Code: Dirty Vegas - Walk into the Sun ( Club Mix )
Dirty Vegas - Walk into the Sun ( Club Mix )
So Dirty Vegas is apparently going to release a new album sometime this year. I have never been happier.
Suddenly, I hear that Eiffel 65 song about everything being blue.
In my experience, this causes much more terror than actual sharks. Well, it depends on if you've actually experienced said shark week yourself. Grown men have been known to run from the room screaming because of it.
Mozilla has announced that Flash will no longer be supported by default in Firefox until Adobe resolves the security risks. They also say that the block is dependent on Adobe. Once the risks are taken care of, Firefox will begin to support the plugin again.
I was unimpressed with Shark Week this year.
I just saw the option to disable it and I am disabling it until I see some sort of confirmation that all the vulnerabilities are taken care of. Here's some further information and I'll be keeping an eye on the situation.
Haha. Teen Wolf tonight.
Because we don't want to see what walks between the rows. It's worse during the soybean years. At least when the corn gets tall we can't see them.
I'm in the Upper Midwest. Nope, sorry.
Fair enough.
Not sure if satire or mis-labeling. Gonna go with satire.
Insanity is a legal term. So unless a court of law has found you to be so, you are not, in fact, insane. By the will of the staff. As are you.
Which one do I pick?
Oh, okay. Dissovling the council sounds vaguely familiar but I didn't know about the non-bending President. AND IT WAS A HUGE COPOUT. He went from 'holycrapterrifying' to 'lol k waterbender i got this'. I remember being so beyond mad with the big reveal. I think I would have been okay with the reveal if he had been Yakone's non-bending son who Yakone pretty much disowned. He somehow learns the art of taking away bending(maybe Koh or some other spirit teaches him) forms the Equalists. And so on and so forth. I don't know. Amon is just one of those characters that I will fight to the death for.
Because they probably didn't just cease to exist after Amon's rather ambiguous death. Did they disband? Are there still Equalists but they're dealing with a void in leadership? Did they form a democracy where they take a vote on things? Because damnit, Amon had a point that I want addressed. Several points really. Point 1: Benders are dangerous. Proven countless times by the Avatar and co. Not just by the Triple Threat Triads and similar less than friendly benders. [ And did Korra give them their bending back? Did she give Tahno his bending back? ] Point 2: Non-Benders feel oppressed by their Bending peers. It's kind of like in the X-men 'verse where people fear mutants for what they can do. 'My neighbor can burn my house down!' vrs. 'There's a girl who can phase through walls. What's to stop her from robbing a bank?' And it's usually based on the actions of a few. [ The Triads and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants ] Amon's fake backstory is meant to illustrate this. [ And man, just think about if he hadn't been faking it the whole time. Fire benders oppressed his family and burned his face when he stood up to him. We see Mako threaten to do this same thing to one of the Equalists btw. ] These are things I want addressed. If they're addressed in the other 4 seasons I haven't watched, then that's amazing. If not, I want to know they're addressed somehow in the comics. I loved Amon. Is it obvious?
Code: VNV Nation Finest Hour mix
VNV Nation Finest Hour mix
I meant like in-person.
I have never seen a 7-11.
I don't know. Australia only really has two seasons. Summer and Surface of the Sun where things randomly burst into flames.