yes, i think it is pretty not right to make it on a cell phone. Well too bad that all of us wont have it. I hope At&t can use it cause i will be getting it. do you guys think it will?
Well im on youtube looking at random KH stuff cause im a KH fan/nerd but this is the right place to come to with all of my KH nerd friends =].(not an insult) Well does anyone have any idea on the correct release date or time of BBS? Will it be in the US?
Hey guys im Zendos. My real name is Jeremy. I am i lover of KH byt i have only beat 1 and 2. I am making plans to beat any others that i have missed. The only that i can think of is COM. But im ganna get started with my profile and my sig and stuff so i can start being addicted to the site lol. Well hello and i hope you guys love me =]