I got one of the ragnarok ninja but I like yours a bit better....
Hmmm.... To give you a number means I have to count.... I don't want to count so you get an E.
Heh, the collage computer just blocks me from seeing it...
No but he looks like one. Maybe he's a death clown... you know like that Steven King's IT movie.
When there is a party smilies gotta be there too:roar::rockband: :offtopic: :gunwtf: :stupid2:
ORLY?! :bounce:
you know in fractions 90% is also 9/10. Amazizing
Why don't you cast fire to make it hot again? What to many video games? No way.... I don't play to many games cause I'm a ninja:ninjacat:
Wierd? You know if you change the words around a bit you get wired. And when your wired you realize this isn't the internet because....:sparta:
Huh..... Well it's yo life do what ya want. but first know this. Happyfreakingbirthdaydude! ^It makes sence trust me^
Thanks but I just put it onto a thread in the creativity corner. But I can try that too thanks.
I'm new here and I'm trying to get a video I made to upload to this site. Problem is when I got to upload it won't take my password and E-mail like it asks for. I'm guessing it would be for mods if mine isn't working. Or perhaps a ****ch? I just need to know a way I can share my KH videos.
I can't get the upload to work for this site but I got it on youtube So I'll put the thread here for you to watch instead http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOHsfei7WSo
:registro5B15D::guiltygearXpc37: :star-wars-smiley-02
That's good cause I'm not and I don't feel like giving proof. so meh
I got a chain mail that said if I didn't send it to 102920384 people in five minutes a monster would eat all my socks. Six minutes later I gots my socks eated..... So I went out and bought sandals instead!
:stupid: :stupid2: :guns3: :dead:
My bad thought you were talking about fan fics. Still Being a guy who isn't gay I don't care for that stuff. And I said no offence, no need to be defensive. I'm a nice person I swear!
No comment I'll just replace it with spam. :silence: Jeeze being bored sucks
Well I'm in collage so I only had one class today.