simpler)
      • No RP out here is perfect. If you wish to discuss things with me, please feel free to do so. I shall listen to your opinions and decide whether it should be incorporated or not
      • This is rather a very character interactive RP. I will expect you to post pretty frequently. If life is really taking a toll on you, I understand, but please to notify me as I may have to move on.
      • If you learned an electric instrument, you also learn the regular instrument as well. Keep in mind that this only counts as leaning one instrument though.
      • Please have fun :)
      (Rules may be modified and/or changed. I shall notify you peeps if that will happen)
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Mar 22, 2013, 7 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. heartless_angel

    I know there are a lot of posts about bullying and hate, but I really want to specify this project. To be honest, I can't really describe the words to explain the emotion and message rooted within the video he made. You guys have to see for yourselves. I feel that a lot of us out there can connect to this video and understand the feelings within it.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Feb 22, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Discussion
  6. heartless_angel
    Here's the link to the main RP:

    (Wow I can't believe I spelled extinction wrong XD)

    1. No Godmodding or Powerplaying
    2. I'll try to keep this PG-13 (language, romance, blabla), but this may lean more towards the not-so-pretty area. Be warned
    3. No killing others without permission from me and the victim
    4. Try to make posts every so often so the RP can move along.
    5. I will not allow anyone to play a child UNLESS you can absolutely prove to me you are an expert RPer and can handle the character well.
    6. Make some drama plox. Makes it more fun :3
    7. I might add more rules later on so keep that in mind
    8. Haz fun peeps C:

    OC Form (Max 3)~
    Level of Infection:
    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: Mya Stakes
    Age: 23
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Infected?: Yep
    Level of Infection: 5
    Bio: She was born in a middle class family. She had a lot in her future. She had outstanding grades, a black belt in martial arts, applied to a great art collage, and a wonderful mom and dad. That was until the virus broke out. Their family fled to the Dome, but short on money. With only enough for two, Mya told her mom and dad to go in and wait for her soon. She was 18 at this time. She got into contact with the virus during an attempted rape in the slums. She managed to fight her rapist off, but got his blood into her eye. For the next 5 years, she suffered horrendous effects of the virus, struggling to survive. She now uses what is left of her life to help out those in need.
    Other: Very selfless and will help out those in need, but can get carried away into how much she gives.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Jan 8, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. heartless_angel
    OOC Link here!

    Some of you may know that this is my third time making this RP. Well...I really want this RP to soar and grow, but it seems that people aren't too interested in these types of RPs. So I will try revamping this RP to my best ability and if this can't get enough posts, then I'll leave it in the dust :<

    The Beginning~

    Journal Log #1 (February 6, 2058)
    Fascinating discovery we made in the snowy Alps! We found a meteor lodged into the side of the mountain! A shame we could not bring the whole rock back to our lab, but we broke off chunks of it and took it back to our headquarters in England. The meteor seems to give off a strange glow that doesn't seem natural. Oh well. It looks very pretty this way. IF they let me, I might let my daughter hold a piece of this meteorite rock. Will start research on this very soon.

    Journal Log #2 (February 9, 2858)

    Remarkable! These rocks contain some sort of cells on them. This must explain the strange slow they give off! It's unknown what they do to us so we had to work in suits and a sealed lab. So far, these cells seem to have a structure of a virus of some sort. So far, we injected them into a monkey, a bird, and a fish. No symptoms have broke out on them yet. It seems like a harmless virus that is not effective against animals, but we shall keep close watch on this experiment as we still have no idea what effects they have on humans.
    Journal Log #3 (March 2, 2058)
    After about a month of observation on this strange new virus, we got some very confusing results. The fish and bird are still alive, but the monkey died. The main thing is that we don't know what caused the death. It seemed that the monkey just died because it got too old or we gave it spoiled food and some of us agree. I don't know. I keep saying that this virus was involved in this death, but they think I'm just overreacting. I hope they are right.
    Journal Log #4 (April 10, 2058)
    Another month has passed and looks like I was just overreacting. The bird and fish still live up to this day. In fact, we even tried giving these strains to more animal types like spiders, dogs, cows, various insects, and more. This should help speed up our research on this new virus. n the bad note, Jim got bitten by one of the dogs. I guess the dog doesn't like him too much. He's fine though. A little bite won't keep him out of work. I think we're missing one dog...
    Journal Log #5 (September 15, 2058)
    Jim was found dead in his home. Shot himself in the head. It was suspicious because at work, he always wasn't feeling well and he even started to talk to himself in disturbing context. Before he committed suicide, he was coughing up blood and was always delirious. We are worrying that the virus caught up to him. Even worse is that the towns nearby also had deaths that ended with heart failure and massive internal bleeding. It seemed that the dog made contact with town. How it spreads is still a mystery to us. We can't release information to the public yet. The last thing we need is panic within the public. We need more time.
    Every scientist I worked with died from the virus. The mosquitoes got into the building and got us. We were so close to finding the cure. The rest ran off to The Dome. I myself am dying and have not much time left. At least my family is safe in the dome. I probably won't see them though. Whoever finds this journal, please take it to the scientists. The back has crucial information on the virus and its mutations. A cure could be produced with the info I have. No one else knows about the truth of this virus. The fate- 'The rest of the entry is covered in blood and cannot be read'
    The year is now 2060, 2 years since the discovery of the new virus. Humanity lies on the brink of existence only 1 million are left alive in the world. In a last attempt to save themselves, the world powers created a gigantic dome in the middle of the USA in order to prevent the virus from reaching a place. There they created a private army of several thousand to protect them from the infected. The Dome is the place where the rich and powerful would be safe. The rest of the people were left out to rot in despair and death. Riots broke out and looters started to plunder every home and store available People started to claim places in the slums and start turf wars. Those who still were clean from the infection fled from the highly infected pockets and headed for the Wild or took their chances living in the cities. To show that they still cared, the government sent out convoys to the people living in the Ring and out into the slums and even some vaccines that can halt the process of the virus at an early stage, but it wasn't enough to put out the anger and pain the people had to experience.
    What is it?
    The virus was not given an official name as the original scientists did not name it before their deaths. The people however named it the Sixth Strike as the virus goes through 6 stages before killing the person if not killing them in the earlier stages. Even still, the virus is very unstable and unpredictable. A person can die within a few days or maybe a few years. The high symptoms can also have the ones of lower symptoms.
    The virus spreads through:
    Blood-to-blood contact
    Consumption of infected meat
    Consumption of infected human/animal fluids
    Sexual contact
    Stage 1: No symptoms. The virus disguises itself as a normal cell, making it very difficult to spot and treat
    Stage 2: Sneezing, coughing, minor cold-like symptoms. Very spreadable at this stage of the virus.
    Stage 3: Fevers, more severe cold-like symptoms, cramps, diarrhea, trouble staying on two feet. Virus cannot be halted at this stage
    Stage 4: High fevers, shivering, vomiting, burred vision, constant headache, feeling of weakness, minor internal bleeding, some delirium. Children and elderly may die at this stage.
    Stage 5: Malaria-like symptoms, moderate internal bleeding, loss of coordination, insanity, insomnia, possible organ damage and/or failure, excessive muscle cramps. Moderate survivability
    Stage 6: Massive internal bleeding, maximum insanity, possible permanent comas, shock, organ failure. Death is guaranteed.
    The Ring - The area around the Dome. This area is populated by many slum dwellers, many protesters, and sometimes raiders though guards are always on 24 hour watch and will shoot trespassers and looters if spotted.
    The Dome - The last save haven for humanity. All the world leaders and the wealthy made their home in here. It's a paradise here. Lush environment, fancy homes, and infinite supply of grown foods. Animals are restricted within the Dome as they can be infected.
    The Slums - What used to be a grand city now lays in ruins of plunders and turf wars. Many bystanders take shelter in ruined homes and buildings, hoping a convoy would arrive to their place. Many looters and raiders lurk around, waiting to abuse the weak and maybe take in a helpless female for their personal use.
    The Wild - Outside the slums is the nature. People avoid the area now since it's populated by rabid animals infected by the Sixth Strike. Only the brave live out here, making a home for themselves. Access to other countries are cut off since there is nothing left but ruins of a once great nation.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Jan 8, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. heartless_angel
    This issue applies to mostly MMOs and maybe a few other games out there. Nowdays, it's becoming more common to see classes that are gender locked. Some games for example would be C9, Vindictus, Dragon's Nest, and other games out there. Honestly, I don't have a big fit when it comes to gender of a class in an MMO, but some people find this not their taste and I can see why they would see this as an issue.

    In my opinion and a chunk of others, I don't see why a gender locked character is a bad thing. In fact, I think gender locking adds to a character's personality, even if it's small. Another thing is that it's probably better for that character to be what it is. For example, Vindictus has a character named Karok. He's a hella ripped dude who can punch the s*** out of things and just demolish enemies with a giant pillar. The picture would look awkward if a female did that. I'm not trying to be sexist and say that girls can't punch crap and throw giant pillars at enemies and look like they take steroids for breakfast (I hope there aren't any out there ._.), but it just looks unappealing. The last thing is equipment in game. Some games have female and male armor sets. In most cases, girls don't play MMOs (or there are guys who do play female characters and stuff, but still) and this causes a lack of female armors out in the market. Cmon, females don't play vid-*Gunshot*
    In this case, gender locking system can eliminate that can just put out one armor set for both sexes or that specific class.

    On the other hand, I do see hwy people dislike gender locking. Maybe they don't see a gender that should fulfill that role. I mean a female dual swordsman? Females can't use-*Gunshot again*
    Thus, some classes should be unisex and be available for both genders. Other than this reason, I'm not too certain what other good explanation is out there for a non-gender locked game :/

    This is my opinion on the argument of gender locking. Feel free to agree/disagree/add more and whatnot on this. I'd like to hear your opinions on this.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Jan 5, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. heartless_angel
    A lot of people really understate video games in the terms of stirring up emotions. When people watch movies and TV shows, there are moments when people cry and bawl like crazy. However, people scoff at games, saying all they do is provide entertainment and saying there is no room for that. I find that a whole lot of crap. Video games have a large amount of positional in giving people an emotional response. Not once have I had a strong emotional response from any movie I have watched in my entire life. EVER. When it came down to games, I had a lot of moments where I had deep sorrow or even cried. One, for example, is To the Moon. It's an Indie game and boy, it just made me cry in so many ways. Not gonna spoil anything, but the music combined with the amazing plot will make you tear up. I'd like to have your opinions. Do a lot of people tend to overlook the emotional concept in games? And if you can, share your moment where it moved you :D
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Sep 3, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. heartless_angel
    So I just got into watching and finishing Avatar both The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra and I really enjoyed the story of both (Yea I'm late and stuff. Sue me -_-). It inspired me to create an RP of the Anime series with OCs, but will have connections to the main characters in the Avatar series. This RP will take 100 years after the events of "The Legend of Korra" and anything after this is completely original and not related to the plot of Avatar. So if you did not watch the Avatar series, I suggest you avoid this RP as it will contain spoilers and you may be confused on this shmazz and whatnots

    (Info can change over time so I will notify if that happens. And PICS NOT MINE D8)

    The Story so Far...
    170 years ago, Avatar Aang and his friends took down the corrupt Fire Lord Sozin and restored balance to the Fire Nation. The United Republic of Nations was created between the 4 element nations after the end of the war. They created Republic City, a state created by the URN that holds people from all over the land of different nations. The new Avatar, Korra, helped Republic City after fighting with Amon and the Equalists.

    In the next 100 years, Korra and her friends helped rebuild the city after the damage Amon caused to the city. The threat was not over, however. During the 100 years, a new type of bending was somehow formed by expert benders. A type of bending that seemed to manipulate the shadows, darkness, and even the negativity in the minds of humans. It was agreed that this bending was not to be ever shown into public and/or used on others. One didn't agree. Waterbending expert Gyroe hid away from civilization and studied on how the bending worked. It was channeled through negative emotions and feelings. He then decided to create a nation who agreed on his ways and those who admired the new bending. He named it "Shadowbending". He wanted to change the world with the new bending. He and his "nation" started to capture and start coups in different cities. He eventually attacked Republic City, but was defeated by Avatar Korra and had his Shadowbending taken away. The problem was that the new bending transferred to the Avatar and now possessed the art of Shadowbending. Gyroe sill taught and collected more for his group. Years after Korra passed, Gyote was dying too, but he knew that the new Avatar would still hold the new bending and will lead the new nation

    The Art of Bending

    Waterbending~Element used to manipulate water, snow, ice, and liquids.cWaterbenders also have the ability to heal wounds using water. They are stronger in moonlight. Small amount of waterbenders can bloodbend, though it is illegal in the sight of other people. Bloodbending can only be used in the full moon, but some say a few rare waterbenders do not need the full moon to bloodbend...

    Firebending~Element used to control fire and heat. FIrebending is stronger in the daylight and even meteor showers. Firebending can be aligned with physical fighting moves. Only the strongest and mastered firebenders can also control lightning, though it is very risky to redirect lightning as it can kill the user

    Earthbending~Element used to manipulate the earth. Weather does not really make the element stronger or weaker, but the bender being on earth does make them better since they can “see” using the ground. Expert earthbenders can metalbend, manipulating metal objects just like earth

    Airbending~Element used to manipulate the air and winds. Just like earthbending, weather does not hurt or benfit airbending, but being in air does give them an advantage. Due to the last war, only a handful of airbenders exist.

    Shadowbending~A new type of bending used to manipulate shadows, darkness, and even the dark thoughts of humans. No one really knows how this bending works, but it’s only function is to control people, capture them with darkness, and destroy them from the inside out. All Shadowbenders are marked as enemies from all 4 nations

    1. Keep things at a PG-13 level (language, romance, violence, yada yada you get it)
    2. I know this can be hard to do since this type of RP is very fast paced especially in battle, but keep Godmodding and Power Playing to a minimum. I can notice you if you do it too frequently.
    3. Murder is a no-no unless you get confirmation from both the owner and me.
    4. Try staying on and posting frequently. It’s very frustrating to see a whole scene being stalled by just one person >_<
    5. Only a max of 3 characters per person. You can control NPCs as long as you ask me first.
    6. Remember, your OC does NOT have to be a bender (though I’m pretty sure y’all wanna be one xD)
    7. I warned you in the beginning, I’ll do it again. SPOILERS AT MAX.
    8. You can add more characters if your characters die and stuffz
    9. You read everything? Good. Post “Republic City Citizen” in your first post
    10. Have fun and keep it dramatic

    OC Form
    Type of Bender (If not bender, leave it blank):
    Other (Optional):
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Aug 24, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. heartless_angel
    Please sign up here ^^

    So I just got into watching and finishing Avatar both The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra and I really enjoyed the story of both (Yea I'm late and stuff. Sue me -_-). It inspired me to create an RP of the Anime series with OCs, but will have connections to the main characters in the Avatar series. This RP will take 100 years after the events of "The Legend of Korra" and anything after this is completely original and not related to the plot of Avatar. So if you did not watch the Avatar series, I suggest you avoid this RP as it will contain spoilers and you may be confused on this shmazz and whatnots :p

    (Info can change over time so I will notify if that happens. And PICS NOT MINE D8)

    The Story so Far...
    170 years ago, Avatar Aang and his friends took down the corrupt Fire Lord Sozin and restored balance to the Fire Nation. The United Republic of Nations was created between the 4 element nations after the end of the war. They created Republic City, a state created by the URN that holds people from all over the land of different nations. The new Avatar, Korra, helped Republic City after fighting with Amon and the Equalists.

    In the next 100 years, Korra and her friends helped rebuild the city after the damage Amon caused to the city. The threat was not over, however. During the 100 years, a new type of bending was somehow formed by expert benders. A type of bending that seemed to manipulate the shadows, darkness, and even the negativity in the minds of humans. It was agreed that this bending was not to be ever shown into public and/or used on others. One didn't agree. Waterbending expert Gyroe hid away from civilization and studied on how the bending worked. It was channeled through negative emotions and feelings. He then decided to create a nation who agreed on his ways and those who admired the new bending. He named it "Shadowbending". He wanted to change the world with the new bending. He and his "nation" started to capture and start coups in different cities. He eventually attacked Republic City, but was defeated by Avatar Korra and had his Shadowbending taken away. The problem was that the new bending transferred to the Avatar and now possessed the art of Shadowbending. Gyroe sill taught and collected more for his group. Years after Korra passed, Gyote was dying too, but he knew that the new Avatar would still hold the new bending and will lead the new nation

    The Art of Bending

    Waterbending~Element used to manipulate water, snow, ice, and liquids.cWaterbenders also have the ability to heal wounds using water. They are stronger in moonlight. Small amount of waterbenders can bloodbend, though it is illegal in the sight of other people. Bloodbending can only be used in the full moon, but some say a few rare waterbenders do not need the full moon to bloodbend...

    Firebending~Element used to control fire and heat. FIrebending is stronger in the daylight and even meteor showers. Firebending can be aligned with physical fighting moves. Only the strongest and mastered firebenders can also control lightning, though it is very risky to redirect lightning as it can kill the user

    Earthbending~Element used to manipulate the earth. Weather does not really make the element stronger or weaker, but the bender being on earth does make them better since they can “see” using the ground. Expert earthbenders can metalbend, manipulating metal objects just like earth

    Airbending~Element used to manipulate the air and winds. Just like earthbending, weather does not hurt or benfit airbending, but being in air does give them an advantage. Due to the last war, only a handful of airbenders exist.

    Shadowbending~A new type of bending used to manipulate shadows, darkness, and even the dark thoughts of humans. No one really knows how this bending works, but it’s only function is to control people, capture them with darkness, and destroy them from the inside out. All Shadowbenders are marked as enemies from all 4 nations

    1. Keep things at a PG-13 level (language, romance, violence, yada yada you get it)
    2. I know this can be hard to do since this type of RP is very fast paced especially in battle, but keep Godmodding and Power Playing to a minimum. I can notice you if you do it too frequently.
    3. Murder is a no-no unless you get confirmation from both the owner and me.
    4. Try staying on and posting frequently. It’s very frustrating to see a whole scene being stalled by just one person >_<
    5. Only a max of 3 characters per person. You can control NPCs as long as you ask me first.
    6. Remember, your OC does NOT have to be a bender (though I’m pretty sure y’all wanna be one xD)
    7. I warned you in the beginning, I’ll do it again. SPOILERS AT MAX.
    8. You can add more characters if your characters die and stuffz :p
    9. You read everything? Good. Post “Republic City Citizen” in your first post :)
    10. Have fun and keep it dramatic :D

    OC Form
    Type of Bender (If not bender, leave it blank):
    Other (Optional):

    Username: Heartless_angel
    Name: Mya
    Age: 17
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Female
    Type of Bender (If not bender, leave it blank): Earthbender?
    Bio: Daughter of one of the wealthy families in Ba Sing Se. She was born with Earthbending though her parents forbid her to use it. Frustrated with her parents, she ran away from Ba Sing Se and into Republic City. She then was taken in by a woman and a man both capable in Earthbending. There for the rest of her life, she trained and eventually started to Metalbend. Her new parents were eventually killed by Shadowbenders in a raid attack. She swore revenge on the Shadowbenders who killed her mentors and her family and trained in Republic City, ready for any other fight. Though it doesn't seem she can just Earthbend especially after the attack...
    Other (Optional): A hardy girl. Tough, but also faithful to her “friends”

    Name: Yaku
    Age: 20
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Male
    Type of Bender (If not bender, leave it blank): Shadowbender
    Bio: His father was Gyote. After he died, Yaku was responsible for taking over his father’s role. As a child, he was trained hard to learn the powers of Shadowbending. It turned him into a hard, cruel young man who had nothing but world domination in his mind. He led a small attack on Republic City to give them a warning about the return of them. It killed hundreds, including Mya’s mentors. He then started collecting others into his group including chi blockers. Eventually, he started a war with the Fire Nation, capturing half of their land and claiming it theirs.
    Other (Optional): Known as “The Fallen Shadow”
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Aug 20, 2012, 42 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. heartless_angel
    So earlier I made an RP called Biohazard (some may remember) and I closed it down. Why? Because I did a horrible job trying to make it. Story was bland, not enough descriptions, and other whatnots. So I've decided to scrap back to the drawing board and create up a new story to make and hopefully a better interesting storyline that people can be interested in.

    Btw, not for the happy, joyful people. You've been warned

    History- In 1942, a strange meteor crashed in the snowy cold lands of Russia. A few Russian scientists took the rock in and decided to examine it. What they found was a strange virus that affects humans and kills them from the inside out. They worked on it until the start of the Cold War. They were planning to use it to cause a biohazard in America when the launch failed due to advancing secret military troops. They had to blow up the laboratory to hide all evidence. It was all gone, but one sample remained. The secret troops took it to a secret lab in China. Until 2045, finding out that the virus could be used for biological warfare, they decided to test it out on some criminals. What they didn't know is that it was very contagious and very hard to detect. Soon, the test subjects and scientists died a few weeks later. It started with just 10 people. One year later, 95% of the population was infected with it. When the world found out, it was too late. Billions of people died in a matter of as long as years to mere amounts of weeks and others infected and seriously sick. In a last attempt plan, all the world powers created a giant dome in the middle of USA and placed all the military forces inside of it so anyone caught entering will be killed. They stayed safe as they already created a tamperer for the virus while the towns and societies outside went to hell.

    July 23, 2046- Population count is now 20 million. 10 million are infected and another 10 million are safe from it, in the dome or naturally immune to it. Military forces continue to grow slowly. More crime is committed on the streets. medicine is rapidly dropping away, government never giving a damn to the people outside. If people were lucky, they could barter the guards to smuggle their way into the dome, now called Safehaven. A cure has not been found yet, but the scientists are close to finding one. More rioters are joining the crowd surrounding Safehaven. When will this be over? The smell here is horrible. So many bodies are rotting away and we can't toss them away. I'm afraid of the young ones. They're sick and it will get worse. How much longer do we have to suffer?

    Situation- The virus has been given no official name. The outside world calls it the Hand of Death. It is a 6 step process from little symptoms to death. Government is holding out, hoping it will die off soon and then rebuild the world. Gangs and raiders are constantly terrorizing people for food, water, and rarely some medicine to halt the process temporarily.

    The Hand of Death- Coming on the meteorite, it can spread in a few ways. One is skin-to-skin contact. Another is sharing water, food, or others that involve human saliva/blood coming in contact with another human being. Each stage can carry on to another. The 6 stages are:

    1. Literally nothing. No one can tell if the person is infected. Reason why a cure cannot be found. The earlier it's found, the better chance to recover.

    2. Minor cold like symptoms. Cough, sneeze, and maybe a small headache.

    3. Normal cold like symptoms. Also minor fever. Can kill young children/old people if not taken seriously

    4. Major flu symptoms. Also migraines, major depression, hallucination, seizures, and minor internal bleeding

    5. 100+ fevers, delirium, shivers, painful cramps, irregular heart beat, normal to major internal bleeding, possible insanity and organ failure.

    6. Guaranteed death. Heart failure, liver failure, blindness, insanity, critical internal bleeding, malaria like symptoms, and blood clots


    Slums- The area around Safehaven. The slums was a beautiful city until the plague spreaded. People now live mostly inside, fear of the raiders that take and kill whatever that want, and looking for hope from the government. There are a lot of supplies here if people know where to look. Very dangerous at night as many gang activities happen mostly at night. A militia was created to protect the lives of the slum citizens from the raiders

    Villages- A lot farther away from the dome and mostly deserted. Many inhabitants headed to the slums for the medicine until it dropped out. A few live here. Not much supplies, but a lot of animals live here for food and other necessities. Very rarely do raiders come and attack here. Most of the people here are friendly.

    Safehaven- The place where everyone needs to go. The dome is impossible to penetrate, more than 3 million soldiers and armed vehicles stationed for a riot attack, and all the world's power leaders are camped here until a cure is made. No entry unless smuggled in. Only the most wealthy live in the grand exquisite homes in Safehaven

    Bunch of escaped convicts or poor people who want to grab what they can. Especially the medicine. They constantly attack different parts of the slums to see what they can get their hands on. Sometimes even a girl or two for their...purposes. The Safehaven army keeps them away from the core of the slums where the entrance of Safehaven is.

    1. No godmodding (I MIGHT do it a few times)
    2. Keep everything around an R rating (Yes, this RP can get pretty mature at times)
    3. Do not kill other characters unless I give you permission along with the owner of that OC
    4. Do not "Ditch" the RP without telling me. This seriously pisses me off and is a waste of time to those who need a response. The rule is if you do not post within 4 days of your last post, they WILL be killed off unless you notify me. Got it?
    5. I can add and/or change rules any time cause I am supreme leader here muhahahaha >8D
    6. Only 3 OCs max please. PM if you REALLY want more
    7. If you read everything, then put "6 stage" in your first post
    8. Enjoy!!! ^^

    OC Form-
    Age (Keep it above 18):
    Current location:
    Weapon(s)/Training (optional):
    Stage (Ignore if you put no above):
    Other (optional):
    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: Mya
    Age (Keep it above 18): 20
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Female
    Current location: Slums
    Weapon(s)/Training (optional): Handgun and good hand-to-hand combat
    Infected?: Yes
    Stage (Ignore if you put no above): 5
    Bio: She was born into a wealthy family and was a single child. In fact, her father was one of the scientists who worked with the Hand of Death. When the biohazard appeared, her family couldn't afford to bring her with them into Safehaven so they ditched her in an orphan shelter. She caught the disease at age 18 when she was attempted to get raped by some slum scumbags. She managed to get away but left with a disease that could kill her. Her job now is to comfort the people who are losing hope in their battle with the disease. She helps the Slum Millita grab supplies from nearby warehouses for the shelter they live in. Soon, they will try to break into Safehaven and try grabbing the antidote. Always in danger since her infection level is seriously high and constantly collapses into a horrible cramp or even a coma.
    Other (optional): Despire her weakness, she tries making things easier for other people. She also can kick some ass if needed to.

    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: Xane
    Age (Keep it above 18): 25
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Male
    Current location: Safehaven
    Weapon(s)/Training (optional): Expert in al types of weapons and martial arts. Caries a sniper rifle and an SMG
    Infected?: No
    Stage (Ignore if you put no above): N/A
    Bio: Born in a wealthy family, Xane was a talented strategist. He could beat every player in board games and won a national chess champion at the age of 6. Eventually, he joined the army after attending military school from age 13-20. He quickly rose from a mere private to a high ranking colonel in the US army. When the virus hit, he was given full charge to the 1st Brigade Safehaven Military, His job was to keep the Raiders and Slum Dwellers away from Safehaven, but also try distributing food to the rowdy crowd outside of Safehaven which continues to grow.
    Other (optional): Skilled planner. Always knows a plan in dire times.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Sep 15, 2011, 148 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. heartless_angel

    Dead Island

    I got it on release date and its very fun. I can't tell you the last time I played a sandbox zombie game. A good mix of L4D and Deadrising. It does get kinda lonesome if you don't play co-op. Opinions?
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Sep 7, 2011, 49 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. heartless_angel
    That's right. For the old hardcore fans, you may know what I'm talking about. My first RP on this site. IT'S BACK 8DDD

    To sign up, please go to the link posted below.

    Story- Dragons. Exotic creatures that roam the land of Aishia. Some are more popular than others. Some aren't. They were created to live alongside men and befirend them. That was not the case. The Fire region declared war and allied with the Dark region while the rest allied with the Light region and fought for 100 years. It collapsed. The Dark and Light regions were wiped off the land and were told to never be remembered again. The Fire region has been restricted to all people. Though the war is over, the motives are not. The Fire is planning. A plan that threatens the very land which people are oblivious to.

    Geography- The land of Aishia is a giant island separated into 6 major regions (8 if counting light and dark). Here are the info you'll need.

    Fire- A barren wasteland covered by molten rock and rainig fire. Population is a slim 250. The king rules with an iron fist. People caught entering or leaving are executed immediatly on the spot. The most aggressive dragons are found here. They have one of the highest attack power, but slower than the average dragon. They will attack anything on sight and brutally difficult to master. A non-friendly territory. Weak against water

    Water- Called "The land of Serenity." Very peaceful and very calm land. Also romantic with calm oceans, smooth sand beaches, and homes built ontop of water. This is where many starter dragon trainers learn and tame their first dragon. Water dragons are very friendly and easy to handle, but aren't very aggressive unless met by a fire dragon. Friendly territory. Weak against lightning

    Lightning- A town built on a mountain always raining and stormy. Very difficult to reach as flying is extremely risky. Lightning dragons are difficult to handle and neutral to humans. They make upfor their poor power with their agility. Fastest dragon after the extinction of Light dragons. Neutral land. Weak against earth

    Earth- The land of the wealthy. This is where the most wealthy dragon trainers and nobles live. People are very snotty and rude to poor people. Many contests and arenas are held here for entertainment. Earth dragons are very powerful, but friendly and somewhat easy to handle. Friendly land. Weak against wind

    Nature- The forest land. To surprise, they do not have a native dragon. It's basically a peaceful haven to dragons who want to rest. A mysterious temple lies in ruins in the middle of the forest. No one knows why. Natives here aren't very friendly though.

    Wind- Not a good vacationing place. Winds are always blowing at high speeds. Meant for endurance training for dragons. Wind dragons are friendly, but hard to handle. Very tough, but that's about it. Weak against fire

    Light- One of the ancient regions. Now all it lays is a smoldering ruin in the center of the island next to the remains of the Dark region. Light dragons are the fastest and uses it's speed to attack enemies by their weak spots. Weak against dark. Only 1 light dragon is known to be alive

    Dark- The other ancient region. Dark dragons are brutally aggressive. The strength of 500000 earth and fire dragons combined. Only one os known to exist. Weak against light.

    Dragon Info- Now that you learned a bit about them, here's more food for thought.

    -They can speak to you telepathically

    -You can RP as a dragon, but please ask me first

    -None of the dragons are identical

    -They can detect human emotions

    -Have an intrest to human hair

    -Heres a big thing. You can have hybrid dragons. HERE'S THE CATCH. If they are hit by an element they are weak to, they will take 4x the damage, not 2x. So choose your risks wisely.


    1. No godmod or PP (I might in some cases)

    2. Keep everything in a PG-13 range

    3. Only 3 OCs per char (You can make more if they die/go away)

    4. I am strict to your ditching. It irritates me A LOT. if you do not post within 5 days, I will assume you ditched and kill your character unless notified. NO EXCUSES

    5. Please try not to "take over" the RP. if you have ideas, please cofirm them to me first. I'd love to try to pot your ideas through.

    6. Rules can and will be changed.

    7. If you read everything so far, put "100" in your post.

    8. Has fun peeps :3

    OC Form-





    Type of Dragon:



    Thread by: heartless_angel, Aug 26, 2011, 190 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. heartless_angel
    That's right. For the old hardcore fans, you may know what I'm talking about. My first RP on this site. IT'S BACK 8DDD

    Story- Dragons. Exotic creatures that roam the land of Aishia. Some are more popular than others. Some aren't. They were created to live alongside men and befirend them. That was not the case. The Fire region declared war and allied with the Dark region while the rest allied with the Light region and fought for 100 years. It collapsed. The Dark and Light regions were wiped off the land and were told to never be remembered again. The Fire region has been restricted to all people. Though the war is over, the motives are not. The Fire is planning. A plan that threatens the very land which people are oblivious to.

    Geography- The land of Aishia is a giant island separated into 6 major regions (8 if counting light and dark). Here are the info you'll need.

    Fire- A barren wasteland covered by molten rock and rainig fire. Population is a slim 250. The king rules with an iron fist. People caught entering or leaving are executed immediatly on the spot. The most aggressive dragons are found here. They have one of the highest attack power, but slower than the average dragon. They will attack anything on sight and brutally difficult to master. A non-friendly territory. Weak against water

    Water- Called "The land of Serenity." Very peaceful and very calm land. Also romantic with calm oceans, smooth sand beaches, and homes built ontop of water. This is where many starter dragon trainers learn and tame their first dragon. Water dragons are very friendly and easy to handle, but aren't very aggressive unless met by a fire dragon. Friendly territory. Weak against lightning

    Lightning- A town built on a mountain always raining and stormy. Very difficult to reach as flying is extremely risky. Lightning dragons are difficult to handle and neutral to humans. They make upfor their poor power with their agility. Fastest dragon after the extinction of Light dragons. Neutral land. Weak against earth

    Earth- The land of the wealthy. This is where the most wealthy dragon trainers and nobles live. People are very snotty and rude to poor people. Many contests and arenas are held here for entertainment. Earth dragons are very powerful, but friendly and somewhat easy to handle. Friendly land. Weak against wind

    Nature- The forest land. To surprise, they do not have a native dragon. It's basically a peaceful haven to dragons who want to rest. A mysterious temple lies in ruins in the middle of the forest. No one knows why. Natives here aren't very friendly though.

    Wind- Not a good vacationing place. Winds are always blowing at high speeds. Meant for endurance training for dragons. Wind dragons are friendly, but hard to handle. Very tough, but that's about it. Weak against fire

    Light- One of the ancient regions. Now all it lays is a smoldering ruin in the center of the island next to the remains of the Dark region. Light dragons are the fastest and uses it's speed to attack enemies by their weak spots. Weak against dark. Only 1 light dragon is known to be alive

    Dark- The other ancient region. Dark dragons are brutally aggressive. The strength of 500000 earth and fire dragons combined. Only one os known to exist. Weak against light.

    Dragon Info- Now that you learned a bit about them, here's more food for thought.

    -They can speak to you telepathically
    -You can RP as a dragon, but please ask me first
    -None of the dragons are identical
    -They can detect human emotions
    -Have an intrest to human hair
    -Heres a big thing. You can have hybrid dragons. HERE'S THE CATCH. If they are hit by an element they are weak to, they will take 4x the damage, not 2x. So choose your risks wisely.

    1. No godmod or PP (I might in some cases)
    2. Keep everything in a PG-13 range
    3. Only 3 OCs per char (You can make more if they die/go away)
    4. I am strict to your ditching. It irritates me A LOT. if you do not post within 5 days, I will assume you ditched and kill your character unless notified. NO EXCUSES
    5. Please try not to "take over" the RP. if you have ideas, please cofirm them to me first. I'd love to try to pot your ideas through.
    6. Rules can and will be changed.
    7. If you read everything so far, put "100" in your post.
    8. Has fun peeps :3

    OC Form-
    Type of Dragon:
    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: Mya Tayes
    Age: 18
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Type of Dragon: Light/Lightning
    Weapon(s): Sword
    Bio: Born on the worst of times. As a young girl, her family was the leader of a revolt against the Fire government. She suffered for it. They took Mya, stabbed nails into her body, whipped her, burned half of her body, and tossed her half dead body into the Nature Forest left to die. As she was on the edge of dying, a dragon carried her tithe Water region to be nursed back to health which took a year. As she recovered, her parents were killed in a failed revolt. Her recovery wasn't great. She was a target to many low scum Earth nobles. It was not a good 5 year process. Nonetheless, she had to go on. She swore to avenge her family and decided to tame the dragon that saved her.
    Other: Very cheerful and passionate.

    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: Xane Dire
    Age: 30
    Type of Dragon: Fire/Dark?
    Weapon(s): Giant claymore
    Bio: Born from a noble family, Xane was a special person. He could read the minds of dragons. He did it for his own greed though. He now owns half of the dragons living in the Fire. He himself tortured Mya and ditched her in the forest as well as executing her family as well. He is planning something...but what?
    Other: Cruel and sharp. He rules with an iron fist.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Aug 26, 2011, 39 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. heartless_angel

    No this is not related to zombies/resident evil in any way. Very dark/disturbing RP. You have been warned.

    Prologue- Journal Entry 1342: It's not working. The people are restless. More bodies are beige stacked into the factory. It won't stop. It's getting more deadlier and lethal every day. Even I have caught it. It won't be long until I die. My notes are in the safe. It's the closest thing to finding a cure. Why did I agree? I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry. I tru-

    The rest of the entry is covered in blood and not readable.

    It's the year 2437. The world has gone to hell. The earth population is 2 million. The rest died off in the virus infection. 1million of them have the disease, but in a non lethal form. Streets are deserted. People live off by survival of the fittest. The government is either dead or in hiding. Chances of starting all over is slim to none. If there was an objective, it would be to find a cure. Help people. It won't be long until the virus enhances itself.

    TN-45- The name of the virus. Originally, it was used for biological warfare. At first it worked. Afterwards, it adapted quickly and swept across the globe. It is extremely contagious. Only a handful of people have natural immunities against it. Pills were made, but it only stalls the process. There are 5 stages.

    Stage 1: Coughs and maybe a sore throat. Nothing to serious.

    Stage 2: Flu like symptoms and maybe some internal bleeding.

    Stage 3: Serious flu, bad cramps, malaria like symptoms, and paranoia

    Stage 4: Insanity, delirium, major internal bleeding, possible organ failure.

    Stage 5: Suicidal thoughts, heart and liver failure, severe bleeding, slurred thoughts, complete shutdown of body. Basically death.


    1. No godmodding or power playing (I might do it)

    2. Keep things in a R rated area. Yes even romance you lovesick fools >_>

    3. I am the enforcer. If you break a rule, you will get only 1 warning.

    4. Do NOT ditch the RP. I hate it and it stalls there RP. If you do not respond by 3 days, I will kill off your character unless stated. NO EXCEPTIONS

    5. Do not kill other player w/o my permission.

    6. Try writing a good amount.

    7. If you read up to here so far, write, "Hope is Lost." In your post.

    8. Enjoy :3

    OC Form- Limit 2



    Age (at least 18 plz):



    Status (Infected of Clean):

    Level (Ignore if Clean):



    Username: heartless_angel

    Name: Mya Scander

    Age (at least 18 plz): 19

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapon(s): None, but has training and experience

    Status (Infected of Clean): Infected

    Level (Ignore if Clean): 3

    Bio: Born in a very wealthy family, Mya had a bright future. She was accepted into a major art collage until the disease hit. Her 5 siblings and parents died in the outbreak. She was a target by many insane males and had to flee. Eventually she caught the virus and helped people smuggle in virus pills. She's currently searching for evidence of a famous inventor who left behind notes about the virus.

    Other: Very sad, emotional, but tries to help. Sort of moody since the virus is affecting her.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Aug 25, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. heartless_angel


    No this is not related to zombies/resident evil in any way. Very dark/disturbing RP. You have been warned.

    OOC site:

    Prologue- Journal Entry 1342: It's not working. The people are restless. More bodies are beige stacked into the factory. It won't stop. It's getting more deadlier and lethal every day. Even I have caught it. It won't be long until I die. My notes are in the safe. It's the closest thing to finding a cure. Why did I agree? I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry. I tru-

    The rest of the entry is covered in blood and not readable.

    It's the year 2437. The world has gone to hell. The earth population is 2 million. The rest died off in the virus infection.1million of them have the disease, but in a non lethal form. Streets are deserted. People live off by survival of the fittest. The government is either dead or in hiding. Chances of starting all over is slim to none. If there was an objective, it would be to find a cure. Help people. It won't be long until the virus enhances itself.

    TN-45- The name of the virus. Originally, it was used for biological warfare. At first it worked. Afterwards, it adapted quickly and swept across the globe. It is extremely contagious. Only a handful of people have natural immunities against it. Pills were made, but it only stalls the process. There are 5 stages.

    Stage 1: Coughs and maybe a sore throat. Nothing to serious.

    Stage 2: Flu like symptoms and maybe some internal bleeding.

    Stage 3: Serious flu, bad cramps, malaria like symptoms, and paranoia

    Stage 4: Insanity, delirium, major internal bleeding, possible organ failure.

    Stage 5: Suicidal thoughts, heart and liver failure, severe bleeding, slurred thoughts, complete shutdown of body. Basically death.

    1. No godmodding or power playing (I might do it)
    2. Keep things in a R rated area. Yes even romance you lovesick fools >_>
    3. I am the enforcer. If you break a rule, you will get only 1 warning.
    4. Do NOT ditch the RP. I hate it and it stalls there RP. If you do not respond by 3 days, I will kill off your character unless stated. NO EXCEPTIONS
    5. Do not kill other player w/o my permission.
    6. Try writing a good amount.
    7. If you read up to here so far, write, "Hope is Lost." In your post.
    8. Up to 2 ocs. You can make more if they die.
    9. Enjoy

    Thread by: heartless_angel, Aug 25, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. heartless_angel
    For those who have not watched, be warned, major spoilers.

    I finished Code and I really noticed something. How similar the storyline was to Jesus' life. Let me explain before I get attacked or something :P Remember that parenthesis are thigs from the Bible

    Besides being born of a prince bloodline, Lelouch disliked the Britannian army (Pharases with their teachings of being "good") so he became Zero and wanted them to break free of them (preachings) through battles and recruiting people to his side (performing miracles). Lelouch eventually fortells how he is going to die to save the people after becoming the prince of Britannia (Jesus fortelling his death) and when Lelouch is sold off by the Black Knights (Judas' betrayal). Once Lelouch gains absolute power, he asks Suzaku to kill him since all of the people's hate (sins) are on him. Killing Lelouch would free the people from tyrrany and have better lives.

    Besides being resurrected and all that stuff, this is how I believe what Code Geass is about. I'm probably wrong, but it totally made connections for me. I'd like your comments and critisism please. Complements help too
    Thread by: heartless_angel, May 18, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. heartless_angel
    Yes EA has confirmed on the sequel of the first ME. I am very excited to see what new things they have added to ME 2

    Here are the problems though. From what I've heard, there will be a new character, Hope. Now Hope is the son of Faith (WHAT???) and he has to rescue his mother from a group called November (remember from last game?) This kind of worries me. I don't want a new character. I want them to keep Faith in. If they do plan to actaully focus on Hope, then I will probably not get the game. Another is the new appearance. I got kind of tired seeing ME's plot
    always on rooftops and mostly jumping around. It gets repetitive at times (AC 1 anyone?). Maybe something like ground floor settings? That could work.

    Any reactions peoples?
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Mar 7, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. heartless_angel

    Running Edge

    I watched a lot of Mirror's Edge and now I'm motivated to make an RP similar to it! 8D

    You can join even though you don't have an idea about the game 83


    The year 2040 (not EVERYTHING will be related to the game) and there lies the shining pride of the city...or so they say. The government has now full authority over everything. Every conversation, text, and messages can and will be monitered at all times. Unless you are a Runner. Runners are the only type of transport to get messages from one place to another. The government gave full access to hunt and kill the Runners. The band of Runners have joined up to rise up against the government threat and see their true motives.

    Who's Side are you on?-

    Runners- As explained, the messangers of the time being. They have extreme athletic skills and close range fighting. They also have an obsession for red (don't worry if you don't understand it). Always being hunted down and tracked down. Usually have strange markings on parts of their bodies.

    Blues- Known as cops, these guys are the local lookouts forthe Runners and other crimes. Nothing too fancy about them except they shoot first, ask questions later. (Dont play as them. They're considered the "cannon fodder" in this RP 8D)

    EBO- Elite Black Ops. A special police force working for the government. Specialy trained to hunt down Runners with great precision. Unfortunatly, not a lot enter the EBO. Takes a lot of endurance, training, and dedication to get in.

    How this RP Works-

    According to the game, you save your sister and stuff right? No. Here, it's mostly sabatoging government projects, nabbing intellegence, and beating stuff up. Most Runners do this type of stuff. The EBO and the Blues search down the Runners and stuff. Simple? Good now read the rules :3

    1. No godmodding. I pull the switch on this
    2. Keep all around PG-13 (romance, violence, ect)
    3. No more than 3 chars plz
    4. Try to stick around. I'll kill off or send them away if you don't consult me
    5. Don't kill other OCs w/o my and their permission.
    6. I will add more rules if needed to be
    7. If you read all of this, put "Still Alive" in your first post
    8. Enjoy =D

    OC Form-

    Age (at least 18):
    Appearance (Don't put Faith up):
    Weapons (EBO only):

    Accepted OCs-

    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: Mya
    Age: 18
    Appearance (Don't put Faith up):*[​IMG]
    Faction: Runner
    Weapons (EBO only): N/A
    Bio: As a child, she believed the world was good. The government would protectthem and put faith in them. She was very wrong. At l the age of 13, her parents and sister were accused of a murder crime. Their sentence was hanged in the town square. They hid Mya in a stowaway truck. She arrived at a shelter and stayed until 15. She heard about the Runners and wanted to join. 3 years later after a long time of training, she is now a full fledged Runner, the death of her family burning in her mind and driving her motivation far beyond.
    Other: Black markings located on her left arm and her waist.

    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: Sander "The Sharpshooter"
    Age: 28
    Appearance (Don't put Faith up):*[​IMG] (horrible cop image DX)
    Faction: EBO
    Weapons (EBO only): SMG and Sniper
    Bio: Family was a long line of crime investigators and tracking down drug lords. As a young adult, he learned law enforcement and entered the Blue acadamy at a young age. He then graduated at 25 and promoted to the EBO. Extrememly experienced and precise. Caught 20 Runners in his lifetime. Claimed he "never misses a shot."*
    Other: N/A
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Feb 20, 2011, 874 replies, in forum: Retirement Home