I've only played the first three lol, but I've watched the story for all of them except 3D. My ranking for the story might be off for the games I've never played, especially BBS.
Story: KH, CoM, KH2, Days, BBS, Coded
Customization: KH2, KH1, CoM
Replayability: KH1, KH2, CoM
Characters: KH1, CoM, KH2
Music: KH2, KH1, CoM
Weapons: KH2, KH1, CoM
Favorites: KH1, KH2, CoM
If there's one area that they really need to hit a homerun with in KH3, it's the storyline. Adding multiplayer would take some focus away from that. Balancing multiplayer takes a ton of work as well. If it was to ever happen I think it should be a completely separate game.
Last 3 characters are Black Adam, Killer Frost and Ares (although Black Adam is the only one who has been officially confirmed).
This game is going to be godlike :) If anybody here is super interested you should check out testyourmight.com, it's the best place to go as far as info & discussion.
This reminds me of the scene between Roxas & Xemnas near the beginning of KH2. I doubt this scene will be voiced and it's probably better that way imo. It'll be nice to have a translation of what he's saying though.
I think when you start playing strategically you find more spots where magic comes in handy. That's how it was for me anyway.
In future games I'd like to see magic designed more for utility rather than damage. Blizzard temporarily stuns or slows the enemy's movement, fire could be a gtfo me attack (like in kh2), thunder works as a launcher to start or extend combos, etc. The possibilities are endless. The developers had the right idea in previous games but imho they need to make the utility much greater & the damage much lower. Ultimately this could be a great way to make the game less of a button masher.
(I can't comment on magic in any portable games though because I haven't played them).
Yep and in a sense a lot of people will be buying it soon (Days in the HD Remix). Other than lacking the fancy graphics and a new plotline like Advent Children, I'd say it definitely counts as a movie.
Yeah I hope future games in the series feel like KH2. It was just really smooth and the movement was fluid. The biggest thing I think needs to be improved is the combat...I'd suggest make attacking more complex than just mashing a button, incorporate magic to where it's necessary during fights but not overpowered, make countering enemy attacks more crucial, make Donald & Goofy more cooperative, and make the player have much faster reactions at high difficulty levels (proud/critical).
But for a simple HD Remix I wouldn't expect any major changes. Maybe some small things could be tweaked though. I'd like to see longer recovery after using reflect, damage tweaks on some attacks, etc.
Assuming that a 2.5 HD Remix will be released, do you think there will be any small tweaks in the gameplay similar to how KH1 received changes? I haven't played BBS or 3D, but are there any minor mechanics from those games that could be brought over to KH2? Are there any changes you'd like to see that most likely won't happen? (i.e. nerfing drives, limits, reflect, etc).
Good points. Multiplayer is a whole nother beast.
IMHO if they did multiplayer & the regular RPG in one game, either one or both would fall short. Multiplayer has to have balance at least to the degree where it's playable for casual gamers. Also what kind of multiplayer are we talking about? Fighting game, MMO, Co-op...would playing online be an option? I've never seen a fighting game that's designed like Kindgom Hearts, but it's an interesting idea :p
For the multiplayer aspect to be successful it should be a completely separate title. Co-op is the only way I could possibly see them working together. But even then I feel like it would take time away from making the storyline & basic gameplay feel perfect.
I'd say getting all the trophies will be pretty difficult since there's so much extra stuff that can be done in kh1. On a sort of related note though, I wonder if critical mode will be added to the game now. It would pretty awesome if that happens :)
I had never heard of this yaoi stuff until just now...it sounds kind of creepy though (no offense lol).
Can't believe Sora/Roxas didn't even make the top 20. That one is huge imo, it would definitely be in my top 5.
Song: The Cave by Mumford & Sons
Video: The Walking Dead, Seasons 1-3
Big spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't seen the show.
This is my first attempt at doing something like this so comments are definitely appreciated :)
I didn't really do anything fancy because I don't know how lol. But I thought this song fit perfectly with the Walking Dead's storyline so that's what I focused on, especially...
Rick coping with the loss of Shane & Lori, and moving on with his new born daughter and Carl.