<.< >.>
Is just peeking
I'll probably join up with this eventually, the server issues that plagued the game at open beta/launch kind of caused me to drift away a little bit and get invested in other things with how long they took to fix it (I sat for 2 days for 4 hours+ trying to log in those first like 2 weeks) new game+inability to log in caused me to wander back over to WoW to kill time and stuff, as well as some other non-video game hobbies being started. I really loved this game though, so I'm debating on buying some time and coming back to it
I agree, amazing game and absolutely perfect in just about every category. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I rode a horse once.... I gotta say, by the end I was hanging on like that... It wasn't pretty.
This makes my cap'n crunch suddenly seem inadequate...
You loved it.
Thanks. That sig is so old, from back in like 2008 I think, I should really get a new one but oh wells. Glad to meet another fan too.
Ah vertuhd rlly smrt. i be smrty smrt pnts
Wat? Really? I thought they finished that a long time ago
Jak, y u so bad dood?
Better throw me into a KH-V sanctioned prison then, cuz damn
The World Ends With You, amazing game
I actually died on the Darkside battle in the dream.... what...the...****. I refuse to accept that! I've NEVER hit 0 hp in that fight before.
I got mine from GameStop as well. I got everything too. I even got a code for a ps3 theme, which I had NO idea about. That was pretty boss.
Morning was Choire, Yes. I sang. I was awesome at it too. afternoon was business, and then I had track/field after that. Didn't finish practice til around 7pm every night
Considering they evolve via Mewtwonite X and Mewtwonite Y, I'm gonna speculate that it's game-specific which stone you get.
I don't mean to come off as an ass by saying this, but I probably will, hah. It was 12 years ago. As bad of a day as it is, I think it's time we put it on the shelf of history and move on. I mean we've rebuilt there (or at least started, I don't keep track, really.), and just a little perspective. The babies that lost a parent in the attack are in middleschool/highschool now. I feel sorry for said families, but I would like to think they've come to terms by now, and would prefer to go about their lives today without being reminded by news/social media/etc. what today is. That's just my 2 cents, though, I could be completely wrong of course. what am I saying? I'm never wrong!