Last Activity:
Jul 16, 2017
Feb 3, 2008
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Cisgender Male
Nov 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
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Venomous, Cisgender Male, 32, from Tokyo-3


Friend Code: 5429-7906-2041 Dec 25, 2013

Hayabusa was last seen:
Jul 16, 2017
    1. Amaury
      Merry Christmas, Hayabusa!
      1. Hayabusa
        merr chrima
        Dec 25, 2016
        Jack S likes this.
    2. Korosu
    3. Shuhbooty
      wanna play some league later tonight?? I gotta study when I get home and I might have to leave for a birthday shopping trip. ik it's Saturday buuuut I wasn't sure what you had planned. xD
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hayabusa
        Decent. Bought more Yugioh packs (I'm weak) and some movies.
        Oct 8, 2016
      3. Shuhbooty
        Whaaaaat. I should honestly play yugioh now. You play magic? DUDE WHAT MOVIES
        Oct 9, 2016
      4. Hayabusa
        I don't do the Magic.
        I got Leon: The Professional and The VVitch
        Oct 9, 2016
    4. Korosu
      serenades you with anime ops.
      1. Hayabusa
        >blushes in Japanese
        Jul 26, 2016
        Korosu likes this.
    5. Korosu
      haya change back. i keep mistaking you for someone else >;
      1. Hayabusa likes this.
      2. Amaury
        Well, it's been at least a week now, so he and @Marushi *can* change back.
        Jul 17, 2016
      3. Lauriam
        Nope, sorry, I gotta wait till Tuesday at 2:00PM EST. XD
        Jul 17, 2016
        Hayabusa likes this.
      4. Hayabusa
        changd now because i'm ready
        Jul 19, 2016
    6. 61
      you heard new thrice?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hayabusa
        It's so good (to me.) I love the...what's the word for aesthetic but with audio?
        Jun 26, 2016
      3. 61
        atmosphere or tone i guess idk but i get you. i like the cover art and i get the feeling its very indicative of the whole album.
        Jun 26, 2016
      4. Hayabusa
        Yeah the atmosphere. Anyway, TBEITBN. I really like Hurricane and Stay With Me. Need more relistens to be honest.
        Jun 26, 2016
    7. Amaury
      That user title suits you.
    8. libregkd
      1. View previous comments...
      2. libregkd
        Apr 28, 2016
      3. Hayabusa
        I just think running out of stamina should absolutely not punish you with stuns; it should be restricted to if you ran out of stamina while blocking, it makes mob fights ridiculous, and the Ki Burst isn't even working every time for me for whatever reason.

        The weapons definitely degrade at a stupid rate too. I've already nearly broken like eight weapons because of how scarce whetstones are. Not a fan of the system.
        Apr 28, 2016
      4. Hayabusa
        So far, I do like the combat and the more mythological aspects, but I'm not really digging the level design or style at all, nor the ridiculous damage boost that getting hit on the back does to you with how fast and long-ranged some enemies are.

        There's a LOT of room for this game to improve, but at this point, I doubt they'll remove the stamina punishment that I hate, so I don't know about getting the game.
        Apr 28, 2016
    9. 61
      if youve not seen it, watch the episode The Laughing Bat in season 2 of The Batman. its on Netflix now.
      1. Hayabusa
        I saw it's on there. I'll watch it eventually.
        Apr 24, 2016
      2. 61
        that episode is one that showcases all the good that show has
        Apr 24, 2016
      3. Hayabusa
        Looking forward to it.
        Apr 24, 2016
    10. Jin
      You fought the Abyss Watchers yet man?
      1. Hayabusa
        Abyss Watchers was quite a while ago for me. I believe I'm near the end of the game.
        Apr 21, 2016
        Jin likes this.
      2. Jin
        OH nice, i've been taking the game real slow , I beat the abyss watchers, made the farron greatsword my main weapon for now , timing parrys with it oddly enough is better for me than parrying with the shield, but man Abyss watchers threw me back to the artorias fight in DS1 , was such a good feeling
        Apr 22, 2016
      3. Hayabusa
        I went with the Wolf Knight's Greatsword since that literally is the sword Artorias used (and I had his set and the Abyss Greatsword back in Dark 1.)

        I think weapon parries have a wider window than shield parries, since that's their Weapon Art.
        Apr 22, 2016
    11. Jin
      You enjoyin' DS3?
      1. Hayabusa
        So much.
        Apr 15, 2016
    12. Amaury
    13. 61
      now's a good time to jump on comics if you feel like dropping some extra $$ each month. dc's rebranding in June with Rebirth and it's sounding awesome. It's like anti-52 because they're prioritizing creators and are bringing the price back down to 2.99 across the board. exciting times, i tell ya.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hayabusa
        Is Rebrith published for a bunch of different characters individually or is it a mini-series that's collecting stories of the cast in that universe?
        Mar 29, 2016
      3. 61
        i'm not super knowledgeable about this. i know on the whole it's just a rebranding of sorts, but i think i've seen individual titles for characters like Supergirl: Rebirth. But as far as I know there's no event mini-series.
        Mar 29, 2016
      4. Hayabusa
        Aight, I'll try finding samplings to see which ones I'm interested in.
        Mar 29, 2016
    14. Iskandar
      You decide on your final team yet? Mine is Titamon, Imperialdramon FM, Mastemon, UlforceVeedramon, Beelzemon, Lotosmon, Shinegreymon, Dynasmon, Examon, Gallantmon, and Kuzuhamon. Too bad you don't have more, because I'd enjoy having Magnamon, although his stats aren't really all that great except in defense.
      Now I just need to actually play the game and get them while also playing Hyperdimension Neptunia XD
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Iskandar
        Things I've learned about Lucemon FM: It is Neutral/Virus, so I'm taking Dynasmon out. It's Special has 10% to inflict status, and 5% for death, the SS increases damage from all attribute skills by 5%, and it's only an ultimate.....now I'm wondering how ridiculously strong it was it Digimon Frontier for an ultimate. I thought it was a mega
        Feb 13, 2016
      3. Iskandar
        I just mentioned Lucemon FM being good, but apparently Lucemon SM's SS reduces magic damage by 10% and converts it to HP. My god this is beautiful. Oh yeah, I also hate how its Special Move is ANOTHER light attack. My god, can I get any more light moves on my digimon?
        Feb 13, 2016
      4. Iskandar
        Feb 13, 2016
    15. Iskandar
      Proof I have no life: I hit chapter 19 at 54 hours. Oh, and have you noticed the game references yet?
      Question: did you get the pre-order dlc stuff, like black agumon,gabumon? Or Beelzemon Blast Mode?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Iskandar
        The finale of chapter 10 was good, but I liked Chapter 11 more.
        And don't go thinking those challenges are easy-peasy. At least, they weren't for me, and I had all lv99 megas, and they were dropping like flies.
        Feb 11, 2016
      3. Hayabusa
        Oh, I don't.

        I just have plans for certain teams already...
        Feb 11, 2016
      4. Iskandar
        Well, let me know when you scream at the tv while fighting the stupid centaur, because so far that's been my worst one. I barely managed to win, with one digimon at 500 HP left. Course, once it fell, I managed to easily win the last bit. It's hard though when the only dark moves you have are on virus types XD
        Feb 11, 2016
    16. Iskandar
      LIttle heads up, i learned why Beelzemon needs 2000 HP to digivolve as Infermon. It's ability takes away 5% of it's max hp every turn, while increasing attack by 5%. Don't know what to say about that. how's your progress going so far?
      1. Hayabusa
        Didn't play much since Saturday. Just light leveling yesterday.

        I think that health drain helps balance Beelzemon. I can easily see him as one of the more OP Mega's.
        Feb 8, 2016
      2. Iskandar
        So far, i'm not really getting that impression. Maybe it's just his low level, but even at low level his attack is close to 300, but his attacks do hardly anything. I can see how it affects other physical attackers like ShineGremon and such, but it needs to be healed all the time.
        Feb 9, 2016
    17. Iskandar
      I have learned that the plot really starts to take off in Cyber Sleuth at around Chapter 10. Also, I hope you have a few mega digimon very well trained by that point
      1. Hayabusa
        I've heard the same from other discussions. Looking forward to it; Nokia trying to deal with a Mega using Agumon and Gabumon was slaughter.
        Feb 7, 2016
      2. Iskandar
        Yeah, it's weird that they make you do that, and unfair how she gets two megas without even trying. Meanwhile, i'm trying to figure out how to get Infermon with 2000 HP so I can get Beelzemon
        Feb 8, 2016
    18. Iskandar
      Little tip: don't try to develop Technician USBs in Cyber Sleuth. It may be good to increase exp having 9 of them using PlatinumNumemon, but it's also a lot of resetting the game. It took me almost 2 hours to get the first batch of them. They are rare to the extreme.
      What chapter are you on right now? I've got 21 hours of game time and I just started chapter 7
      1. Hayabusa
        I'm at almost the exact same spot lol (21 hours, chapter 7)

        I read about the Technician USB thing from various guides. I'm not too worried about them just yet. Just trying to get my Ultimate Digimon to have higher ABI so they can get the Mega forms I want.
        Feb 6, 2016
      2. Iskandar
        And that's exactly why I got them in the first place. I might try to get 2 more, as much as a pain it'll be, to speed it up for now, because to get Mastemon I still need to get ladydevimon up to 80 ABI as well. For now, two platinumsukamon and 4 usbs will probably do the trick
        Feb 7, 2016
    19. Amaury
      I like your new avatar, Haya!
      1. Hayabusa
        Thanks Takeru.
        Aug 20, 2015
      2. Amaury
        Aug 20, 2015
    20. Arch
      Pssst. That trailer was already posted. =p
      1. Hayabusa
        Oh, I didn't know ._.
        Aug 8, 2015