Recent Content by Sephyncloud

  1. Sephyncloud
    Buy a ps3 dude, Best purchase of my life.
    Post by: Sephyncloud, Sep 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Sephyncloud
    Can you use Gameshark2 V1.2 to input the codes?
    Post by: Sephyncloud, Aug 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Sephyncloud
  4. Sephyncloud
    Vexen's laugh is...Wierd as crap
    Post by: Sephyncloud, Aug 28, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Sephyncloud
    Lol, I love the music so much, I went and bought EVERY SINGLE KH SOUNDTRACK. KH 1, KH 1 FM, KH 2, KH 2 FM, and KH Re: CoM soundtrack, all for 50$.
    Post by: Sephyncloud, Aug 6, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Sephyncloud
    Man, Kingdom Hearts was the first game that I got for my PS2 on That Fateful Christmas...I'm just wondering what peoples first thoughts were when they got this game.
    Thread by: Sephyncloud, Aug 4, 2009, 24 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Sephyncloud
    Im a noob and I NEED HELP!

    Hey, i'm new to this whole KH II Cheating thing, and i was trying to put the codes onto my Gameshark 2 V1.3, and it just froze, and then i went to the game and no codes had been activated...My question is..."What Version of gameshark2 do you have to use?"
    Post by: Sephyncloud, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault