Yeah. I guess I'll try to stay here a little longer than last. I sorta joined, intro'd, lurked and left. A feeble attempt in anyone's eyes if you ask me.
Hello all. Just looking for a little bit of roleplaying. I'm with the ugly sod Hell-Sing right above me ;)
Username: Astronautics
Character of Choice: Eragon Bromsson.
Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Inheritance Cycle
Additional Info: Human/Elf Hybrid. Also owns Brisingr (Dragon Rider Sword), Aren (Ring of Magic) and of course, Saphira (His beautiful blue dragon)
Hey. I'm Astro. I was recently lead here by a friend who roleplays here. I am familiar with Kingdom Hearts, but am more keen to roleplaying. I help to manage a decent (yet unpaid for :( ) forum, so I'd love to check out your RP threads.
Thanks... nice site by the way. Part of me hates you guys because you can afford a lovely, sexy forum. It kinda kicks my proboards forum in the ass.