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Nov 18, 2012
Jan 27, 2011
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Feb 5, 1994 (Age: 31)
Somewhere in Narnia... of course.


Moogle Assistant, 31, from Somewhere in Narnia... of course.

MoonTide was last seen:
Nov 18, 2012
    1. Twilight_Nobody13
      Hm, sup buddy. not much. Finally done with all the school related crap so I can focus on having fun and gaining weight. lol Not doing so great in that department....but i'm trying. I'm usually not on here a whole lot anymore more like skype and facebook. Occasionally msn. mom keeps me busy enough though and all that jazz. Summer's good. Beat the crap outta a jerk in a video game...uh, he was an in game character so no I haven't beaten up a real person...yet. :D Just been playin' a whole lot of games and reading. Not so much watching tv anymore. Now that I have time for everything that school usually takes up.
    2. MarlyLuvsGir11
      That's awesome! I kinda figured your mom would like it. It's not like a super violent game haha I haven't gotten into roleplaying on the site yet. I'm not exactly sure how to start. (If that makes sense)
    3. MarlyLuvsGir11
      Heyy! My summer's goin' pretty good. I've managed to read Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix again. haha Workin' on Twilight now. Should be done with it soon. How's Epic Mickey goin' for ya? Have you gotten the whole jumping thing down yet? XD
    4. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Alright. Thank you very much.
    5. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Tell me if there's any updates, okay? I'm really worried about Chelsea.
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Hopefully, they'll let her use her laptop over there. I just worry about her because she's very important to me, and I know what it's like to be in a hospital for a long period of time. Your mind will begin to wander after a while. I know, that deep down, at her core, she is a very strong person. I know she'll be fine.
    7. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      If anyone does, I swear I'll go over there and take care of it. Believe me when I say I really wish I was over there right now instead of LA. She wants me to stay where I am so I can be here for when my new heart gets here. I know she's right, but she's been there for me a lot during these past few weeks, getting me out of my own freak outs. I just want her to be okay, that's all I'm asking for.
    8. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Okay, thank you so much. I know a lot about hospitals. They're probably going to do a number of unnecessary tests. We're both from military families, which means great health insurance. As long as their at least doing the ones that will actually help her, I'm not going to complain too much.
    9. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Hey; do you know how she's doing?
    10. Twilight_Nobody13
      M'kay. I'm sleepy....already... jeez, you'd think I had mono or something.
    11. Twilight_Nobody13
      First we'll see how I feel tomorrow. If I feel terrible again, I'll text you to nab my homework for me. Hell I'll even give you my locker combo if I don't feel well.

      Second...I think I'll take the bus. I do love my "meditation" time. Nothing beats that like twenty minute nap with my music.
    12. MoonTide
      yeah, same here... want me to pick you up tomorrow so you don't have to ride the bus than, or do you want to ride the bus for your meditation?
    13. Twilight_Nobody13
      Me? Well I feel like an alien is clawing it's way through my stomach. I'm not hungry! So why does it keep growling at me? It's bad enough mom thinks I have some sort of kidney disease cause I get dehydrated easily and I have back pain....she's so weird it's scary. On top of all that, my legs are restless and feel like I should chop them off before I can find a comfortable position anywhere! I'm so sick of being in pain and not feeling well. Bleh, if it weren't for Jose and you guys at school (cough minus Brandi and the evil part of Kelsey cough) I'd just go hang myself.
    14. Twilight_Nobody13
      What, no. Why would you want to kill my brother? He graduates from college soon so don't you dare. That kid needs to find a wife and have kids dammit. I'm not going to leave this earth without seeing a damn nephew!
    15. Twilight_Nobody13
      Phone's off and charging. and Ryan's on the land line.
    16. Twilight_Nobody13
      AH, DAMNIT, DAMIT, DAMIT, DAMIT! I was hoping it'd be easy!!!! You should let me see the review sheet before English tomorrow. do we even get to use the packets? Anything...?

      Pfft, that math test isn't happening. I'm not even caught up yet. And I left my math book at school.....

      I've noticed that too finally....She was eating bloody Skittles and she still does that lip smacking thing. I was really close to pulling out my hair! I'll be there tomorrow. If not, mom's defiantly going to take me to the doctor. I'm pretty sure it's because I can't handle the stress of school and Kelsey and Brandi all in a week every damn week of the year. It's too much for me now. Especially since it seems like Brandi and Kelsey have been attacking me about the whole money thing a lot more than usual. She should know by now that I'm not going to pay her back....I mean, c'mon, I don't get paid in ones and yeah I'm that much of a mooch. Do I care, nooooo~! Plus, I didn't ask her to give me money that day, I asked for food. I can't eat money so she willingly gave me money. She'll know it when I ask for money. I'll have melted off my fingertips and been beaten to a pulp from drug sellers. :/

      Just keep calm, I'll be there tomorrow. Hopefully.
    17. MoonTide
      nope, where taking the test tomorrow. We had wore Mr. Johnson for a sub yesterday, we did a review sheet yesterday, and we went over it today. It looks like the test is going to be kind of hard actually.

      Well it is good you talked to Jose, he'll make you happy which will boost your immune system. Which would make you well, and maybe you can be there for me so I don't ***** at Brandi every time she smacks her fingers and talks with her mouth full. I think she is getting the drift slightly but not as well as Kelsey. But than again I did snap at Brandi yesterday forgetting to close, I've just been so tired constantly, I really can't wait to get my math caught up.
      Oh yeah tomorrow we all have a sub for Math, your class is taking a test... yeah bummer. I say you should come tomorrow.. or I could drop off all your assignments after practice tomorrow so you aren't too behind in school next week.
    18. Twilight_Nobody13
      Hm, I'm better. I told you guys I should've stayed home on tuesday and this only proves my point. I slept all day yesterday and i was texting Jose and he called me and sang me a song. :D It was so much fun I almost could forget I was sick...almost. I hate this illness! It's messing with me and I don't like it!

      You guys took that A River Runs Through It test today right? Was it hard?
    19. Twilight_Nobody13
      A what? Wouldn't it just mean the same as what you think it means? I've never seen that word before in roleplaying.
    20. Twilight_Nobody13
      Only for a little while. I'm running out of minutes and I don't get more until July.
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    Feb 5, 1994 (Age: 31)
    Somewhere in Narnia... of course.