Last Activity:
Oct 3, 2020
May 26, 2007
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Hopefully a pharmacist soon.


Hollow Bastion Committee, Female, from BLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU'LL NEVER FIND OUT!

We have statuses now? Sep 18, 2012

Firekeyblade was last seen:
Oct 3, 2020
    1. Yozora
      come back

      **** studying

      1. kingdom hearts fan 26 likes this.
      2. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
        For ****ing real. You were great to talk to
        May 23, 2017
        kingdom hearts fan 26 likes this.
      3. Scarred Nobody
        Scarred Nobody
        *penny whistle version of my heart will go on plays in the background*
        May 27, 2017
        kingdom hearts fan 26 likes this.
      4. Firekeyblade
        Lols I didn't think anyone would miss me, but I did think about some people every now and then as I suffered. But back to suffering again. If I graduate I'll make a big post in the Playground or wherever and show my doctorate maybe.
        Aug 14, 2018
    2. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
    3. *TwilightNight*
      [lurks Profile page silently]

      You're still here :'D.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. chula-claire
        I feel the same way... haha ^^;
        Aug 20, 2013
      3. *TwilightNight*
        Still alive, barely breathing, lol xD. I see you're still in the game here!^ And what, FK, you were awesome. I missed you ;-;.
        Aug 28, 2013
      4. Firekeyblade
        Lols in the game. Tchyeah right. XD I've just about left this place. Come to visit sometimes. And awww mans thanks. You guys are the best.
        Sep 8, 2013
    4. Llave
      FKB ilu
      1. Firekeyblade
        Lols I don't think you should. I'm not a good person. XD But hey congrats on being a mod. : D
        Apr 22, 2013
      2. Llave
        I still love you tho.

        Apr 22, 2013
      3. Firekeyblade
        Hahahaha! Lols okay then. Thanks.
        Apr 22, 2013
    5. Ars Nova
      Ars Nova
      FKB BBY <3
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Firekeyblade
        Oh I never read the LotR books or watched any of the movies really... new guy? Oh Caliborn? Yeeeaaahhhh....... and it's cool. I think it's probably the natural response people have to run from their problems. I think I'm running around too.
        Apr 20, 2013
      3. Ars Nova
        Ars Nova
        "A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."

        ;_; I miss the villain being suave and understated. And also a complete cock.

        Well, as you might notice, I've been running loose in the 'Zone since my return. You should join me~
        Apr 20, 2013
      4. Firekeyblade
        Hahaha...I'm not a bored insomniac like you. Besides, this place isn't as fun as it used to be for me. I guess I'm not as fun a person. Even if I still have some friends here.
        Apr 21, 2013
    6. Hyuge ✧
    7. Amber
      Indeed, I do read Homestuck. I wasn't sure how far to go with the reference, because a lot of people are not exactly friendly to the Homestuck fandom.
      1. Firekeyblade
        True....there ahve been times where I myself got a bit annoyed with some of the things people compare to Homestuck. -_-
        Mar 29, 2013
    8. Sebax
      OMG! You're still active?? It's me, BaseSebastian! Luxord and Axel's 1,000 Arabian Nights?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Firekeyblade
        Well, it says I posted replies, so I guess I read it. Man this is really long. Well okay then. So, this is your second account then? Did you forget your password or something?
        Mar 18, 2013
      3. Sebax
        Several times over, in fact. But that is not why I have shed of BaseSebastian and started anew with Sebax. No offense, but I am somewhat surprised the memory didn't come back a little bit fuller with that thread. As I recall, you were a rather big fan of what I wrote; always pressing me for updates. Oh well. I've become a bit more dedicated in finishing what I start in the past few years and a lot of that has to do with avoiding biting off more than I can chew. Eventually, I may finish/restart the story I just gave you the link to. If you're interested, I'd be delighted; if not, I will not be insulted.
        Mar 18, 2013
      4. Firekeyblade
        Oh lols I never got a a message saying you had replied. Sorry bout that. Yeah I'll reread your story again eventually and let you know. Granted that might take a long while since DF is posting updates to his story like a madman...also school...
        Mar 29, 2013
    9. ShibuyaGato
    10. Jayn
    11. Firekeyblade
      We have statuses now?
    12. Nate_River
      Haha, i think panda's are like most other animals, and each have different color eyes.

      I haven't really seen you on much, so I'm not surprised.
    13. Nate_River
    14. Llave
      Message for you in the Postbox!

      Also, hey bby~
    15. Jayn
      Hello again, fellow role player (even if you don't RP much)!
      Just a friendly reminder here! Please try to nominate and vote for the KHV Awards this year!

      The role play section of the awards has always been pretty dead, so please try to support us! Nominate your fellow role players, any fun role plays you're involved in (or were at some point during the year), etc. Even if you've already sent in your RP nominations, if there's anything you left blank, try to fill it! There has to be something or someone worthy of nominating from your time role playing this year, hopefully?

      You may recall me doing this last year. We actually got more nominations than usual, but let's try to kick it up a knotch and support our community here on KH-Vids. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my absolute best to help you out.

      The nominations thread is here and you can PM your nominations to me.

      Please try to let other role players know as well.
      Good luck and thank you! ♥
    16. Saxima
      To be honest, I'm currently redesigning my shop to be a little bit cleaner and have a different color scheme, and there are also broken links to worry about, I think, because I changes URLs and stuff.
    17. Saxima
      Does no one ever look at the Pending list?!

      Yes, I do have one, and I put the names of people who are waiting for their orders.
    18. Saxima
      Oh, had she mentioned something about it to you? I wish people would check the Pending list. /sigh

      It's not widely to be put on blast yet, so keep it low-key, even though Ventus108 made an interest check thread, no one really knows the progress of it except for the other Gamemakers and myself. It's a roleplay for The Hunger Games. Exciting stuff, although there's a lot to read before anyone signs up.
    19. Saxima
      'Sup FKB.

      And I did notice her request. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to work on it much because I've been busy with another request that I just finished - I'm working on a roleplay with some other people, and I designed a lot of stuff for it. It pretty much took up five to six days. And we haven't even started the roleplay yet.

      Once it's put up, I hope you consider joining. •u•
    20. Nate_River
      Hey, lameass.
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  • About

    Hopefully a pharmacist soon.
    Heh. I'm all alone now.

    Trying to break out of the failure zone. Still haven't. Probably never will but that's okay. I'll keep trying. Mistakes keep happening but that's how it always is.


    Sig by Saxima
    The following are what has most likely happened to me if I am absent from greatest to least.
    1. School is smothering me. 2. I gained a social life. 3. Computer or internet problems. 4.Some accident happened. (Note: #4 is a wildcard)
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