Last Activity:
Nov 27, 2015
Jun 4, 2012
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Over the hills and far away.
The academic research of boredom.


Destiny Islands Resident, from Over the hills and far away.

Diagnosis is just like diarrhea, except that you get it in your gnosis instead of in your rear. Aug 29, 2012

Leblonk was last seen:
Nov 27, 2015
    1. FurySp4rk
      It was a fan made clip.
    2. Ankoku
      Thanks for your comment on my "Shut Up, I Love You!" video. I'm glad you liked it. As for the "implications" it was more than implication. AkuRoku is my OTP and I've always seen them as more than just friends XD I understand other people may not see them that way, though.
      1. Leblonk
        well, as I say, it was very good.
        Jul 5, 2013
      2. Ankoku
        Thank you very much ^_^
        Jul 6, 2013
    3. minicoop55
      i don't strip it i just try to make the music louder lol i wish i could but i use an old program
      1. Leblonk
        Dang. Mine I couldn't make the music louder without drowning the audio. You did a really good job with that. Riku always was my favorite!
        Jun 14, 2013
      2. minicoop55
        thanks he was mine to!
        Jun 14, 2013
    4. PrincessKairixXx
      Thanks for that comment you left on my video, the one with the Ashes Remain song. I really needed to hear that, for the past couple of years I've been trying to make myself a better person, and when I do wrong, I'm just hard on myself. But you're right, if it's going to happen, I have to let God handle it. Thanks again, I appreciate it (: I'm glad God is changing things in your life
      1. Leblonk likes this.
      2. Leblonk
        I'm glad it helped. Just remember, it's an easy mistake to make, particularly if, like me, you have a contempt for weakness, particularly in yourself. Something that has really helped me over the last few months is counselling with one of my pastors. I originally went for something else, but all this came to light, and he's really helped me. It's just a suggestion, I don't know what your situation is, but talking is what started to help me. God Bless, and Merry (late) Christmas!
        Dec 29, 2012
      3. PrincessKairixXx
        That sounds nice, I wish I could do the same, but sadly, I'm not allowed to go to church x) I don't have a pastor. All I have to guide me in my conscience. I don't really have anyone to talk to. Maybe someday I will though. God bless you too, happy holidays!
        Dec 30, 2012
      4. PrincessKairixXx
        Oh, and I made a video with the song you told me about. Thanks, it's helped me a lot too (:
        Jan 1, 2013
    5. Jayn
    6. FurySp4rk
      Its from Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
      1. Leblonk
        huh. I thought I'd seen all the cutscenes from that... Oh well, thanks!
        Nov 21, 2012
    7. Leblonk
      Diagnosis is just like diarrhea, except that you get it in your gnosis instead of in your rear.
    8. Twilight_Nobody13
      Not yet...so I've been staring at a tree.


      I think I'll just go ahead and BE Donald
    9. Itachilives
      Cough wipes of dust off of me sorry im here been busy with my birthday and others thing will post later tonight or maybe sooner
    10. Itachilives
      haha it's fine, i'm enjoing it to. I just finished school but soon I will start work (got a job yay).
      Don't worry I will still post on time and you couldn't be annoying. :)
    11. Itachilives
      alright I will post then lol
    12. Leblonk
      she was on yesterday. maybe she thinks we can cope with it ourselves. :-)
    13. Itachilives
      Yes i was waiting untill twilight made it move lol
    14. Itachilives
      lol um hi :)
    15. Itachilives
      Kinda of my best friend took (kidnapped lol) me to her family reunion little did I know it was in the middle of nowhere with no cell service and I would be there all day long lol
    16. Itachilives
      sorry had no internet or cell service where I was at posting now
    17. Jin
      I know , ever since i've been getting better at Video editting , this complex for amv's that don't have any sync at all has risen in me. i belive a lot of people throw their clips into movie maker or whatever editor they have and call it an amv. without putting the least bit of effort into making the amv sync or anything.
    18. Jin
      ah xD all the same thank you, it made me feel pretty good :3
    19. Itachilives
      I have one for Roxas to.
      I was making my own on photoshop but I just asked Twilight and her friend make them for me.
    20. Itachilives
      Just Read it ... Wow Well done :) I couldn't of done it any better "claps".
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  • About

    Over the hills and far away.
    The academic research of boredom.
    I've been using this site for a while now to get videos for some KH music videos I've been making.

    Reading and watching TV simultaniously
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