Ashley- R-Rosey this is really... Rosey- Ok don't speak let me just get something and pay for it all. Ashley- W-Wait no please don't I have my own...
Rosey- What happened to that tough guy talk? Something about having a surprise in store correct? Windy- Could it be we were right along about you...
In Carbon you can unlock the M3 GTR, but you can't drive it in story mode at all. Only Quick Race, and if I remember properly Online I hated playing as the cops, but got over it and became nice at the game
Rosey- Hurry up Ashley I wanna see how good I am at picking clothes come come. Ashley- Wow so pushy sheesh.*Finishes putting on her outfit...
Yes those bad times at me raging at not doing enough damage to get the gold medal being 2 dollars off at one point. Sucking so badly at the game I can now beat so easily >:3
Rosey-*Takes your hand and places it on your mouth.* No more talking for you just go to the mock wedding program they are having where you'd do...
Rosey- Well if you say it I'm forced to believe so. Windy- Which is why..*Powers down sly grin on her face.* Rosey-*Calms down* YOU HAVE TO TAKE...
Rosey-*Sees an amazing outfit for Ashley and her vision of how she would come out looking causes her to drool a bit.* Ashley-*Crying*...
OH MY GLOB BURNOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The concept and just the thrill of that games is something to me that can't be copied at all. Who in the world would have thought to do something of the sort in that manner? Crashing crash to gain boost, dead end traffic, and courses for you to dodge, and the beauty in kicking ass yesh ^=^
Rosey- You will be my little Gothic doll and I know exactly how to bring out that beautiful darkness within you. Ashley- XC*Crying on the inside...
I did like prostreet a lot actual I was saving up for the DLC, but then I was brought into the college world and know what it means to be broke D: Same with Carbon I enjoyed it, but what pissed me off was losing the M3 GTR AGAIN after you just got your car back in Most Wanted DX
When NFS was at its peak of Street Racing games and just taking the racing game world by storm The new Most Wanted was trash god I hated that game actual after Most Wanted to me NFS fell off Carbon- Was ehh Pro Street- Its not even street racing anyone and wasn't all that bad Undercover- Oh my god that game was horrible wow that was such a trash game Shift 1 and 2- Both horrible games they went from street racing to legit eww gross leave that to PGR, or Grand Turismo Hot Pursuit remake- Horrible I was so disappointed The Run- Idea was cool game still sucked
Rosey- >:D Ashley- Help me please save me DX Rosey-*Drags Ashley into the young girl teens section.* Ashley- HELP ME PLEASE!!*Saying in her mind.*...
ODA COME BACK!!!!! Please I can't post if you or someone else posts I got to show you this crazy... AHHHHH oh my glob dude just please home slice...
Rosey- Wow you still think you stand a chance? Windy- CR that's so rude show some respect. Kim- Is actual the thing you should be showing us Windy...
College sucks and is such a drag and besides that not so hot How are you doing?
Windy- Tch yea yea whatever anyways hurry up we have some shopping to do. Ashley- Y-Yea shopping...*Doesn't remember the last time she went...
Rosey-*Blushes hard from the formality.* J-Joe...*Shakes her head exiting the car.* Ashley-*Gets out and shuts her door.* Windy- Why so formal...
Rosey- Hey there big man no gave you permission to talk so mind your tongue. Windy- To make this fair 2v1 you both can attack me at the same time...