Last Activity:
Jun 28, 2018
Apr 19, 2011
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May 23, 1994 (Age: 30)
Home Page:
Customer Service Rep


Hollow Bastion Committee, Female, 30, from Atlanta

Sup Feb 21, 2017

Droid was last seen:
Jun 28, 2018
    1. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      It's nice to see you back on KHV again, Droid. If you wanna talk, I'll be around
      1. Droid
        Hello^ hope you're doing well. I'm always tired, but I'd love to catch up. I'm still remembering everything I used to do on here. Lol
        Mar 11, 2017
    2. burnitup
      Droid! I saw your post in the introduction! I didn't know you were back!
      1. Droid
        Hiiii^ yup I'm around. Busy as all get out with work, but doing good. How have you been?
        Mar 11, 2017
      2. burnitup
        I'm doing well. I've been busy with work as well, but I'm going to have a vacation soon!
        Mar 12, 2017
    3. Lauriam
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lauriam
        So if you'd like, I can change your gender in the story :)
        Feb 22, 2017
      3. Droid
        That's really considerate of you, thank you <3
        Feb 23, 2017
      4. Lauriam
        No problem. :)
        Feb 23, 2017
        Droid likes this.
    4. Droid
    5. Daxa~
      Miss ya xx
      1. Droid likes this.
    6. Bushy
    7. Bushy
    8. Daxa~
      Creeping on youuuuu because I am bored hai.
      1. Droid likes this.
    9. Odamadillo
      Hello Droid I have been meaning to introduce myself to you for some time and I came across your profile from Terra's so hello. My name is Odamadillo but you can call me Oda.
      1. Droid
        Ello Oda, nice to meet you~ any particular reason for the anticipation toward introductions?
        Jun 7, 2013
      2. Odamadillo
        Do I need a reason to look forward to meeting someone who could become a good friend?
        Jun 7, 2013
    10. Droid
    11. SmashFan127
      I just want to get this out of the way...
      I am literally SCARED of talking to people about Cove. No offense. You can go ahead and ask why.
      1. Droid
        You say what now?
        May 22, 2013
      2. SmashFan127
        I take offense whenever someone talks about Cove, and people say my characters are worthless. That is unacceptable. People have no right to insult my characters, and then there's the plot. I wanted to get into the plot, but I just don't know how.
        May 22, 2013
      3. Droid
        And you're telling me this because..?
        May 22, 2013
    12. Terra254
      I missed you too :3
      I forgot what material points are, or what they do, But I'm pretty sure you have alot more than I do. I'm glad you're back 8D
      1. Droid
        Oh I haven't the faintest what they do either, but for this moment I have the sexiest ones.
        Glad to be back, it's been great catching back up with everyone. How's things been on your end?
        *Return of the prodigal S.O.N.*
        May 20, 2013
      2. Terra254
        Fun,Boring at times, but when there is fun, the fun is fun! What about you?
        May 25, 2013
    13. burnitup
      Hello mister Droid! how are you? :3
      1. Droid
        Right as rain, thank you~ How are you doing muchacho?
        May 20, 2013
      2. burnitup
        I'm doing great! As for the rest of this day, well...
        May 20, 2013
    14. Pinekaboo
      That post, man. I laughed so much at Zero's part.
      "I am the night."
      God I've missed your posts.
      1. Droid likes this.
      2. Pinekaboo
        I should probably also tell you; photobucket changed a while ago to add a link to your album on the images by default. You can turn that off in your profile settings to save space and privacy.
        May 19, 2013
    15. Droid
      You know what's awesome? Scarfs. Not awesome is having hot weather that prevents me from "legitimately" wearing a scarf without complaints.
    16. Aragorns
      WELCOME BACK DROID! I would hug you but the screen is blocking me.
      I mean, you disappeared right after christmas man...
      ... oh, that reminds me. I'm a potato
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Aragorns
        I've been up, I've been down, I've been... quoting a song.
        Its fine, I was just wondering if you were ever coming back
        And no, I'm trying to appeal to GLaDOS.
        May 18, 2013
      3. Droid
        Oh right GLaDOS, she's still one of my characters. Love RPing as her.
        Anyways that's good, hope to be getting back into the RP soon myself. May be a little while before I'm really back in the swing though.
        May 19, 2013
      4. Aragorns
        You should like this then. Heck, use it in cove if ya can.
        Thankfully things are going slow, as you left them lol
        If you want, I can get some chars to conveniently interact with yours. Also, Jafar's back, but his laptop broke.
        Actually I stole it, but thats another story for another time.
        May 19, 2013
    17. Lite
      Hey there, Droid! Just droppin' by to say hi, and welcome back (again). We all missed you in the Cove family, and we're uber happy to see you back. c:

      So how have things been during your time away?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lite
        Huh...Maybe one of my family members who live down south mentioned the store to me or something, because I'm definitely not in the southern parts of the states (I'm up in Michigan).

        Well, I don't have the same luck as you, then, since my local friends either don't have a job or have one that's too far away for me to drive. It doesn't help that I don't even have a driver's license yet, so that's kinda forced me to have to stick with places that are within walking distance. There're quite a few to choose from that are close, though, so I guess that's a plus.
        May 15, 2013
      3. Droid
        Miiiiiiiichigan, the state shaped like a pot holder. Completely ridiculous because Lake Huron is freezing. A little better than living a state known for peaches and Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Cater driving a peach is a good comparison to the other drivers in the state..

        Ahh, bugger, forgot about driving and stuff. Well good luck regardless. I'd totally hire you as a weather man who tells me it's actually going to be cold down here.
        May 15, 2013
      4. Lite
        I live right on the bottom of the thumb. :D
        Jimmy Carter driving a peach...I would pay to see that.

        Thanks. I'd be your weatherman any day.
        ...Well that didn't come out as expected.
        May 15, 2013
    18. CrownMoksha
      Is the Cove only on Part 2 of the World Arc?
      1. Droid
        Sorry mate, I've no idea what's currently transpiring in the cove right now. I just kinda showed back up the last few days.
        May 14, 2013
      2. CrownMoksha
        Oh, guess my plans of possibly re-joining will have to wait then
        May 14, 2013
    19. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Our leader has come back!

      1. Droid likes this.
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      3. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        xD my other friends call me Barbossa.

        Well, it's mostly thanks to Cove. You guys all got me to write better, and now that RP Posts count after a certain character amount, it's been a breeze.

        Ooh, that's nice. Munnys to spend on more Scar merchandise, eh? xD I'm having to wait until the summer to get a job, since school takes up so much of my time.

        To be honest, we had thought you dead for a while, and then we saw you on tumblr and we were like "HE'S ALIVE!"
        May 14, 2013
      4. Droid
        Awesome, glad to hear your writing has improved because of the cove. Always did wonders for mine. Forgot that they made the posts count around here, did it right when I stopped posting of course. lol

        Of course. Hope that works out for you mate. Yes it'll be loads of fun when full time student in the fall with my job. I gotcha.

        Oh hell. xD I wondered what the general consensus was on what had happened to me. In truth I just didn't have much time at all for awhile, then after it had been a few months I didn't know how to re engage myself around here.. Just recently I had allot of confidence building occur and I wanted to reconnect with my friends on here(I had planned to post a few days ago but I had like 4 closing shifts in a row). It's amazing to see all the warm welcomes. Makes me feel quite nice.
        May 14, 2013
      5. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        I've looked through your other posts and they don't seem that different.

        That sounds... Pleasant? I dunno. Just seems like I'll have to ask for summer or weekend shifts. I'll probably have a bit of free time though, since I'm somehow ending up with 5 free class periods total next year :/ I have no idea how I caught up so easily.

        Ooh, sounds like a lot. No wonder you couldn't post at all xD

        Of course we'd welcome you back, we've all mostly connected because you had the idea to start CC. Between us, Dark and Bushy are great staff, but you're funnier than them c;
        May 14, 2013
    20. Pinekaboo
      My reaction to you returning:
      1. Droid and Eleven like this.
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      3. Droid
        BULLY. Ginger beer for everyone. I like it.
        Reminds me, what ever become of Schnizel and the Damocles? You ever use it for anything or did it just fad away?
        May 19, 2013
      4. Pinekaboo
        It hasn't existed because other things have been going on. I only ever made two posts as your characters really, and that was just as Kallen and Zero.
        May 19, 2013
      5. Droid
        Ah, well then that works out lovely. Really we just have numerous future plots to bring up. I'll be pondering what you mentioned in the message and get back to you.
        May 19, 2013
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  • About

    May 23, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Home Page:
    Customer Service Rep
    Default Name:
    Basic coffee powered femme




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