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  1. NeoCloudstrife
    As far as i remember, the "play as org. roxas" code never made it up onto this rather prestigious (i hope) wall of code-ness. So, just to keep the coders corner moving at least faster than the news around here *looks sneakily up and left, towards the news section* I'm gonna let one of our up-and-coming Hackers take the podium today. He goes by the name of Razor234 over here on khvids, and he's quite the coder, if i may say so. :D anyway, without further adeiu (is that right?) Here's the video itself:

    From razor234 himself:

    Well finally i did it. This is the first major code i've made BY MYSELF. I had little help from Janime(animation address), neocloudstrife(block, etc.), truthkey(randomstuffs), 00roxas00(more random stuffs). Well this code took me a while and actually i found something that made it so much easier than everyone thought and i shall soon replicate for other bosses. The code will not be released yet because its still in its early stages. The code in its entirety was around 40-45 lines long...but that was with extra stuff, and im sure, some unneeded lines. keep a look out for more play as codes or even a better version of this code. When i release the code u will see that many of soras animations will be replaced with marluxias. Well this is me saying its is possible
    This vide also marks the colaboration between me and sasukeshika... i will be using manyof his KH rock remixes in my vids
    P.S. this is not one of the best vidoes i've done
    P.P.S i will be fixing the keyblade placement. and the effects

    He goes on to say there's more to come, so if you don't wanna miss out, subscribe to or bookmark his channel, i guess :D

    Thread by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 20, 2009, 311 replies, in forum: New Releases
  2. NeoCloudstrife
    hmmm, yeah i suppose. but, axel's a different story, right?
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. NeoCloudstrife
    o.O really? how so?
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. NeoCloudstrife
    well i havent really given many people marluxia's scythe, so it would be difficult to say if it's crashing because the code's not working right. however, i do know that giving larxene other weapons freezes consistantly, so it's very possible that you will just have to mess around and see what works and what doesn't.

    the majority of weapon swaps, however should work fine.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. NeoCloudstrife
    it doesnt modify the way the Model works, it modeifies the way animations work.
    In most games, including this one, it actually forces another characters animations on the model. but in KHII, it just makes the character act exactly like the one you've modded them to, but they use their own animations instead of the ones from the other character.
    However, about a year ago maybe, (maybe slightly more?) we discovered .mset file modding. this works by actually modifying the entire file of animations, thus pulling off what a moveset mod should have.
    unfortunately, due to the complex bone structures of the characters, they didn't work very well. at all. every character's animations moves rotates and scales a different amount of bones a different way and in a different order. as soon as one bone went wrong, all children bones in the entire heirarchy went wrong. and 200 bones is a LOT of bones to screw up. but since there's only, what, 20 bones max in days, and all animations do things in the same order and so it works a lot better.

    hope that explains it without going waaay overdetai- oh wait...
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  6. NeoCloudstrife
    You cant do it with the ordinary weapon modifier. use these:

    Weapon mod (who's weapons you want to use)
    1207E676 0000????
    120B232A 0000????
    Moveset mod (who's attacks you want to use)
    120B239F 0000????
    120B2386 0000????
    6578 - Xemnas
    6978 - Xigbar
    6178 - Xaldin
    6576 - Vexen
    656C - Lexaeus
    657A - Zexion
    6173 - Saïx
    7861 - Axel
    6564 - Demyx
    756C - Luxord
    616C - Larxene
    616D - Marluxia
    6F72 - Roxas
    6F78 - Xion
    6F73 - Sora
    6F64 - Donald
    6F67 - Goofy
    6972 - Riku
    696D - Mickey
    3272 - Dual Roxas
    also, welcome to the code vault. :D
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. NeoCloudstrife
    just as i said in the U/C thread, "playing as" any boss apart from org roxas is impossible on a PS2. so if you want to try a code claiming to be a play as axel code on a PS2, don't even bother. however, emulators are a different story altogether.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. NeoCloudstrife
    i knew the meaning i just mea- oh forget it, i already ruined my closing post.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. NeoCloudstrife
    i think he's dead o.O

    well, as my conciousness draws to its end, i'd just like to say THANK YOU GOD for me having an ACTUALL thread with over 5 pages with my general name it it. in the SPAM ZONE.

    as a closing statement, please consider the following

    THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!

    ...that is all. good night, my many fans.
    *falls asleep*
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. NeoCloudstrife
    i wuz, but i came back. and now i'm about to go.

    also, i'm not sure if just nopping it will work. but it might.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. NeoCloudstrife
    ...why? just why. HOW!?

    ...oh, spam zone


    *aims at janime*
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. NeoCloudstrife
    enough of this mindless flaming.
    *gets out buster sword*
    DONT MAKE ME LOCK THIS THR- oh wait, spam zone.



    KAMEHAMEHA! *aims at janime*
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. NeoCloudstrife
    *energy beam has grown exceptionally large*



    *aims at planet*
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. NeoCloudstrife
    ...fair enough.
    i COULD hack it, but i cant find my NTSC KHII
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. NeoCloudstrife
    ...that's the FM thread :p

    *tries to cover up kamehameha*
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. NeoCloudstrife

    *gets on chocobo*

    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. NeoCloudstrife
    ...maybe because there isn't such a thread?

    also, stop being like that. c'mon, lighten up!

    *takes lemonade off slyder and gives it to you*


    *gives a fresh one to slyder*
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. NeoCloudstrife
    ya, nop out some of the line "W_EX010_RX_BTLF_L.mset"
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. NeoCloudstrife
    ...but... but this is madness!
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. NeoCloudstrife
    OMFG ME 2



    also its OVER 9000!!!
    ....are you questioning king leonidas?
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone