Recent Content by silvermistshadow

  1. silvermistshadow
    Yeah, I'm using an emulator. Much easier than using my real ps2, though it does get laggy. Just to make sure I'm reading this right, I should comment out the first line, like this?: (// denotes stuff to not use, as far as the emulator is concerned)

    //Drive forms

    Or were you saying to do this:

    //Drive forms
    Post by: silvermistshadow, Dec 2, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. silvermistshadow
    Hmm. Started playing the game again today, and the drive forms still aren't showing up. I even held R2 while walking into an area transition.

    I'll try the codes for playing as Riku as well. Sounds like fun.

    EDIT: Got an error on a part of the drive form code, my debugging stuff is giving me this: (EE pc:001BEA6C) TLB Miss, addr=0x10 [load] which, I narrowed down to the drive mode code since nothing else starts with 10. Of course, since the error only mentions the first two digits for some silly reason, it could be any of these ones:
    Post by: silvermistshadow, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  3. silvermistshadow
    Thanks for the help.

    I'm looking at the universal character modifier now, but some of the digits are a bit.. confusing. They use odd terms like (T-pose/T-stance) and (dummy) (only guest), without explaining exactly what we're supposed to know from the usage of those terms. Like, I found a bunch of Riku in there, and all but one said (dummy) and (T-pose/T-stance), while the other said (only guest). Does this last one mean I should only use his digits to override the guest slot or can I use him as the main character if I feel like it? I'd guess the other ones mean you can't actually use that version to do anything interesting, but I could be wrong.
    Post by: silvermistshadow, Nov 30, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  4. silvermistshadow
    Press R2 to Unlock All Drive Forms
    (With Antiform in Drive List)
    E006FDFF 0034d3c0
    2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF
    2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF
    2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF
    1032EE24 00000029
    1032EECC 00000029
    1032EF04 00000029
    This one doesn't seem to be working for me. No new forms show up in either the status menu or the command menu (drive sub-menu) after pressing R2. Figured I should also mention that I patched my game with xeeynamo's english patch (I can read Japanese, but not well enough to do anything with a video game), if that matters, though the rest of the codes work fine (though I would like to advise anyone using the medal mod to turn it off before visiting a world, as the main menu will slow down to a crawl, leaving the save menu fine for some reason).

    Also, could I perhaps have a code to enable the use of revert while in anti-sora form? It's rather annoying, not being able to use reaction commands. And some bosses later on will require the use of them. (Everything here is in RAW, right? I prefer RAW, it makes me go through less hoops to get the code into the game.)
    Post by: silvermistshadow, Nov 28, 2011 in forum: Code Vault