Search Results

  1. Fearless
    Thread by: Fearless, Jan 27, 2019, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Fearless
    Post something that makes you feel cute af.

    Because I feel cute rn.

    Thread by: Fearless, Feb 19, 2018, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Fearless
    Y'all know the rules, post whatever it is you got for whatever holiday you're celebrating this time of year.

    I got;

    ~ A new comforter (which I specifically asked for)
    ~ Matching sheets
    ~ A bunch of clothes
    ~ An Ulta giftcard ($25)
    ~ A fuckton of candy
    ~ A thing of lip balm
    ~ $300 (from my Dad via snail mail)
    ~ A bunch of trinkets and such from coworkers
    ~ A few handmade cards from the kids
    Thread by: Fearless, Dec 25, 2017, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Fearless
    Yo, friends! Here is the thread wherein you post the gift to your Secret Santa Assignment!

    Reminder that you have until January 1st, 2018 to post your gift, or at least let us know that your gift is coming down the pipeline. Failure to do so will result in being unable to participate in next year's Secret Santa.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! <3
    Thread by: Fearless, Dec 24, 2017, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Fearless
    Hey y'all! Welcome to another year of our Secret Santa event! I am your Supreme Santa, Fearless, and will be laying down how it all works. So kick back, relax, and make sure you rev up those cookies for Santa. Feed me, mortals.

    Secret Santa is an event we host every year, in which you guys sign up and get to make presents for each other for the holiday season! Previous Secret Santa threads may be found by clicking the following hyperlinks:


    Presents are anything that you can make online and send to the person.

    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Artwork
    • AMVs
    • Signatures/Avatars
    • Writing (Poems, Stories)
    • Pictures
    • Other things of this nature

    You can make one big present, or do a bunch of small ones. But please, don't wait till the last minute and throw one little avatar together. You're expected to both give and receive, so make something you would be happy to receive in turn. On Christmas Eve (December 24th), I will make a thread in which you can post your gifts for the person you're paired with. If for some reason you are unable to do it this day, you can send it in a message to your assigned member early, or, alternatively, have until New Year's Day (January 1st) to post it.

    Digital presents only! This means nothing of monetary value, such as online gift cards, web orders, etc. RATINGS ARE NOT A GIFT.

    Keep it appropriate for KHV, if you need some help with that either look at the rules or message me.

    Signups will go from today until November 23rd 2017. Aka American Thanksgiving. This gives you a full two weeks to sign up.

    If you sign up, you can’t back out once everyone is paired up (extreme cases permitting).

    Gifts will be given between Christmas Eve and New Years day (12/24/2017 - 01/01/2018), but let me know in advance if you know you’re going somewhere so I can let your Secret Santa know when the best time to exchange gifts would be ahead of time.

    In order to participate, you need to be an active member for at least a month, OR have 30-50 posts INCLUDING posts in areas without post count. This is just to make sure that you are an active member and won’t disappear on your Secret Santa.

    Have fun!​

    To sign up, please follow this link to our sign up thread within the SpamZone:

    This thread is for general comments/questions/concerns only. Sign-ups are, as stated above, in the following thread:

    If you wish to toss out your question in private, please feel free to send me a message! Really looking forward to this, and hope you guys will be too!
    Thread by: Fearless, Nov 10, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  6. Fearless

    Welcome to the eighth annual Secret Santa! I am Fearless, and I shall be your Supreme Santa for this year's processions. You all probably read the General Thread in the Community & News Section, but just to make sure they're clear, here are some rules for y'all.


    Digital presents only! This means nothing of monetary value, such as online giftcards and the like. RATINGS ARE NOT A GIFT.

    Keep it appropriate for KHV, if you need some help with that either look at the rules or message me.

    Signups will go from today until November 23rd 2017. Aka American Thanksgiving. This gives you a full two weeks to sign up.

    If you sign up, you can’t back out once everyone is paired up (extreme cases permitting).
    Gifts will be given and due between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day (12/24/2017 - 01/01/2018), but let me know in advance if you know you’re going somewhere so I can let your Secret Santa know when the best time to exchange gifts would be ahead of time.

    In order to participate, you need to be an active member for at least a month, OR have 30-50 posts INCLUDING posts in areas without post count. This is just to make sure that you are an active member and won’t disappear on your Secret Santa.

    Have fun!​


    Presents are anything that you can make online and send to the person.

    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Artwork
    • AMVs
    • Signatures/Avatars
    • Writing (Poems, Stories)
    • Pictures
    • Other things of this nature

    You can make one big present, or do a bunch of small ones. But please, don't wait till the last minute and throw one little avatar together. You're expected to both give and receive, so make something you would be happy to receive in turn. On Christmas Eve (December 24th), I will make a thread in which you can post your gifts for the person you're paired with. If for some reason you are unable to do it this day, you can send it in a message to your assigned member early, or, alternatively, have until New Years Day (January 1st) to post it.

    For those who sign up, be sure to post both the username you commonly go by, as well as a list of at least 3-5 of your favorite things. These can be bands, songs, TV shows -- you name it (as long as it's within the forum rules)!

    To give a brief example:

    Name: Fearless

      • Sailor Moon (Usagi, Minako)
      • Every single Yu-Gi-Oh (Yuuya, Juudai, Carly)
      • Steven Universe (Lapis, Peridot)
      • RWBY (Yang, Penny, Ruby)
      • Avatar TLA and Korra (Toph, Asami, Bolin)

    For those of you who want to use tabs, simply use the BBCode posted below:
    [tab=This is a tab]
    This is within the tab![/tab]

    If you have any further questions, feel free to shoot me a message!
    Thread by: Fearless, Nov 10, 2017, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Fearless

    IT'S TIME.


    Thread by: Fearless, Nov 1, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Fearless

    Hello children, time to see if you're the most creative creative to ever creative.

    Best Fanfiction
    Last Year's Winner: Loxare's Gotham Hearts
    Last Year's Runner-up: Mindstorm787's Code Lyoko: Reactivated

    With heads spinning after seeing some fantastic film, reading an enthralling book, or even just hearing rumors from/about friends, the youngins of the web choose to expand upon worlds created by others and put their own spin on things. This year, The INVSP's The Adventures of the INVSP achieves the No. 1 spot!

    Best Graphic Artist
    Last Year's Winner: Ars Nova
    Last Year's Runner-up: Rissy

    You gawk at their avatars and signatures, and wish you can make something even remotely like the work they do. Cat~ claims her place as Best Graphic Artist, though she may want to keep an eye out for the challenger known as Day~Dream.

    Best Traditional Artist
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    Digital media may be on the rise, but a traditional painting is still something that is awed at for miles around. KHV thinks that Beep Boop has the most potential to be the next Michelangelo! (The Painter, not the Ninja Turtle).

    Best Video Editor
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    Their editing skills are what one might consider godly, as their videos can rival even the best of the Youtube gods. Aelin Fireheart could probably make even the worst trash look good, but *cstar* could edit her way out of a paper bag, too.

    Best AMV
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    AMV's, one of the longest staples of the internet, are submitted one and all for approval from the Great Gods of the Interwebs. However, only one AMV may rule on this site, and this year KHV has voted that Aelin Fireheart's King has achieved that victory! The silver cup goes to Cstar's The End.

    Best Overall Writer
    Last Year's Winner: Boy Wonder
    Last Year's Runner-up: Shuhbooty

    If you peek over their shoulder on the computer, these are the people that usually have a mountain of tabs open, ranging from "bullet hole sizes" to "ancient Icelandic ritualistic dancing". KHV believes Heart<3 has work that's a once in the lifetime read, though Marushi has some pretty nice stuff too.

    Best Roleplay
    Last Year's Winner: Kingdom Hearts SOS
    Last Year's Runner-up: Of Monsters and Men

    These are the roleplays that tend to get you hooked that you never leave the RP Section. Ever. In fact, some of you may never see me write this! In any case, KHV feels Kingdom Hearts: Recollect is where the party's at, but Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser is pretty bangin' too.

    Best Roleplay Protagonist
    Last Year's Winner: Hikaru (Kingdom Hearts SOS)
    Last Year's Runner-up: Mickey Mouse (Mickey's Dream Team)

    These heroes will always be around to save the day! Everyone in Kingdom Hearts SoS will always come when you call for help, and both Cerdic (Kingdom Hearts: Recollect) and Lloyd (RWBY: Guardian's Saviors) will always be right behind!

    Best Roleplay Antagonist

    Last Year's Winner: Arma the Kingsmoth (Kingdom Hearts SoS)
    Last Year's Runner-up: Titania (Mortal Instruments)

    The baddest of the bad, these guys sure know how to stir up trouble for the good guys. Ultimately, Ria (aka Aevum) (Kingdom Hearts: Recollect) will have you preparing for trouble, while Aux (Kingdom Hearts SoS), Mizrabel (Kingdom Hearts SoS), Astral Praenunitus (RE: Mario's High School Days), The Light Chaser (Kindom Hearts: Light Chaser), and Karina (Kingdom Hearts SoS) will make it double.

    Best Roleplay Concept/Story
    Last Year's Winner: Kingdom Hearts SoS
    Last Year's Runner-up: RE: Mario's High School Days and In the Times of Fairy Tails

    These roleplays have a spark as far as they eye can see. It's said if you bring a Keyblade to them, you'll see hearts within as far as the eye can see. In the end, The Realm of Darkness has a Coffee Shop and Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser captured the most hearts, but Kingdom Hearts: Recollect is also quite lovely.

    Best Use of Music in an RP

    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    These guys are like the Hans Zimmerman of RP! They really know how to pick a soundtrack. Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser makes you cry the most with its stunning music, but Kingdom Hearts SoS can generate the feels as well.

    Best Roleplay Graphics
    Last Year's Winner: Presumed Dead
    Last Year's Runner-up: Kingdom Hearts SoS and Ashes to Ashes Dust to Dust

    These roleplays are puckered up and ready to hit the town tonight! Just don't try to do anything without their sourcing -- only yes means yes, anything else is a no and a probable punctured artery. KHV believes Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser is a real eye catcher, but Kingdom Hearts SOS and The Realm of Darkness has a Coffee Shop are quite radiant gardens too.

    Best Roleplayer
    Last Year's Winner: Krowley and Maka Albarn
    Last Year's Runner-up: CrownMoksha

    One minute they're Roxas, the next minute they're Optimus Prime leading a valiant charge against Megatron. KHV believes Aelin Fireheart is a master of character disaster, but Al215 has a few tricks up his sleeves too.

    Best New Roleplayer
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    They walked into the RPA this year, and then never returned again, having been sucked into the black hole that is KHV Roleplaying. Quite a feat, seeing as KHV is a black hole itself. Can there be a black hole inside of a black hole? Either way, KHV thinks that Heart<3 is their favorite new player this year.

    Best Singer
    Last Year's Winner: Jayn
    Last Year's Runner-up: Calxiyn

    Most people only sing in the shower, but with these guys, you'd want to be right outside of it while they do! KHV thinks Day~Dream carries a wonderful tune, but tamale provides quite the ballad himself.

    Biggest Godmodder
    Last Year's Winner: Calxiyn
    Last Year's Runner-up: StardustXtreme

    Phew, these guys sure love using unlimited power, you'd think they were from Asgard. KHV believes Zimmy is a force from far Beyond, but Krowley and Captain Arch and their reality warping is no laughing matter either.

    Most Dramatic Roleplay
    Last Year's Winner: Kingdom Hearts SoS
    Last Year's Runner-up: In the Times of Fairy Tails, Legends of Tyrrus, and RE: Mario's High School Days

    These are the roleplays that keep you on the edge of your seat, churning out so many emotions from you. KHV feels that Kingdom Hearts SOS is Drama Central, but Kingdom Hearts: Recollect is full of drama queens as well.

    Most Improved Roleplayer
    Last Year's Winner: Ghost
    Last Year's Runner-up: Skyheart

    This hand of theirs glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells them to defeat their limits! TAKE THIS: their love, their dedication, and all of their effort! KHV believes KHGrl15 has acquired a golden touch, but those hands of VermillionMok and *cstar* are always burning red.

    Most Likely to Join Every Roleplay
    Last Year's Winner: CrownMoksha
    Last Year's Runner-up: Hero of Time

    Ever nervous about the Sonic/Naruto/Parks and Recs crossover, but still wanna put it out there and get people to help you see your dreams of Leslie Knope x Tsunade with Amy and Knuckles as their adopted children fulfilled? Have no fear, because these are the people who will come to your aid! KH-Vids thinks VermillionMok will help this lovely family be born. And, just between you and me, but I heard Aelin Fireheart is gunning for some Ann Perkins x Sonic x Shadow representation. ;]

    Most Memorable Roleplay Moment
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    The thing that will stick in your mind for years to come, the most shocking of outcomes that no one could have ever seen coming! That one time Boy Wonder posted in an RP will live on for years to come, and The Mark of Mastery being the Reaper's Game (Kingdom Hearts SoS), The Mizrabel boss fight ending (Kingdom Hearts SoS), and The succubus torturing Tinkerbell (SoS) will be remembered for almost as long.

    Most Shocking Roleplay Moment

    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    You never saw this one coming! In fact, I don't think anyone did. One of Arch's RPs lasting more than 4 months is going to be the most talked about thing for a while, but I don't think anyone will go forgetting Karina developing a soul (Kingdom Hearts SoS), Cerdic surviving more than a day (Kingdom Hearts: Recollect), and "This was actually all Chrono's fault" (Kingdom Hearts: Recollect).

    Most Memorable Roleplay Boss Battle
    Last Year's Winner: The Entirety of Wasteland (Kingdom Hearts SoS)
    Last Year's Runner-up: Shadow Mario vs The Mysterious Figure/Xehanort (RE: Mario's High School Days)

    This is it, the epic showdown! The end all, be all of fights, the ones that decide the fates of all worlds! KHV feels that Post Procrastination had the most amount of flashing lights and cool camera angles, but Mizrabel (Kingdom Hearts SoS) and Chernabog & Goldar vs Megazord, Dragonzord, Tigerzord, and Thor (RE: Mario's High School Days) had some neat reaction commands, too!

    Most Missed Roleplay
    Last Year's Winner: To Whom This Now Concerns
    Last Year's Runner-up: Super Nintendo RPG: Legend of the Many Something-or-Others, Welcome to the Velvet Room, Kingdom Hearts: Light vs Darkness, Attack on Titan: Reluctant Heroes, Love and Insanity, and The Crossover Sagas

    Remember those days spent in another world? Those nights planning your every move? That epic kiss scene that you spent three months planning and then it got interrupted by aliens? It looks like nostalgia has hit us hard for Attack on Titan: Reluctant Heroes, Cosmic Ocean, and The Crossover Sagas, but Super Nintendo RPG: Legend of the Many Something-or-Others, Welcome to Death, A Prayer for Eden, Brush Strokes, and The Serpentine Road are all also sorely missed.

    Most Missed Roleplayer
    Last Year's Winner: Jayn
    Last Year's Runner-up: Darkandroid and Glen

    Concepts, sign-ups, launch, roleplay. Long ago, all members signed up would participate for the whole RP run. But everything changed when some members left. Only they, the Departers, could muster up the full spark the roleplay once had, but alas, they vanished. KHV believes Frosch and Boy Wonder were Number Wan, but Hyuge and Jayn aren't far behind in the cycle.
    Thread by: Fearless, Sep 5, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: 2017
  9. Fearless
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    Karina developing a soul (Kingdom Hearts SoS)
    Cerdic surviving more than a day (Kingdom Hearts: Recollect)
    "This was all actually Chrono's fault." (Kingdom Hearts Recollect)
    One of Arch’s rps lasting 4 months (Kingdom Hearts- Light Chaser)
    Ria is Chrono!?!?!?! (Kingdom Hearts: Recollect)
    Aislinn not immediately hating Luna (Kingdom Hearts SoS)
    The Crystal Order revealed to have infiltrated the Japanese Intelligence Agency for more than two decades (RE: Mario's High School Days)
    Maka's character (Aria) 'died' (Kingdom Hearts- Light Chasers)
    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 27, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: 2017
  10. Fearless
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    Welcome to Death
    A Prayer for Eden
    Brush Strokes
    Attack on Titan: Reluctant Hero’s
    Cosmic Ocean
    The Serpentine Road
    The Crossover Sagas
    Super Nintendo RPG: Legend of the Many Something-or-Others
    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 26, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: 2017
  11. Fearless
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    Ria (Kingdom Hearts: Recollect)
    Mizrabel (Kingdom Hearts SoS)
    Aux handing us our ass (Kingdom Hearts SoS)
    Post Procrastination
    Chernabog & Goldar vs. Megazord, Dragonzord, Tigerzord, & Thor (RE: Mario's High School Days)
    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 26, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: 2017
  12. Fearless
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    Ria boss fight (Kingdom Hearts: Recollect)
    The evil riddles of Welcome to Death (Welcome to Death)
    The Mark of Mastery being The Reaper's Game (Kingdom Hearts SoS)
    The Mizrabel Boss Fight Ending (Kingdom Hearts SoS)
    The succubus torturing Tinkerbell (Kingdom Hearts SoS)
    That one time Boy Wonder posted in an RP...
    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 26, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: 2017
  13. Fearless
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    @Aelin FireHeart
    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 26, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: 2017
  14. Fearless
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    @Maka Albarn
    @Hyuge ✧
    @Boy Wonder
    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 26, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: 2017
  15. Fearless
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    A Prayer for Eden
    Kingdom Hearts: Recollect
    Kingdom Hearts SoS
    Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
    RE: Mario's High School Days
    Kingdom Hearts: Light Chasers
    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 26, 2017, 4 replies, in forum: 2017
  16. Fearless
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    @Aelin FireHeart
    @Captain Arch
    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 26, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: 2017
  17. Fearless
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:

    Kingdom Hearts: Recollect (2)
    Kingdom Hearts SoS (2)
    The reveal that the Mark of Mastery would be the Reaper's Game (Kindom Hearts SoS)
    RE: Mario's High School Days
    Kingdom Hearts- Light Chaser
    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 26, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: 2017
  18. Fearless
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    @Heart ❤


    Luna unclenched her fists and let out a sigh. This girl gonna get on my nerves isn't she? Luna thought to herself. "Was I hitting the ground for no reason before attacked you three?" She put her thumb on her chin and her other four fingers on her eyebrow as she asked her question.


    XIV: The Story of Luna
    Division 3 of 4:
    Tipping Point
    Upon arriving at the castle, Luna and Beast had to cross through the entrance to reach the east wing of the castle. What awaited for the two was the royal family which consisted of her parents and her twin brother, Akira as well as Luna's fiance right at the entrance waiting for the return of their princess. As Luna started making her way first, her fiance had spotted her out of the corner of his eye. He turned toward her and began walking toward her as he called his beloved's name. "Luna!" Luna tensed up at the sound of her own name. Luna turned her head slowly to her left. Before she could see anything, Luna was caught in a tight embrace by none other than her fiance. "Where have you been all this time?!?!?! Do you how worried sick I was?!?! Don't you ever scare me like that again!!!!!" Luna stood there listening to her beloved's voice. How long has it been since she could hear his voice? How long has it been since she was held in his arms? As if to pull her away from her thoughts, she had felt water on her shoulder. Her eyes widen at the sudden realization of this. Was he crying? Was this really happening? "Blake....." Her eyes watered up as she heard her beloved crying silently. Before she even knew, tears had begun falling down on her face. She buried her face in Blake's chest and wrapped her arms around his crying form as she herself continued to cry. The two stayed locked in their embrace crying at the sight of each other. Her family smiled at the sight of the two in each other's arms once again as the Beast watched the two from the hallway leading to the west wing.

    After what seemed to be quite awhile, the two released each other as they wiped away each other's tears. Akira looked out toward the entrance and saw the Beast peeking out from the wall. "Intruder!! Show yourself!!" Akira summoned forth his keyblade toward the Beast. Luna turned around and saw the Beast before turning toward her brother as he started charging at him. Luna immediately jumped into action as she started running toward the Beast. "Akira!! Stop!!!" Luna stood in front of the Beast with her arms spread out to shield him from her brother. "Luna! Get out of the way!! It's an intruder!!" Akira shouted and gestured to Luna to move out of his way. Luna looked down and shook her head. "I will not! He's not an intruder! He's a friend of mine! He's a guest and will be treated with the same respect as you would to me or anybody else in this room! Am I clear?!" Luna looked up at Akira as she cleared up any misunderstandings Akira might have gained. Akira looked back and forth between the Beast and Luna reflecting on his dear sister's words. After a small moment, Akira looked at his sister and nodded his head. He drew back his blade and took a couple steps back. Luna turned back toward the beast and extended out her head toward him. "It's alright now! They're not gonna hurt you. I'll protect you!" Luna smiled as the Beast reached out for her hand. The Beast stepped out into the entrance to greet Luna's family and loved one. The four greeted the Beast with the same respect as if it were Luna or any citizen in the kingdom.

    Vermillion Mok

    Seo was walking home when he saw an old man walking along the shoreline."Wonder what he's up to" He thought. Suddenly the old man collapsed on the sand.Running toward him Seo calls out "Are you okay"? The man shook his head in a yes fashion and held out his hand. When Seo took his hand the man muttered some," I can feel light and darkness". Confused Seo took his hand back and everything went black

    It was an odd feeling that had currently embraced him, a cold and silent slumber to be exact. He wasn't sure just how long he'd been like this, but from what he could feel the surface that he was currently on wasn't the most comfortable of things to be on. This realization, along with the voices of other people had gradually stirred him awake. His eyes fluttered open and took a moment to adjust to their new surroundings. Once they did, the cold feeling that he was experiencing prior made a little more sense to him.

    He was on the surface of the cave while next to a seemingly broken machine. A closer touch and looked revealed that it was just as cold as the cave floor. Questions started to pile into his head as he moved away from the machine. What's this machine doing here? Why am I here? And who's doing all that yelling? That last question he could answer himself to an extent by looking past the machine he was next too and in the direction the noises were coming from. He spotted two people, one male and one female, standing up and speaking with each other.

    Out of the two Chrono noticed two different things that stuck out. The first was the odd weapon that the girl was holding and the next being the pin on the man in white. It bore the numeral X. This was when he noticed that he wore a pin of his own with the numeral IV. Perhaps they were connect in some way. Before that he needed to actually speak up in the current situation at hand. "I have some questions as well." His hand that was raise barely visible from the other side and Chrono noticed this soon. Thus as a result he got up from the cold cave ground, stood up and stepped away from the machine. "What's up with that pin of yours?" His finger pointed towards the male's own pin before he motioned towards the one he wore.

    Heart <3







    IC: Gexln sits down on a small stairway in St. Louis,waiting. This location seems like a reasonable place for a keyhole. I couldn't find anything earlier when i searched,but hopefuly someone else will come to look for it. And if they do....they'll be in for a surprise, Gexln thinks to himself while cleaning his blade.



    ~Halls of Nintendo High: Let's get to Class without a problem!~

    Mario who was on the floor looking up was the first to speak up explaining "Well, it all started when my brother told me that this school had the best food ever, so naturally I needed to check it out...but I didn't know where the Canteen was so I asked that big guy over there if he could tell me where it was, of course then he yelled at me and threw his fist before we got into a fight, sir. And then these other guys showed up and somehow it became a large mess and I never got to eat at all"

    "In all honesty I'm actually surprised that there could be a mass of fangirls following those boys around if I may interject, and Mario here is your schedule..we have to get to History Class with Mr." Luigi explained before he gently helped his brother off of the ground, he then gave a quick look at Bowser and Shisui and said "I apologize, my brother isn't exactly smart, BYE!" before grabbing Mario and made a mad dash for History Class with Mario being dragged behind.

    "Oh crud, Kirby we have to go!" Yoshi yelled aloud before he noticed that Kirby had already ran off for his English classes, Yoshi sweatdropped before he ran off to his first class...Mathematical Sciences with Dr. R. Bowser also started to quickly run to his first class while thinking "That kid...he seems to have determination for one that lacks brains, I'll have to test him later" before running right into the History Classroom as well.

    Mario's eyes widened as he struggled to push forward unable to move as he said. "What's going on? Why can't we touch it!" Astral's voice soon rang. "It's because I will not allow you to come into contact with that thing..." The brothers were soon forcibly flung backwards into the lockers outside before seeing Astral in front of them clad in a white aura. Mario stood up looking rather angry as he said loudly. "I knew you were here!" Astral merely looked at Mario and said calmly. "And you two have become a liability now for your actions." Luigi stood up asking. "You weren't even there! How would you have known we met Zordon." Astral looked at Luigi and said. "I have eyes everywhere, you should already know that by now."

    Mario immediatly transformed into his fire state and pulled his fist back shouting. "Enough! We'll beat you down and become the hope of the world!" Mario soon swung his fist at Astral's head only for the S-Type to take the blow and not even move, it didn't even flinch from Mario's attack. Mario's eyes widened in shock. "W-what!?" He kept punching at Astral and even kicked at it before making note of its resiliency. Astral then flung both brothers out of the school with a single hand movement before following them back outside.

    Mario and Luigi tumbled out onto the ground outside before Astral was right on them with a glowing eye as it said. "The bane of the S-Type existence...power that is unmatched to our kind...power..." It stopped as Mario and Luigi punched it in the head and stomach to no feedback. Astral merely laughed. "You two naive fools....did you really think that all of this is as black and white as you perceive it? This world is corrupt...impure...and yet the people are just as ignorant of the truth of things. WHAT IS THIS JUSTICE YOU SPEAK OF!" Mario and Luigi stood firm as Mario said. "Honestly...considering everything, I don't know what justice is..." The two brothers then transformed into their evolved forms with Mario shouting. "What I do know is that a thing like you who threatens to hurt and kill innocent people is evil enough to eat my feet!" Luigi glared at Astral as he said aloud. "Your kind hurt and killed all those people on Azarath! You don't go around proclaiming you're the light when people like Red Skull, Thanos, and Smaug exist!" Astral looked down at the mention of those names laughing softly. "The Red Skull....Zordon really showed you the former S-Type Commander in his prime, that friend is gone from this world now..."



    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 26, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: 2017
  19. Fearless
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:
    @Aelin FireHeart
    @Lunafreya Nox Fleuret

    Aelin FireHeart

    Sample 1

    Sample 2


    Sample 1

    Sample 2


    Sample 1

    Sample 2


    Sample 1

    Sample 2


    Sample 1

    Sample 2


    Sample 1

    Sample 2

    Lunafreya Nox Fleuret

    Sample 1

    Sample 2
    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 26, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: 2017
  20. Fearless
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    And here are the nominees:

    Kingdom Hearts SoS




    The Realm of Darkness has a Coffee Shop


    Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser




    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 26, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: 2017