Recent Content by User: Quorra

  1. User: Quorra
    Archer buried his face into his sleeve, trying to get at least one good breath not filled with the fumes of the metal horseshoe that he was fitting. He pulled the brightly colored shoe away to see that it was a perfect fit for the horse. Smiling in satisfation, he dropped the gelding's foot and took a few sweeping steps over to the basin where he carefully lowered the hissing metal into the water. The iron settled down and when he was satisfied, Archer withdrew it from the bucket and dried it on his apron. Picking up the hoof again, he began to secure it to his horse's hoof.

    However, no sooner had he started than there was a great commotion outside. Dancer whinnied shrilly and cocked his ears back, trying to catch the uproar.

    "Shhh, It's okay boy. Easy. Whooa," he said soothingly as he could, thanking his lucky stars that Dancer didn't spook easily or that horseshoe would be imprinted nicely on his face.

    Archer stood and walked to the window to see what was going on. What he beheld, made him feel sick. Guards on the street were battling civilians in a full scale riot, it looked like. Some were being arrested and others just killed where they stood. Or knelt.

    "Oh no..." he whispered, as he spotted one of the Brothers of the Order emerging from a shop.

    The Guards immediately seized him and ripped off the sleeve of his robe. Upon seeing the mark of the Order, the senior guard embedded his sword deep in the belly of the innocent boy.

    Archer couldn't help but cry out. What madness was this? They were slaughtering men of the cloth? His blood turned to ice as he realized that if they were hunting monks, then they wouldn't care to tell the difference between a current monk or past one. Fear shot through him as he backed away from the window. He had to leave. Now.
    Post by: User: Quorra, Jan 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. User: Quorra
    That is a good I have no idea. Then again I haven't been here that long. :)
    Post by: User: Quorra, Jan 5, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  3. User: Quorra
    Hahahaha no that's not a problem! I'm a girl.
    Post by: User: Quorra, Jan 5, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  4. User: Quorra
  5. User: Quorra
    Hahaha, Well thanks. To both of you. That puts my mind more at ease. I HATE causing conflict and problems, so sometimes I go out of my way to make sure that everyone is chill I guess.
    Post by: User: Quorra, Jan 4, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  6. User: Quorra
    Haha Yes! Do you have a long lost love that you are trying to pronounce you undying faithfulness to? Is the moment just too tense? Well don't worry! Here comes Barnabus the zombie Sasquatch dressed as a pirate. But wait! He is also a ninja! Amazing! Now your love will catch sight of Barnabus and flee, screaming in terror, so you don't have to go through that awkward moment of mutual love!
    Post by: User: Quorra, Jan 4, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  7. User: Quorra
    Yeah and I kinda like the bad-a** character that came out of it. I will name him Barnabus....I reeeeeally wanna see a picture of something like that, as it seems that could be highly amusing.
    Post by: User: Quorra, Jan 4, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  8. User: Quorra
    Ha, oh I'd never abandon you guys! After all I have to repay you somehow, and my characters won't write themselves!

    And actually P, you are a year older than me, if your profile age is correct :).
    Post by: User: Quorra, Jan 4, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  9. User: Quorra
    Hahaha well no I guess not! Whew! I'm so excited! This is surreal, though. I can't believe she said

    Thank you sooooo much for your help! Ever since I came here, you helped me out. Thanks P. You're like the older brother I never had. ^-^
    Post by: User: Quorra, Jan 4, 2011 in forum: Help with Life