lol, that is so awsome. you are great at drawing.
lol, thats not good. I wanted to get one
i g2g good night everyone bye everyone *salutes*
zomg i think this song is beautiful. if you have a chance, listen to it. i can sing the english version of the song
the anime that used this song freaked me out....I liked it your wierd yah well so are u
i want to put a song in my sig........ what would you put there True Light...? Maybe
i can sing............nvm i don't even know who they are
Well guess what, i am part of the 50 percent that doesn't hate you. And (incert bad word here) the other half percentage. They are just stupid idiots i second that motion
well, it is alittle more complicated than the transfer of energy. Have you heard of the great Flame Alchemist? He snaped, creating a spark, then controlls the oxegen around it to make things explode. Colonel Mustang's transmutaion circles were on his gloves though, mine are on the ribbon. She lifted up her left hand to show a black ribbon. On the ends were two white transmutaion circles. My alchemy is much like that. Swinging the sword down creates friction in the air, controlling the ions around the friction, i can make "lightning" strike a target. But i can also do that whole snap thing Melany stuck the sword strainght up, and walked a few feet away. She then snaped. Lightning shot from her hand onto the top of the katana. She did a few more snaps, shooting lightning farther and farther from the original point. I can make it go about 30 feet if i really try. I can also do the regular draw circles, fix things, but that is nothing important She sighed. OCC: most of that was guess work, lol
ok then. and they are....?
hihi people, was up hello everyone
good, now here we go Melany lifted her katana up in the air, then did a quick down wards stroke. Lightning shot from the tip of the katana, making deep ditches in the ground. Thats about it Melany said as she turned and smiled. I am Melany Phantom, and you?
Yah, well who are you Melany just wanted to get the exams out of the way, now there was this guy. I am Melany Phantom, if you want to know
occ: i am very confused Melany stared as the man walked around with blood on his hands. Her hands tightened on her katana.
Melany ran onto the final exam grounds. She had overslept am i to late to take the exam she panted. She pulled out her katana from it's sheeth and held it ready.
i g2g, good night everyone g'night *salutes*
ok....i am a nooob, so you are going to have to explain what an SG is ....yah ................?
what do you people think of this sig?
don't kill sephy.......actually, go ahead
.................................okay then