Recent Content by mierdareado

  1. mierdareado

    Have all synthesis recipes
    203F8900 63630063
    203F8904 63636363
    203F8908 63636363
    203F890C 63636363
    203F8910 63636363
    203F8914 63636363
    003F8918 00000063

    Sorry, what do you mean by materials?
    Please specify
    Post by: mierdareado, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  2. mierdareado
    Here's a video of mine on youtube that shows it with the same codes of Wheel of Time


    The video is in Spanish but it is well understood

    Here is a video made by me where I show how to reach the clock tower

    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  3. mierdareado

    Digit of the Scar Role Mod

    Scar - 9CDAC
    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 28, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  4. mierdareado
    Already tried it and still the same :(
    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 26, 2012 in forum: Video Showcase
  5. mierdareado

    Have 9 drive bars
    21C6C900 0A090964
    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 26, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  6. mierdareado
    So, is there any solution?
    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 26, 2012 in forum: Video Showcase
  7. mierdareado
    I do not enter the code, I fabricate a file .cbc from my computer with all codes, each code by copying and pasting, I never put a code by hand.

    Should I remove all the skills or not?

    I can only say that I have the Kingdom Hearts II Pal in Spanish
    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 26, 2012 in forum: Video Showcase
  8. mierdareado
    Yes. Musball Axel appears and when I give the Joker for the animations, there is a Freeze.
    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 21, 2012 in forum: Video Showcase
  9. mierdareado
    I tried it and in part it works, I have removed all the blue skills, then when I activate the R2 Joker, Joker L2 of the animations is a Freeze

    Am I doing something wrong?
    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 21, 2012 in forum: Video Showcase
  10. mierdareado
    This code works in Ps2?
    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 18, 2012 in forum: Video Showcase
  11. mierdareado
  12. mierdareado
    Does anyone know some code to have invocations as allies? and also play with the summons, I have only the code to play with Peter Pan.
    Play as Peter Pan
    11c954f4 00003333
    11c95514 00003333

    It really works

    Thanks in Advance ^^
    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  13. mierdareado
    Anyone can try these codes? work but in the end just playing with Goofy and not with the corresponding boss. If possible, anyone can fix?

    Play as Terra
    2036D8D0 00000000
    0036D8D4 00000000
    E007FDFF 0034D45C
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2032F094 12121202
    207A5458 00932190
    207A5468 009623C0
    207A5488 009A852C
    20807458 009A9180
    E01FFEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    2081C368 00C55950
    20825E38 00C5AC00
    20839098 00C5AC00
    20845338 00C62EF0
    20849F58 00C68A80
    2084E3E8 00C6D380
    208B80D8 00D0F3F0
    208B80E8 00D20DC0
    208BE368 00E3CF40
    208BE378 00E484F0
    208C4CD8 00DC74B0
    208C4CE8 00DE9250
    208C9878 00CFC490
    208C9888 00D0F2F0
    20863708 00E282E0
    20863718 00E3CE20
    2086A038 00C741A0
    208707E8 00C7E120
    20876628 00C878B0
    2087BCA8 00C90FE0
    20880188 00C9A690
    20884F28 00CA3DB0
    20889058 00CAE430
    2088D618 00CB4AC0
    20895308 00CC2340
    20899838 00CC8A90
    208A8128 00CAE430
    20852D68 00D9FDF0
    Play as Hooded Roxas
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036D8D0 00000000
    0036D8D4 00000000
    11CE0B6A 00000951
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2094BC58 00AD8990
    2094BC68 00AFB2C0
    2094BC88 00B32218
    209ADC58 00B329C0
    E027FEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209C2B68 00D50190
    209C9CF8 00D50190
    209CC638 00D64F60
    209D43B8 00D64F60
    209D9EF8 00D64F60
    209DF898 00D64F60
    209E2E38 00D64F60
    209E7358 00D64F60
    209EBB38 00F20A50
    209F0758 00D709D0
    209F4BE8 00D78C60
    209F9568 00D50190
    209FC978 00D50190
    20A09F08 00F31E00
    20A09F18 00F3D170
    20A5E8D8 00EDB540
    20A5E8E8 00F0B160
    20A64B68 00F0B350
    20A64B78 00F20980
    20A6B4D8 00F29830
    20A6B4E8 00F31D70
    20A70078 00F68A90
    20A70088 00F73C20
    20A46728 00DFA690
    20A46738 00E0F930
    20A10838 00D83440
    20A16FE8 00D90DB0
    20A1CE28 00D9EAE0
    20A224A8 00DAAF10
    20A26988 00DB8BD0
    20A2B728 00DC3E80
    20A2F858 00DCE970
    20A33E18 00DD5E40
    20A3BB08 00DE4E30
    20A40038 00DEC5F0
    20A4E928 00DCE970
    Play as Hooded Riku
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036D8D0 00000000
    0036D8D4 00000000
    11CE0B6A 0000063C
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2094BC58 00AD8990
    2094BC68 00B03FC0
    2094BC88 00B348D8
    209ADC58 00B35180
    E02BFEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209C2B68 00BAFE70
    209C9CF8 00BAFE70
    209CC638 00BAFE70
    209D43B8 00BAFE70
    209D9EF8 00BAFE70
    209DF898 00BAFE70
    209E2E38 00BAFE70
    209E7358 00BAFE70
    209EBB38 00BB5240
    209F0758 00BBCA60
    209F0768 00BC4030
    209F4BE8 00BC4070
    209F4BF8 00BCD8A0
    209F9568 00BCD8F0
    209FC978 00BCD8F0
    20A09F08 00BF5F70
    20A09F18 00C0B4F0
    20A5E8D8 00BD7BF0
    20A5E8E8 00BE9E70
    20A64B68 00BE9F30
    20A64B78 00BF5EF0
    20A6B4D8 00BE9F30
    20A6B4E8 00BF5EF0
    20A70078 00BD7BF0
    20A70088 00BE9E70
    20A10838 00BCD8F0
    20A16FE8 00BCD8F0
    20A1CE28 00BCD8F0
    20A224A8 00BCD8F0
    20A26988 00BAFE70
    20A2B728 00BAFE70
    20A2F858 00BBCA60
    20A2F868 00BC4030
    20A33E18 00BC4070
    20A33E28 00BCD8A0
    20A3BB08 00BBCA60
    20A3BB18 00BC4030
    20A40038 00BC4070
    20A40048 00BCD8A0
    20A4E928 00BCD8F0
    Play as Sephiroth
    2036D8C0 00000000
    1032E020 00000000
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2088FC58 00CA9690
    2088FC68 00CE6DC0
    2088FC78 00D5DCDC
    208FAC58 00D5E690
    E043FEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209830D8 00F96670
    2098CB78 00F96670
    2098F268 00F9F4F0
    20995488 00F9F4F0
    2099B3A8 00F9F4F0
    209A1958 00FA6A80
    209A7C48 00FA6A80
    209AF1C8 00FA6A80
    209B6638 00FB0440
    20BC0788 00FB0440
    209BBFA8 00FBD2A0
    209C10F8 00FC8990
    209CCCF8 00F96670
    20BCA8F8 00FB0440
    20BCD7F8 01050940
    20BD3168 0105AB80
    20BDA4A8 01050940
    20BE5FC8 01050940
    20BEAB58 01050940
    20BEFFB8 00FBD2A0
    20BF5798 0105AB80
    209E0FC8 010AEF50
    209E0FD8 010BF230
    20B620C8 01092530
    20B620D8 0109CCE0
    20AC49F8 01069BA0
    20AC4A08 010923C0
    20ACC1D8 01069BA0
    20ACC1E8 010923C0
    20AD91F8 01069BA0
    20AD9208 010923C0
    20B6AC78 0109CD60
    20B6AC88 010AEE90
    20B73648 01092530
    20B73658 0109CCE0
    20B0C468 01069BA0
    20B0C478 010923C0
    20B135E8 01069BA0
    20B135F8 010923C0
    20B1DB48 01069BA0
    20B1DB58 010923C0
    20B406B8 01069BA0
    20B406C8 010923C0
    20B48608 01069BA0
    20B48618 010923C0
    20B96668 0109CD60
    20B96678 010AEE90
    20B9ACC8 0109CD60
    20B9ACD8 010AEE90
    20BAEC98 0109CD60
    20BAECA8 010AEE90
    209E6A98 00FD36F0
    209ED848 00FDFE80
    209F48E8 00FED9B0
    209FBF78 00FFC740
    20A03618 0100A980
    20A09A68 01015860
    20A103F8 01023430
    20A15818 0102D3A0
    20A1C088 01039AC0
    20A21158 01043840
    20A278F8 00FB0440
    20B5C668 01092530
    20B5C678 0109CCE0
    Go to the fight at Sephiroth and press R2, before press L2 for animations
    Play as Cloud
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036D8D0 00000000
    0036D8D4 00000000
    11CE0B6A 000008F9
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2094BC58 00AD8990
    2094BC68 00B06B40
    2094BC88 00B52DD0
    209ADC58 00B53190
    E01BFDFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209C2B68 00BF4690
    209C9CF8 00BF4690
    209CC638 00CC6850
    209D43B8 00CC6850
    209D9EF8 00CC6850
    209DF898 00CC6850
    209E2E38 00CC6850
    209E7358 00CC6850
    209EBB38 00BF4690
    209F0758 00CC6850
    209F4BE8 00BF4690
    209F9568 00BF4690
    209FC978 00BF4690
    20A10838 00BFD020
    20A16FE8 00C09890
    20A1CE28 00C09890
    20A224A8 00BFD020
    20A26988 00BFD020
    20A2B728 00C09890
    20A2F858 00BFD020
    20A33E18 00C09890
    20A3BB08 00C09890
    20A40038 00C09890
    20A4E928 00C42230
    E00AFFFB 0034D45C
    20A09F08 00C91390
    20A09F18 00CC6790
    20A5E8D8 00C65810
    20A5E8E8 00C837F0
    20A64B68 00C838E0
    20A64B78 00C912D0
    20A6B4D8 00CD3FF0
    20A6B4E8 00CF6EB0
    20A70078 00CF6F80
    20A70088 00D05D00
    E00AFFFD 0034D45C
    20A09F08 00C16D20
    20A09F18 00C32310
    20A5E8D8 00CD3FF0
    20A5E8E8 00CF6EB0
    20A64B68 00CF6F80
    20A64B78 00D05D00
    20A6B4D8 00CD3FF0
    20A6B4E8 00CF6EB0
    20A70078 00CF6F80
    20A70088 00D05D00
    R3 and L3 = special atacks
    Play as Leon
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036D8D0 00000000
    0036D8D4 00000000
    11CE0B6A 000008F8
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2094BC58 00AD8990
    2094BC68 00B09C40
    2094BC88 00B5B0B8
    209ADC58 00B5B990
    E025FEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209C2B68 00C65970
    209C9CF8 00C65970
    209CC638 00C750F0
    209D43B8 00C750F0
    209D9EF8 00C750F0
    209DF898 00C750F0
    209E2E38 00C750F0
    209E7358 00C750F0
    209EBB38 00C65970
    209F0758 00C65970
    209F4BE8 00C65970
    209F9568 00C9FED0
    209FC978 00C9FED0
    20A09F08 00CEB2E0
    20A09F18 00CFD090
    20A5E8D8 00CCD1D0
    20A5E8E8 00CDDC60
    20A64B68 00CC1790
    20A64B78 00CCD130
    20A6B4D8 00CCD1D0
    20A6B4E8 00CDDC60
    20A70078 00CC1790
    20A70088 00CCD130
    20A10838 00C7D880
    20A16FE8 00C85E80
    20A1CE28 00C8ED70
    20A224A8 00C97D00
    20A26988 00C7D880
    20A2B728 00C8ED70
    20A2F858 00C7D880
    20A33E18 00C85E80
    20A3BB08 00C8ED70
    20A40038 00C97D00
    20A4E928 00CABD40
    Play as Tifa
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036D8D0 00000000
    0036D8D4 00000000
    11CE0B6A 000008FA
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2094BC58 00AD8990
    2094BC68 00AFB240
    2094BC88 00B38C68
    209ADC58 00B39190
    E025FEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209C2B68 00C60E60
    209C9CF8 00C60E60
    209CC638 00C66CE0
    209D43B8 00C66CE0
    209D9EF8 00C66CE0
    209DF898 00C66CE0
    209E2E38 00C66CE0
    209E7358 00C66CE0
    209EBB38 00C60E60
    209F0758 00C60E60
    209F4BE8 00C60E60
    209F9568 00C807D0
    209FC978 00C807D0
    20A09F08 00CC9EA0
    20A09F18 00CEBF30
    20A5E8D8 00CEC0A0
    20A5E8E8 00D00F00
    20A64B68 00CA9510
    20A64B78 00CC9D10
    20A6B4D8 00C9D7D0
    20A6B4E8 00CA9440
    20A70078 00CA9510
    20A70088 00CC9D10
    20A10838 00C6F040
    20A16FE8 00C77C90
    20A1CE28 00C77C90
    20A224A8 00C6F040
    20A26988 00C6F040
    20A2B728 00C77C90
    20A2F858 00C6F040
    20A33E18 00C77C90
    20A3BB08 00C77C90
    20A40038 00C6F040
    20A4E928 00C6F040
    Play as Hercules
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036D8D0 00000000
    0036D8D4 00000000
    11CE0B6A 00000910
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2094BC58 00AD89A0
    2094BC68 00B04940
    2094BC88 00BC3500
    209ADC58 00BC3990
    E025FEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209C2B68 00C5E990
    209C9CF8 00C5E990
    209CC638 00C63720
    209D43B8 00C63720
    209D9EF8 00C63720
    209DF898 00C63720
    209E2E38 00C63720
    209E7358 00C63720
    209EBB38 00C69D20
    209F0758 00C71BF0
    209F4BE8 00C76FF0
    209F9568 00D6A3A0
    209FC978 00D6A3A0
    20A09F08 00D1B200
    20A09F18 00D4AA50
    20A5E8D8 00CE0630
    20A5E8E8 00CEAFA0
    20A64B68 00CF8C20
    20A64B78 00CEAFA0
    20A6B4D8 00CEB030
    20A6B4E8 00CF8BA0
    20A70078 00CE0630
    20A70088 00CEAFA0
    20A10838 00C7FB80
    20A16FE8 00C87680
    20A1CE28 00C90950
    20A224A8 00C96A40
    20A26988 00C9F820
    20A2B728 00CA5470
    20A2F858 00CAD070
    20A33E18 00CB3160
    20A3BB08 00CBC610
    20A40038 00CC14D0
    20A4E928 00D4AAD0
    Play as Scar
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036D8D0 00000000
    0036D8D4 00000000
    11CE0B6A 0000029C
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2094BC58 00AD8990
    2094BC68 00AFA5C0
    2094BC88 00B4C328
    209ADC58 00B4C990
    E025FEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209C2B68 00C8B180
    209C9CF8 00C8B180
    209CC638 00C8D4E0
    209D43B8 00C8D4E0
    209D9EF8 00C8D4E0
    209DF898 00C91490
    209E2E38 00C91490
    209E7358 00C91490
    209EBB38 00C94470
    209F0758 00C97250
    209F4BE8 00C99F30
    209F9568 00CC4870
    209FC978 00CC4870
    20A09F08 00D152E0
    20A09F18 00D191A0
    20A5E8D8 00CC9450
    20A5E8E8 00CCF210
    20A64B68 00CCF300
    20A64B78 00CD4860
    20A6B4D8 00CC9450
    20A6B4E8 00CCF210
    20A70078 00CC9450
    20A70088 00CCF210
    20A10838 00C9D1F0
    20A16FE8 00CA0D40
    20A1CE28 00CA4500
    20A224A8 00CA82B0
    20A26988 00CAB560
    20A2B728 00CAE440
    20A2F858 00CB1660
    20A33E18 00CB4960
    20A3BB08 00CB8E90
    20A40038 00CBC520
    20A4E928 00C9D1F0
    Play as Hayner
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036D8D0 00000000
    0036D8D4 00000000
    11CE0B6A 000004D7
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2094BC58 00AD8990
    2094BC68 00B03B40
    2094BC88 00B41BE8
    209ADC58 00B42190
    E027FEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209C2B68 00BC3E60
    209C9CF8 00BC3E60
    209CC638 00BC74D0
    209D43B8 00BC74D0
    209D9EF8 00BC74D0
    209DF898 00BC74D0
    209E2E38 00BC74D0
    209E7358 00BC74D0
    209EBB38 00BFC9F0
    209F0758 00BCA440
    209F4BE8 00BCC8A0
    209F9568 00BF12F0
    209FC978 00BF12F0
    20A09F08 00C10DB0
    20A09F18 00C16180
    20A5E8D8 00C061C0
    20A5E8E8 00C095B0
    20A64B68 00C161F0
    20A64B78 00C1B200
    20A6B4D8 00C061C0
    20A6B4E8 00C095B0
    20A70078 00C09620
    20A70088 00C0EA30
    20A46728 00BF4FC0
    20A4A3B8 00BF4FC0
    20A10838 00BCF870
    20A16FE8 00BD3620
    20A1CE28 00BD6E50
    20A224A8 00BDA5E0
    20A26988 00BDDF80
    20A2B728 00BE12E0
    20A2F858 00BE4030
    20A33E18 00BE6940
    20A3BB08 00BEA8A0
    20A40038 00BED0F0
    20A4E928 00C02B80
    Play as Seifer
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036D8D0 00000000
    0036D8D4 00000000
    11CE0B6A 00000678
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2094BC58 00AD8990
    2094BC68 00B014C0
    2094BC88 00B39C04
    209ADC58 00B3A190
    E028FEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209C2B68 00BC9660
    209C9CF8 00BC9660
    209CC638 00BCD670
    209D43B8 00BCD670
    209D9EF8 00BCD670
    209DF898 00BD2A10
    209E2E38 00BD2A10
    209E7358 00BD2A10
    209EBB38 00BD8BE0
    209F0758 00BDF5D0
    209F0768 00BE68B0
    209F4BE8 00BE6900
    209F9568 00C106F0
    209FC978 00C106F0
    20A09F08 00C20FA0
    20A09F18 00C2C110
    20A5E8D8 00C380B0
    20A5E8E8 00C41C80
    20A64B68 00C41D10
    20A64B78 00C4CB70
    20A6B4D8 00BDF5D0
    20A6B4E8 00BE68B0
    20A70078 00C41D10
    20A70088 00C4CB70
    20A46728 00C18AD0
    20A4A3B8 00C18AD0
    20A10838 00BECAA0
    20A16FE8 00BF5EF0
    20A1CE28 00BFEAF0
    20A224A8 00C071E0
    20A26988 00BECAA0
    20A2B728 00BF5EF0
    20A2F858 00BECAA0
    20A33E18 00BFEAF0
    20A3BB08 00BF5EF0
    20A40038 00C071E0
    20A4E928 00C2C170
    Play as Setzer
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036D8D0 00000000
    0036D8D4 00000000
    11CE0B6A 0000082F
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2094BC58 00AD8990
    2094BC68 00B09940
    2094BC88 00B515EC
    209ADC58 00B51990
    E027FEFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209C2B68 00BFCE80
    209C9CF8 00BFCE80
    209CC638 00C012D0
    209D43B8 00C012D0
    209D9EF8 00C012D0
    209DF898 00C012D0
    209E2E38 00C012D0
    209E7358 00C012D0
    209EBB38 00C84770
    209F0758 00C06A00
    209F4BE8 00C0A880
    209F9568 00C52510
    209FC978 00C52510
    20A09F08 00CA2B90
    20A09F18 00CB9690
    20A5E8D8 00C89C90
    20A5E8E8 00C95A70
    20A64B68 00C62FC0
    20A64B78 00C6DA70
    20A6B4D8 00C9D9D0
    20A6B4E8 00CA2B40
    20A70078 00C95B00
    20A70088 00C9D940
    20A46728 00C5A340
    20A4A3B8 00C5A340
    20A10838 00C0F7A0
    20A16FE8 00C16B00
    20A1CE28 00C1E450
    20A224A8 00C246D0
    20A26988 00C2B920
    20A2B728 00C31D90
    20A2F858 00C37CA0
    20A33E18 00C3D150
    20A3BB08 00C44AB0
    20A40038 00C49B10
    20A4E928 00C780F0
    Play as Hooded Roxas (2)
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    E00CFDFF 0034D45C
    11ce0b6a 00000951
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00afb2c0
    2094bc88 00b32218
    209adc58 00b329c0
    01cbce4c 00000009
    0032BAE6 00000001
    01cabc8c 00000004
    21cabc94 00303234
    21cabcb4 2e303234
    21c94354 00303230
    21c94374 2e303230
    E028FEFF 0034D45C
    20d50188 00d833f0
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209c2b68 00d50190
    209c9cf8 00d50190
    209cc638 00d64f60
    209d43b8 00d64f60
    209d9ef8 00d64f60
    209df898 00d64f60
    209e2e38 00d64f60
    209e7358 00d64f60
    209ebb38 00f20a50
    209f0758 00d709d0
    209f4be8 00d78c60
    209f9568 00d50190
    209fc978 00d50190
    20a09f08 00f73cb0
    20a09f18 00f87db0
    20a5e8d8 00edb540
    20a5e8e8 00f0b160
    20a64b68 00f0b350
    20a64b78 00f20980
    20a6b4d8 00f29830
    20a6b4e8 00f31d70
    20a70078 00f68a90
    20a70088 00f73c20
    20a46728 00dfa690
    20a46738 00e0f930
    20a10838 00d83440
    20a16fe8 00d90db0
    20a1ce28 00d9eae0
    20a224a8 00daaf10
    20a26988 00db8bd0
    20a2b728 00dc3e80
    20a2f858 00dce970
    20a33e18 00dd5e40
    20a3bb08 00de4e30
    20a40038 00dec5f0
    20a4e928 00dce970
    Play as Terra Vs Sephiroth
    2032F094 12030102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    1032E2B2 0000808A
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    E007FDFF 0034D45C
    11ce0b6e 000008B6
    11ce0b6a 0000096f
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00b08bc0
    2094bc88 00b4ed2c
    209adc58 00b4f980
    01cbd98c 00000009
    E026FEFF 0034D45C
    20dfc148 00e1a930
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    209c2b68 00dfc150
    209c9cf8 00dfc150
    209cc638 00e01400
    209d43b8 00e01400
    209d9ef8 00e01400
    209df898 00e01400
    209e2e38 00e01400
    209e7358 00e01400
    209ebb38 00e096f0
    209f0758 00e0f280
    209f4be8 00e13b80
    209f9568 00f465f0
    209fc978 00f465f0
    20a09f08 00fceae0
    20a09f18 00fe3620
    20a5e8d8 00eb5bf0
    20a5e8e8 00ec75c0
    20a64b68 00fe3740
    20a64b78 00feecf0
    20a6b4d8 00f6dcb0
    20a6b4e8 00f8fa50
    20a70078 00ea2c90
    20a70088 00eb5af0
    20a10838 00e1a9a0
    20a16fe8 00e24920
    20a1ce28 00e2e0b0
    20a224a8 00e377e0
    20a26988 00e40e90
    20a2b728 00e4a5b0
    20a2f858 00e54c30
    20a33e18 00e5b2c0
    20a3bb08 00e68b40
    20a40038 00e6f290
    20a4e928 00e54c30
    Play as Terra (2)
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    E01FFDFF 0034D45C
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2032F094 12121202
    207a5458 00932190
    207a5468 009623c0
    207a5488 009a852c
    20807458 009a9180
    E007FDFF 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    2081c368 00c55950
    20825e38 00c5ac00
    20839098 00c5ac00
    20845338 00c62ef0
    20849f58 00c68a80
    2084e3e8 00c6d380
    208185d8 00d9fdc0
    208b80d8 00d0f3f0
    208b80e8 00d20dc0
    208be368 00e3cf40
    208be378 00e484f0
    208c4cd8 00dc74b0
    208c4ce8 00de9250
    208c9878 00cfc490
    208c9888 00d0f2f0
    20863708 00e282e0
    20863718 00e3ce20
    2086a038 00c741a0
    208707e8 00c7e120
    20876628 00c878b0
    2087bca8 00c90fe0
    20880188 00c9a690
    20884f28 00ca3db0
    20889058 00cae430
    2088d618 00cb4ac0
    20895308 00cc2340
    20899838 00cc8a90
    208a8128 00cae430
    Go to the Terra's Battle and press R2 while jumping scene. L2 = Animations
    Play as Terra (3)
    E006FDFF 0034D45C
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2032F094 12121202
    207A5458 00932190
    20807458 009A9180
    207A5468 009623C0
    E012FEFF 0034D45C
    20818538 00C62EC0
    208185B8 00C6D350
    208186F8 00C74170
    20818738 00C7E0F0
    20818778 00C87880
    208187B8 00C90FB0
    208187F8 00C9A660
    20818838 00CA3D80
    20818878 00CAE400
    208188B8 00CB4A90
    208188F8 00CC2310
    20818938 00CC8A60
    2081AA18 00D0F3C0
    2081AA98 00D0F3C0
    2081AA58 00E3CF10
    2081AF98 00E3CF10
    2081B198 00DC7480
    2081B1D8 00CFC460
    Go to the Terra's Battle and press R2 while jumping scene. L2 = Animations
    Play as Shan-Yu
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    11ce0b6a 00000015
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00b03640
    2094bc88 00b66cfc
    209adc58 00b671c0
    E011FEFF 0034D45C
    209bedb8 00cae870
    209c1218 00d72040
    209c1298 00d72040
    209c1258 00d96540
    209c1798 00d96540
    209c1998 00db5c50
    209c19d8 00db5c50
    209beef8 00cb9050
    209bef38 00cc78e0
    209bef78 00cd5cb0
    209befb8 00ce3240
    209beff8 00cf2120
    209bf038 00cfdbe0
    209bf078 00d08e70
    209bf0b8 00d13b00
    209bf0f8 00d24ef0
    209bf138 00d2f220
    Play as Barbossa
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    11ce0b6a 000003F7
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00b29040
    2094bc88 00b880fc
    209adc58 00b889d0
    E011FEFF 0034D45C
    209bedb8 00cafe50
    209c1218 00d9fc50
    209c1298 00d9fc50
    209c1258 00ddaed0
    209c1798 00ddaed0
    209c1998 00d938c0
    209c19d8 00d938c0
    209beef8 00cbfc20
    209bef38 00cd0830
    209bef78 00cdc100
    209befb8 00ce8cf0
    209beff8 00cf64b0
    209bf038 00d02480
    209bf078 00d0d6c0
    209bf0b8 00d12630
    209bf0f8 00d1bb60
    209bf138 00d20d40
    Play as Axel
    E00FFDFF 0034D45C
    21C6C690 64646464
    21C6C694 00646464
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    11ce0b6a 00000051
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00b124c0
    2094bc88 00b60374
    209adc58 00b609b0
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    E024FEFF 0034D45C
    209c2b68 00d41980
    209c9cf8 00d41980
    209cc638 00d51270
    209d43b8 00d51270
    209d9ef8 00d51270
    209df898 00d51270
    209e2e38 00d51270
    209e7358 00d51270
    209ebb38 00ea8b00
    209f0758 00d59590
    209f4be8 00d62170
    209f9568 00dd27f0
    209fc978 00dd27f0
    20a09f08 00eb0240
    20a09f18 00ebe720
    20a5e8d8 00edadb0
    20a5e8e8 00ef77c0
    20a64b68 00e5f210
    20a64b78 00e712a0
    20a6b4d8 00eb0240
    20a6b4e8 00ebe720
    20a70078 00e5f210
    20a70088 00e712a0
    20a46728 00ddff30
    20a46738 00dfc660
    20a10838 00d6b380
    20a16fe8 00d75670
    20a1ce28 00d81150
    20a224a8 00d8b180
    20a26988 00d95840
    20a2b728 00d9e700
    20a2f858 00da7d00
    20a33e18 00db0110
    20a3bb08 00dbe110
    20a40038 00dc60b0
    20a4e928 00e264d0
    Play as Demyx
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    11ce0b6a 000008F7
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00b0d540
    2094bc88 00b47ed0
    209adc58 00b481b0
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    E022FEFF 0034D45C
    209c2b68 00c44160
    209c9cf8 00c44160
    209cc638 00c44160
    209d43b8 00c44160
    209d9ef8 00c44160
    209df898 00c44160
    209e2e38 00c44160
    209e7358 00c44160
    209ebb38 00c65af0
    209f0758 00c74db0
    209f4be8 00c7df10
    209f9568 00cf7a10
    209fc978 00cf7a10
    20a09f08 00c7df10
    20a09f18 00c8df20
    20a5e8d8 00d1b630
    20a5e8e8 00d43e70
    20a64b68 00d08d70
    20a64b78 00d1b590
    20a6b4d8 00c65af0
    20a6b4e8 00c74d20
    20a70078 00c65af0
    20a70088 00c74d20
    20a10838 00c8dfb0
    20a16fe8 00c99750
    20a1ce28 00ca50b0
    20a224a8 00cb0780
    20a26988 00cbbcf0
    20a2b728 00cc5c80
    20a2f858 00ccf360
    20a33e18 00cd5710
    20a3bb08 00ce39f0
    20a40038 00cea1d0
    20a4e928 00d873e0
    Play as Xaldin
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    11ce0b6a 000003E5
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00b17ec0
    2094bc88 00b51c9c
    209adc58 00b52990
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    E024FDFF 0034D45C
    209c2b68 00ccc180
    209c9cf8 00ccc180
    209cc638 00cd7600
    209d43b8 00cd7600
    209d9ef8 00cd7600
    209df898 00cd7600
    209e2e38 00cd7600
    209e7358 00cd7600
    209ebb38 00ce6590
    209f0758 00cd7600
    209f4be8 00ce6590
    209f9568 00d496a0
    209fc978 00d496a0
    20a09f08 00de8eb0
    20a09f18 00e0cd50
    20a5e8d8 00d75200
    20a5e8e8 00d8edc0
    20a64b68 00d8eea0
    20a64b78 00daa8d0
    20a6b4d8 00d8eea0
    20a6b4e8 00daa8d0
    20a70078 00d75200
    20a70088 00d8edc0
    20a46728 00d4e970
    20a4a3b8 00d4e970
    20a10838 00cfb910
    20a16fe8 00d07a20
    20a1ce28 00d07a20
    20a224a8 00cfb910
    20a26988 00cfb910
    20a2b728 00d07a20
    20a2f858 00d13730
    20a33e18 00d1cb70
    20a3bb08 00d2bbd0
    20a40038 00d38e40
    20a4e928 00d13730
    Play as Luxord
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    11ce0b6a 000005F8
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00afc240
    2094bc88 00b32cb8
    209adc58 00b331c0
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    E022FDFF 0034D45C
    209c2b68 00c9c990
    209c9cf8 00c9c990
    209cc638 00ca2010
    209d43b8 00ca2010
    209d9ef8 00ca2010
    209df898 00ca2010
    209e2e38 00ca2010
    209e7358 00ca2010
    209ebb38 00caf480
    209f0758 00cba080
    209f4be8 00cc3dd0
    209f9568 00d59be0
    209fc978 00d59be0
    20a09f08 00e3f760
    20a09f18 00e4f4a0
    20a5e8d8 00d6b5f0
    20a5e8e8 00d89220
    20a64b68 00e1a7b0
    20a64b78 00e31b10
    20a6b4d8 00e31bc0
    20a6b4e8 00e3f6d0
    20a70078 00e1a7b0
    20a70088 00e31b10
    20a10838 00ccff30
    20a16fe8 00ce0940
    20a1ce28 00cefc70
    20a224a8 00d02b00
    20a26988 00d12000
    20a2b728 00d1db00
    20a2f858 00d29750
    20a33e18 00d34670
    20a3bb08 00d419e0
    20a40038 00d4c2d0
    20a4e928 00e7d630
    Play as Saix
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    11ce0b6a 000006C9
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00b215c0
    2094bc88 00b6f2e0
    209adc58 00b6f990
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    E024FDFF 0034D45C
    209c2b68 00cf0810
    209c9cf8 00cf0810
    209cc638 00cfeac0
    209d43b8 00cfeac0
    209d9ef8 00cfeac0
    209df898 00cfeac0
    209e2e38 00cfeac0
    209e7358 00cfeac0
    209ebb38 00d09ef0
    209f0758 00d163f0
    209f4be8 00d21850
    209f9568 00db0d70
    209fc978 00db0d70
    20a09f08 00f64010
    20a09f18 00f83510
    20a5e8d8 00f1cb90
    20a5e8e8 00f34100
    20a64b68 00f341e0
    20a64b78 00f50a80
    20a6b4d8 00f341e0
    20a6b4e8 00f50a80
    20a70078 00f1cb90
    20a70088 00f34100
    20a46728 00f50b40
    20a4a3b8 00f50b40
    20a10838 00d2e290
    20a16fe8 00d3be00
    20a1ce28 00d4ae10
    20a224a8 00d58ef0
    20a26988 00d677a0
    20a2b728 00d71ff0
    20a2f858 00d7cea0
    20a33e18 00d86270
    20a3bb08 00d96200
    20a40038 00d9fb80
    20a4e928 00d7cea0
    Play as Lexaeus
    E00EFDFF 0034D45C
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    11ce0b6a 00000935
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00b0c8c0
    2094bc88 00b60ed8
    209adc58 00b611b0
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    E026FEFF 0034D45C
    209c2b68 00da4170
    209c9cf8 00da4170
    209cc638 00eaf680
    209d43b8 00eaf680
    209d9ef8 00eaf680
    209df898 00eaf680
    209e2e38 00eaf680
    209e7358 00eaf680
    209ebb38 00e61b50
    209f0758 00dcdbf0
    209f4be8 00dd5430
    209f9568 00da4170
    209fc978 00da4170
    20a09f08 00f1e2c0
    20a09f18 00f31030
    20a5e8d8 00e539b0
    20a5e8e8 00e61ab0
    20a64b68 00f03950
    20a64b78 00f1e240
    20a6b4d8 00e6e6c0
    20a6b4e8 00e76dc0
    20a70078 00e6e6c0
    20a70088 00e76dc0
    20a46728 00e32ba0
    20a46738 00e432b0
    20a4a3b8 00e32ba0
    20a4a3c8 00e432b0
    20a10838 00dde540
    20a16fe8 00de60e0
    20a1ce28 00def870
    20a224a8 00df72e0
    20a26988 00dff4d0
    20a2b728 00e06300
    20a2f858 00e0ce90
    20a33e18 00e16050
    20a3bb08 00e1fba0
    20a40038 00e28880
    20a4e928 00e43380
    Play as Marluxia
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    11ce0b6a 00000923
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00b102c0
    2094bc88 00b6af94
    209adc58 00b6b9c0
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    E026FEFF 0034D45C
    209c2b68 00d8d170
    209c9cf8 00d8d170
    209cc638 00d955b0
    209d43b8 00d955b0
    209d9ef8 00d955b0
    209df898 00d955b0
    209e2e38 00d955b0
    209e7358 00d955b0
    209ebb38 00da0fe0
    209f0758 00daa510
    209f4be8 00db4890
    209f9568 00e9d990
    209fc978 00e9d990
    20a09f08 00f6c6d0
    20a09f18 00f84310
    20a5e8d8 00ebb0c0
    20a5e8e8 00ec9f10
    20a64b68 00eda5a0
    20a64b78 00f05b70
    20a6b4d8 00f05c70
    20a6b4e8 00f15f50
    20a70078 00f05c70
    20a70088 00f15f50
    20a46728 00e35020
    20a46738 00e51c90
    20a4a3b8 00e35020
    20a4a3c8 00e51c90
    20a10838 00dbe1f0
    20a16fe8 00dc9cc0
    20a1ce28 00dd5960
    20a224a8 00de1340
    20a26988 00dec620
    20a2b728 00df80a0
    20a2f858 00e04790
    20a33e18 00e10460
    20a3bb08 00e1e570
    20a40038 00e27ee0
    20a4e928 00e04790
    Play as Xemnas
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    11ce0b6a 000009C9
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00b034c0
    2094bc88 00b47774
    209adc58 00b481d0
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    E022FEFF 0034D45C
    209c2b68 00cd3180
    209c9cf8 00cd3180
    209cc638 00cd9170
    209d43b8 00cd9170
    209d9ef8 00cd9170
    209df898 00cd9170
    209e2e38 00cd9170
    209e7358 00cd9170
    209ebb38 00cd3180
    209f0758 00ce1a40
    209f4be8 00cecea0
    209f9568 00cd3180
    209fc978 00cd3180
    20a09f08 00d79d30
    20a09f18 00d8bd80
    20a5e8d8 00d8be20
    20a5e8e8 00da1960
    20a64b68 00da1a20
    20a64b78 00df2590
    20a6b4d8 00da1a20
    20a6b4e8 00df2590
    20a70078 00d8be20
    20a70088 00da1960
    20a10838 00cf6e90
    20a16fe8 00d00df0
    20a1ce28 00d0bd10
    20a224a8 00d14f30
    20a26988 00d21120
    20a2b728 00d2a930
    20a2f858 00d33b00
    20a33e18 00d3eac0
    20a3bb08 00d4ba00
    20a40038 00d56750
    20a4e928 00d65480
    Play as Dark Thorn
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    2032F094 12120102
    1032E248 00000000
    1032E2B0 00008052
    2036d8d0 00000000
    0036d8d4 00000000
    11ce0b6a 00000162
    2094bc58 00ad8990
    2094bc68 00afb240
    2094bc88 00b43a04
    209adc58 00b44180
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C 00030000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    E012FEFF 0034D45C
    209c2b68 00c0d1a0
    209c9cf8 00c0d1a0
    209cc638 00c17580
    209d43b8 00c17580
    209d9ef8 00c17580
    209df898 00c17580
    209e2e38 00c17580
    209e7358 00c17580
    209ebb38 00c22c00
    209f0758 00c2e830
    209f4be8 00c37b40
    209f9568 00d90ba0
    209fc978 00d90ba0
    20a09f08 00d7cb00
    20a09f18 00d88950
    20a5e8d8 00d68570
    20a5e8e8 00d72ba0
    20a64b68 00d72c20
    20a64b78 00d7caa0
    20a6b4d8 00d7cb00
    20a6b4e8 00d88950
    20a70078 00d68570
    20a70088 00d72ba0
    20a10838 00c426d0
    20a16fe8 00c4c0e0
    20a1ce28 00c54f20
    20a224a8 00c5e260
    20a26988 00c68020
    20a2b728 00c70760
    20a2f858 00c79070
    20a33e18 00c7f120
    20a3bb08 00c89c50
    20a40038 00c8fad0
    20a4e928 00cdebc0
    Instructions for almost all the characters:
    Go to the courtroom (Mickey's Throne) while holding R2 and when the battle starts press L2 at any time for animations
    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 14, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  14. mierdareado
    Does anyone know the code of this video?
    The Super Saiyan Code

    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 13, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  15. mierdareado
    Although I am not sure of the bosses who, during the battle, change rooms as Xigbar and Zexion.
    I have all these mods to replace items or characters apart from the ball of Twilight Town.

    Hall of the Cornerstone
    Save point:
    11C533E8 0000????
    11C53894 0000????
    11C53AD4 0000????
    11C535C4 0000????
    Memory of Skyscraper
    Mushroom I
    11C41CB4 0000????
    Little Treasure #1
    11C40534 0000????
    Little Treasure #2
    11C404F4 0000????
    Little Treasure #3(Freezes for some reason)
    11C40574 0000????
    11C58320 0000XXXX
    11C585F4 0000XXXX
    11C581A8 0000XXXX
    11C588C8 0000XXXX
    Save Point:
    11C561A0 0000XXXX
    Throne Room
    Emperor Mod
    11C4FC20 0000????
    Lod chests Mod
    Small One's
    11C4F24C 0000????
    11C4f28C 0000????
    11C4f2CC 0000????
    11C4f30C 0000????
    11C4f34C 0000????
    11C4f38C 0000????
    Large One's
    11C4F3CC 0000????
    11C4F40C 0000????
    Save Point Mod
    11C4F124 0000????
    Soldier 1
    11C4FA64 0000????
    Soldier 2
    11C4FB44 0000????
    Skate Board
    11c54eb8 0000????
    Ansem's Study
    Save point
    11c2178c 00000???
    Puzzle crown
    11c21800 00000???
    Little chest
    11c218e8 00000???
    Big chest
    11c2195c 00000???
    Oasis (Pride Lands)
    Save point
    11c49aec 0000????
    Little treasures
    11c49b60 0000????
    11c49ba0 0000????
    Big treasure
    11c49be0 0000????
    Puzzle crown
    11c49c54 0000????
    11c4aa88 0000????
    11c4a868 0000????
    Tram common (Twilight Town)
    [I highly recomend to use party mod to play alone for these, or else any replacement will crash for overloading since there are over 30 UCM digits loaded in this map]
    11c48b28 00000???
    11c4da48 00000???
    11c4880c 00000???
    11c4884c 00000???
    11c4888c 00000???
    11c488cc 00000???
    11c4890c 00000???
    11c4894c 00000???
    11c4898c 00000???
    Invisible things:
    11c48a00 00000???
    11c48a40 00000???
    11c48ab4 00000???
    11c4990c 00000???
    Puzzle crown:
    11c48758 00000???
    11c48798 00000???
    11c4dcac 00000???
    11c4dcec 00000???
    11c4dd2c 00000???
    11c4dbc0 00000???
    11c4dc00 00000???
    11c4dc40 00000???
    The Usual Spot (Twilight Town)
    11c3bb8c 00000???
    11c3b83c 00000???
    11c3b4d4 00000???
    Save point
    11c3a53c 00000???
    -----13 DOORS-----
    11c5a774  0000????
    11c5a734 0000????
    11c5a6f4 0000????
    11c5a6b4 0000????
    11c5a674 0000????
    11c5a634 0000????
    11c5a5f4 0000????
    11c5a5b4 0000????
    11c5a574 0000????
    11c5a534 0000????
    11c5a4f4 0000????
    11c5a4b4 0000????
    11c5a474 0000????
    -----SMALL CHESTS-----
    11c5a89c 0000???? - right little chest
    11c5a85c 0000???? - left little chest
    Station of Calling 
    Tiny Chest 
    11C5B714 0000????
    Altar of Naught Mods (Apparently it can't handle much, be careful how much you replace)
    11C4EB48 0000????
    Save Point
    11C4DC2C 0000????
    11C4E774 0000????
    11C4EE0C 0000????
    11C4EFD0 0000????
    Heartless Manufactory (Before Sephiroth Battle?)
    Tifa NPC (Before Sephiroth Battle)
    11C590EC 0000
    Large Chest
    (I actually don't know the adress for this one... If someone knows, I'd appreciate it fi the told me.)
    Agrabah - Palace
    Jasmine NPC
    11c332bc 0000xxxx
    Market stands (8)
    Don't know the right digit, can't find them
    Agrabah - Treasure Room
    Mushroom 5
    11c555cc 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chests (2)
    11c540d4 0000xxxx
    11c54114 0000xxxx
    Beast's Castle - Bridge
    Mushroom 3
    11c55080 0000xxxx
    Disney Castle - Courtyard
    Skateboard (Only when comming from Gummi Hangar)
    11c59d00 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chests (7)
    11c599d8 0000xxxx
    11c59a18 0000xxxx
    11c59a58 0000xxxx
    11c59a98 0000xxxx
    11c59ad8 0000xxxx
    11c59b18 0000xxxx
    11c59b58 0000xxxx
    Halloween Town - Christmas Tree Plaza
    Mushroom 2
    11c56194 0000xxxx
    Hollow Bastion - Marketplace
    Leon/Squall NPC
    Don't know the right digit, can't find it
    Cloud NPC
    11c4d430 0000xxxx
    Scrooge NPC
    11c4d178 0000xxxx
    Moogle Shop
    Don't know the right digit, can't find it
    NOTE: The following NPCs might not be useful because they are inside their booth.
    Huey NPC
    11c4c808 0000xxxx
    Dewey NPC
    11c4c8c4 0000xxxx
    Louie NPC
    11c4c980 0000xxxx
    Armor Shop Guy
    Don't know the right digit, can't find it
    Port Royal - Black Pearl
    Donald NPC
    11c3c4e8 0000xxxx
    Goofy NPC
    11c3c89c 0000xxxx
    Jack Sparrow NPC
    11c3c464 0000xxxx
    Port Royal - Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook
    Mushroom 10
    11c5c13c 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chests (3)
    11c5b110 0000xxxx
    11c5b150 0000xxxx
    11c5b190 0000xxxx
    Twilight Town - The Old Mansion
    Mushroom 12
    11c4454c 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chests (2)
    11c43680 0000xxxx
    11c436c0 0000xxxx
    Twilight Town - The Woods
    Vivi NPC
    11c58fc8 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chests (3)
    11c579d8 0000xxxx
    11c57a18 0000xxxx
    11c57a58 0000xxxx
    Twilight Town - Tunnelway
    Mushroom 7
    11c58f8c 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chests (2)
    11c57b84 0000xxxx
    11c57bc4 0000xxxx
    Twilight Town - Sandlot
    Skateboard (Only when comming from Back Alley)
    Can't find for some reason...
    Seifer NPC
    11c3b1a0 0000xxxx
    Rajin NPC
    11c3b548 0000xxxx
    Fujin NPC
    11c3b928 0000xxxx
    Hollow Bastion - Castle Gate
    Mushroom 9
    11c4cef0 0000xxxx
    Olympus Coliseum - Underworld Caverns: Atrium
    Mushroom 6
    11c53dd8 0000xxxx
    Twilight Town - Station Plaza
    Skateboard (When comming from Central Station)
    11c30330 0000xxxx
    Setzer NPC
    11c328d8 0000xxxx
    Struggle Battle (Hayner)
    Hayner (Enemy)
    E001FEFF 0034D45C (L2)
    11C37718 0000????
    Pence (NPC)
    E001FEFF 0034D45C (L2)
    11C3BED8 0000????
    Donald (NPC)(Works for all battles?)
    E001FEFF 0034D45C (L2)
    11C3BFBC 0000????
    Dive into the Heart - Station of Serenity
    Warp to area (R2):
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 00002002
    Save point
    11C588AC 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chest
    11C58920 0000xxxx
    Dive into the Heart - Station of Calling
    Warp to area (R2):
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 00002102
    Small treasure chest
    11C5B714 0000xxxx
    Agrabah - Palace
    Jasmine NPC
    11C332BC 0000xxxx
    Wagons/stands (8)
    Don't know the right digit, can't find them
    (Possibly part of map model?)
    Agrabah - Treasure Room
    Mushroom 5
    11c555cc 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chests (2)
    11C540D4 0000xxxx
    11C54114 0000xxxx
    Beast's Castle - Bridge
    Mushroom 3
    11C55080 0000xxxx
    Land of Dragons - Palace Gate
    11C4C358 0000xxxx
    Disney Castle - Courtyard
    Skateboard (Only when comming from Gummi Hangar)
    11C59D00 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chests (7)
    11C599D8 0000xxxx
    11C59A18 0000xxxx
    11C59A58 0000xxxx
    11C59A98 0000xxxx
    11C59AD8 0000xxxx
    11C59B18 0000xxxx
    11C59B58 0000xxxx
    Halloween Town - Christmas Tree Plaza
    Mushroom 2
    11C56194 0000xxxx
    Hollow Bastion - Marketplace
    Leon/Squall NPC
    Don't know the right digit, can't find it
    Cloud NPC
    11C4D430 0000xxxx
    Scrooge NPC
    11C4D178 0000xxxx
    Moogle Shop
    Don't know the right digit, can't find it
    NOTE: The following NPCs might not be useful because they are inside their booth.
    Huey NPC
    11C4C808 0000xxxx
    Dewey NPC
    11C4C8C4 0000xxxx
    Louie NPC
    11C4C980 0000xxxx
    Armor Shop Guy
    Don't know the right digit, can't find it
    Hollow Bastion - Castle Gate
    Mushroom 9
    11C4CEF0 0000xxxx
    Port Royal - Black Pearl
    Donald NPC
    11C3C4E8 0000xxxx
    Goofy NPC
    11C3C89C 0000xxxx
    Jack Sparrow NPC
    11C3C464 0000xxxx
    Port Royal - Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook
    Mushroom 10
    11C5C13C 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chests (3)
    11C5C110 0000xxxx
    11C5C150 0000xxxx
    11C5C190 0000xxxx
    Olympus Coliseum - Underworld Caverns: Atrium
    Mushroom 6
    11C53DD8 0000xxxx
    Twilight Town - Sandlot
    Skateboard (Only when comming from Back Alley)
    Can't find for some reason...
    Seifer NPC
    11C3B1A0 0000xxxx
    Rajin NPC
    11C3B548 0000xxxx
    Fujin NPC
    11C3B928 0000xxxx
    Fat Guy NPC
    Can't find for some reason...
    Twilight Town - The Old Mansion
    Mushroom 12
    11C4454C 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chests (2)
    11C43680 0000xxxx
    11C436C0 0000xxxx
    Twilight Town - The Woods
    Vivi NPC
    11C58FC8 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chests (3)
    11C579D8 0000xxxx
    11C57A18 0000xxxx
    11C57A58 0000xxxx
    Twilight Town - Tunnelway
    Mushroom 7
    11C58F8C 0000xxxx
    Small treasure chests (2)
    11C57B84 0000xxxx
    11C57BC4 0000xxxx
    Twilight Town - Station Plaza
    Skateboard (When comming from Central Station)
    11C30330 0000xxxx
    Setzer NPC (Tends to freeze on the PS2 for some reason)
    11C328D8 0000xxxx

    I can ask whether beyond these mods, is there a mod to replace more objects and characters besides these?
    Post by: mierdareado, Jan 12, 2012 in forum: Code Vault