Recent Content by xacrax

  1. xacrax
    is there a code for modify BGM in a CUTSCENE like before Demyx Battle (HB 2º visit)?

    I mean a code for modify the music 'The 13th Dilemma' when Demyx shows him weapon, BEFORE the battle..
    Please *-----*

    (Sorry for my english ._. xD)
    Post by: xacrax, Apr 18, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. xacrax
    is there a code for NO BGM? Please *-*
    Post by: xacrax, Mar 2, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  3. xacrax
    Please, is there a code for No Antiform?
    please *___*
    Post by: xacrax, Feb 16, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  4. xacrax
    please, can someone give me a code for replace hades boss (Olympus Coliseum 2nd Visit) with cloud boss??
    and a code for replace cerberus (1st visit) with hercules boss?
    Post by: xacrax, Jan 20, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  5. xacrax
    Can someone give me a code for 4 life's bar or 3 life's bars for an enemy like Antisora??

    I mean, like this codes:

    For solo boss battles:
    R2 Joker to recover bosses HP to the maximun
    D034D45C 0000FDFF
    11C6C4E8 000002EE

    Bosses have 17 health bars/begin the battle using their Dm
    11C6C4EC 00000D48

    Bosses have 17 health bars
    11C6C4EC 000002EE

    For team boss battles:
    R2 joker to recover bosses HP
    D034D45C 0000FDFF
    11C6C018 000002EE

    Bosses have 17 health bars/begin the battle using their DM
    11C6C01C 00000D48

    Bosses have 17 health bar
    11C6C01C 000002EE

    PLEASE n_n
    Post by: xacrax, Jan 9, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  6. xacrax
    aw thanks, works perfect :3
    and for cloud boss, is there a same code? *----*
    Post by: xacrax, Jan 7, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  7. xacrax
    Is there a code for Antisora's (vexen's replica) finisher like this codes for nobodies:

    21c98dec 00000003 -ASSASSIN
    21c9914c 00000003 -DUSK
    21c990ec 00000003 -CREEPER
    21c98eac 00000003 -SNIPER
    21c98f0c 00000003 -DANCER
    21c98f6c 00000003 -BERSERKER
    21c9908c 00000003 -SORCEER
    21c98d8c 00000003 -DRAGOON
    21c98fcc 00000003 -GAMBLER

    PLEASE *-*
    Post by: xacrax, Jan 7, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  8. xacrax
    Hi guys

    I know this is stupid.. but i need to know.. its possible to swap a model from an enemy of KH to KH2?.. i mean ,,, its possible transfer the animation mod of an enemy of kh1 (e.g. kurt siza)for use in the skeleton of other enemy in kh2(e.g. twilight thorn) .. and finally... to use it well in the game..(but without codes)....only through of 3dStudio

    I know this is illegal.. but i want to know
    Post by: xacrax, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  9. xacrax
    I now this is stupid.. but i want to know

    if there is a code to fight the friends as auron, Riku, like the rol modifier but for friend

    and also wanted to know would be possible to change the weapon of Setzer when you fight him
    Post by: xacrax, Aug 19, 2008 in forum: Code Vault