Idk what I did exactly to make it work, but I deleted the game from my ARMax list, and I re-entered it, and now it magically works...typical mistake; probably entered the M code wrong lol.
Anyways, thanks a bunch for the help, and sorry for the trouble.
I don't think its the codes problem, before I continue putting codes on my armax I try a simple code first and see if it works, but it doesnt work at all. the code im trying is "Infinite Munny", But it aint working either, actually...Im not sure if it works, because after the ARmax boots it stays on blackscreen,...I may be entering the wrong you have any Infinite Munny code I can use anywhere? Thanks again.
About the mastercode, just wanna make sure, is this the one?
Also...I'm kinda new to this, whats a jokered code? lol.
Idk if anyone encountered a problem about this before, but I got an issue running the game when I use any ARMax codes, its like this
Game runs fine. I even patched it w/ the english patch and it works.
The problem is, when I try using any type of ARmax code, it launches the game, but then it stays on black screen.
I tried this with the original disc and the english patched one, both failed.
But one thing confused me, when I searched around for the master codes, I found like 3 diffrent ones, and I'm not sure which one I need to use, if its needed I can go look back and post the master codes I found here, my slim PS2 is modded, and no swap magic is needed to play the game, so I figured I might need it for running the game with the codes on, or if there any other way around it? I also tried searching about this, still nothing.
P.S: I'm not sure if its the problem, but does it matter that I'm actually using an american ARmax?