Dante- You two! Who refuse to eat thine cake. You must or you will die! It says so in the Sundae book. First Chapter Strawberry, second seed. Ahem. *takes another bite* Those that do not...ith. Eat...ith of the sundae...ith. Will die. *closes book*
Dante: Low and behold I have returned. -briefly- And Dante said...let there be strawberry sundae's! And the people, *takes a bit of his* enjoyed their sundaes and Dante saw...that all was good.
WB Wacko-chan. :L Joo missed alot but the jist of it is. Dante and Kairi were attacked by Heartless, we go to dark castle in the sky to kill whatever's up there. JOIN IN! :D
Dante of the DMC & Others Mystery Team- I'm from the planet Earth and...last I check we don't have black castles...I know I've been in a few. *grins and gestures at the castle* Gotta find a way for you to get there. Hmm...
Dante of the DMC & Others Mystery Team- Um...Kairi-chan...*stops and points up at a gaint floating castle* Looks like someone who can summon heartless lives there. I mean...I've never saw a black castle till now.
Dante of the DMC & Others Mystery Team- *smiles back* Business is slow. Besides I could use a vacation. *marches into a random direction after killing all heartless*
Dante of the DMC & Others Mystery Team- Ah a damsel in distress? Well fret not Kairi cause this is where I shine! Um...wouldn't happen to know where to start would ya?
Dante of the DMC & Others Mystery Team- Hmmm...but someone had to send them after you right? We find him. And you're free. *grins then thinks* Again? *ruthlessly slaughters a crowd of them*