Last Activity:
Jul 3, 2023
May 14, 2007
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10:31 AM
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Apr 17, 1993 (Age: 31)
Ireland somewhere


Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens, 31, from Ireland somewhere

daxma was last seen:
Jul 3, 2023
    1. T3F
      Hey, good to see you back! :)
      1. daxma
        Good to see a familiar name around here, i feel like a senile old man :P Whats up anyway? :D
        Oct 27, 2012
    2. Dinny
      Happy birthday c:
    3. KHLuver97
      Haha, cool! :) You could cosplay from one of those, though!
    4. KHLuver97
      Awwz. Well, wat anime do u like???
    5. KHLuver97
      Kkm sozzies. :)
      R u gonna cosplay from Fullmetal Alchemist then???
    6. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Sorry, I never even heard of that.
    7. new born hero
      new born hero
      Yeah that's my point their not even aware of what your doing. Which isn't right :/

      Lying to someone isn't protecting them because if you actually cared and wanted to protect them, you'd tell them the truth. However, you stated that the information you obtain is just for yourself. So in a way it's harmless.

      Not sure if i agree with that but, i have nothing against it. I'll just stay neutral for now lol
    8. new born hero
      new born hero
      Hmm i see. What your doing is manipulating people, i have to say i completely dis agree with that. I mean sure it's to test people, see if this persons a lying or not but who are you to even cast or attempt to cast that decision. It's not right at all. It's like treating everyone as your test subject(s).

      However i agree with that specific sentence, ''....in order for people to go above themselves they need to go below themselves.''
      Now even tho i agree with that sentence i still think it's a bit wrong. Why even put someone in that kind of position??? It's just not right :/
    9. new born hero
      new born hero
      of course lol. Hmm true, I mean I try to pay attention but not everything seems the way they are. Example I can observe a person in need a help but that could lead to something more. Perhaps it could be part of their plan. Hence, this is no video game , there are no super villains but some people do set out to hurt others. I mean I have payed attention to people and payed for it. So it's a little hard to pay attention to anything or anyone anymore :/

      Wow I admire that actually, I mean you realized all of that huh? Interesting. I will try but i will also hold you responsible if i receive stupid or un intelligent responses XD
    10. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox!
    11. Jayn
      Oh, no, I meant me. xD
    12. Jayn
      No need to be negative, so yes. (: Either way, take care of yourself.
    13. Jayn
      Oh, I know. But I feel after everything on this site, I've learned how to deal with things better. So I hope I'll do fine. ^^;
    14. Jayn
      Thank you! And yeah, it's good to see you around again!
    15. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      8) Elo there!! D8 And it is a shame indeed how we lost contact so quickly for quite a while!
      :3 How've ya been?
    16. Britishism
      S'up. How are you and Daxma doing?
    17. Roxas&Sora4E
      Oh.....? (I think)
      XD lol
    18. Roxas&Sora4E
      yayy!!! XD
    19. AwkwardFailure
      Happy birthday stranger!
    20. Daxa~
      Happy B-Day randomer who has almost the same name as me!!
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  • About

    Apr 17, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Ireland somewhere
    None of your business if you have to browse my personal profile for information.

