Nov 26, 2006
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    1. SushiKey
    2. Mish
      You keep creeping around without even stoppin' by my page to say hello!
    3. Mish
      Happy Birthday, Mr President ;)
      1. Mish
        Aug 22, 2015
    4. Mish
      omg you're so close to having a pink name. it's only taken like, a decade
      1. Antidote likes this.
      2. Antidote
        to be fair tho, i was dead for over half of that decade henny ;>
        Jan 8, 2015
    5. Mish
      1. Antidote
        holy effin nostalgia
        Nov 23, 2014
    6. Mish
      happy birthday, mr president <;
      1. Antidote likes this.
      2. Antidote
        Oh why thank you sweet thang. I'm v surprised you even remembered...creep! c:
        Aug 24, 2014
      3. Mish
        I.. got an alert on Skype.. <;
        Aug 24, 2014
      4. Antidote
        ugh seriously? well that's a let down D:
        Aug 24, 2014
    7. 61
      yo have you heard the album Throne to the Wolves by From First to Last?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 61
        Yes I agree with all of that. Ryan didn't have the voice Brendon did, but Brendon didn't have the writing skills that Ryan did. Their abilities complimented each other in wonderful ways. While v&v didn't have the strongest lyrics (though some of the songs do have really good lyrics) it made up for it in the music. Yeah that's a good way of putting it. My friends favorite band is Sleeping with Sirens and I could not care less about them.Yeah I wanted to shift to some other stuff for a while, don't want to get sick of their stuff. Yeah! Revenge is amazing. If you're going to give Alesana a try, start with their older stuff and work your way forward. It's interesting to see how they have changed. I probably have mentioned them around here. Yeah, Fei Comodo disbanded in 2012 and the singer and two other members started Hey Vanity. Fei Comodo's career is weird in that they were around for about 10 years but only ever put out two full-length albums, one of which is only like 6 full-length songs. My favorite work of theirs is the ep The Life They Lead. Their second album, Behind the Bright Lights, is good as well. The singers voice is such a defining part of the sound most of the time that changing that can be off-putting. Like if Alesana's vocalist changed I would be so done with them and same with PatD. Though a new vocalist can be great if you don't like the old one, like with FFtL for me.

        Fireworks has a new album?! I must listen. I need to go back and listen to ††† more. Right after I got them I found some other stuff so I didn't listen to them for long. Yeah I think I've heard of them. I haven't listened to them though.
        Apr 2, 2014
      3. Antidote
        Couldn't have said it better myself tbh. Shame they couldn't move past their differences. Ryan and Jon's new band was trash though like wtf were they thinking with that. No wonder they split after a year.
        Gotcha. So Alesana's earlier stuff first and I'll try out Fei's EP to see if I'm into it. I really need to find a new torrent site cos I'm still trying to find a decent d/l for Throne to the Wolves. Everything's coming up pretty LQ and I just can't listen to anything like that.
        Yeah, and like, new vocalists who start singing the older member's songs? That pisses me off too. Especially if it's something personal or meant a lot to the particular person who wrote it. That's why I dropped Flyleaf when Lacey quit. I couldn't stand to listen to some random singing songs I love and could relate to.

        Dude yesss! It released last week and I only noticed it on iTunes on Monday. I'm obsessed with it. They've grown a lot since Gospel and it may just surpass it as my favourite. I just want to put everything on hold so I can listen to it continuously.
        Apr 3, 2014
      4. 61
        I listened to their band and it was really bland. They were basically covering The Beatles; there was nothing original or interesting there at all. Throne to the Wolves has awkward production, so it may sound lq. I didn't like it initially but it's grown on me. Though looking around rly quick, I think I ddl'd Throne because all of the torrents were ****. But wherever you find it make sure that the first two songs aren't in 1 file.
        Yeah that too. And oh man I haven't listened to Flyleaf in a long time. Except the song So Close. I love that song.
        I listened through once and liked it for the most part. I'm going to have to listen more but my initial impression is the same as yours, I may end up liking it more than Gospel. The song that stood out the most and the one I've been listening to a lot today is One More Creature Dizzy with Love. It's probably my favorite Fireworks song now ha.
        Apr 3, 2014
    8. Mish
      the muse profile<3
      1. Antidote likes this.
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      3. Antidote
        Yeah I found it and asked for one but I don't think anyone noticed :X
        Jan 19, 2014
      4. Mish
        patience is a virtue, comma
        Jan 20, 2014
      5. Antidote
        h8 u
        Jan 20, 2014
    9. Fork
      tbh I'm surprised you're still hanging around here. It's still pretty surreal to see you're back (even though you've been back for like 2-3 months now)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Fork
        goddammit though I don't want you around
        You are a relic. Your place is no longer here
        Dec 30, 2013
      3. Fork
        jk ;~; You're actually a cool dude so I'm glad to see you around. I'm glad to hear all your personal things were sorted
        Dec 30, 2013
      4. Antidote
        betch ur a relic too noh8 D: alla these youngins ruling the forums now yo. anyway thanks forsaken you chill mutha 8D
        Dec 30, 2013
    10. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
    11. Mish
      skypey skype?
      1. Antidote
        be on in a fewww. it kicked me off to update or something :/
        Dec 9, 2013
    12. Mish
      somethin' ain't right in the world when you outlast me on a school night.
      good night sweet prince
      1. Antidote
        I'm in bed on my 'droid basically forcing my eyes open... but damn grrl the years must be catchin up with you! Night sweets <3
        Nov 3, 2013
    13. Mish
      gurl are you ever going to use your skype account
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mish
        gdi i leave for like 20 minutes and i miss you
        Oct 28, 2013
      3. Antidote
        oh lorde you're on nowww! you had your chance for 7 mins in heaven with me but under the dome and true blood are coming on so leaves forever (▰˘◡˘▰)
        Oct 28, 2013
      4. Mish
        dis lyfe
        Oct 28, 2013
    14. Mish
      didja miss me
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mish
        yeah, 3 hours on tuesday and 3 on friday. no coin. i got a free cup of tea
        they at least said that they'd give me a reference for other places lol
        Oct 22, 2013
      3. Antidote
        damn that sucks haha. they better stick to them refs tho. "girl that dropped things for 6 hours best ever hire her" :X
        Oct 22, 2013
      4. Mish
        haha, I know right? I could mention it as work experience in other interviews, but it won't really sound good if I say "yeah i worked there for 6 hours and then never went back because i sucked". woe
        why can't i have a nice stable job like u
        Oct 22, 2013
    15. Mish
      I don't have internets at my home at the minute, but I'll be back some time next week. Until then~
      1. Antidote
        I will eagerly await your return bae ♥
        Oct 17, 2013
    16. Mish
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mish
        lol, I know right? From what she told me she actually hated it in Florida. But she's loving Paris. Ha, you don't have to be added to the chat. You could just devote all of your attention to ~me~. and yeah, it's pretty much like the IRC.
        Oct 7, 2013
      3. Antidote
        Kewl, well I'll probably set one up at some point this week & I'll hit you up sweetcaekz. It'll be just like old times. KHV Kurt & Courtney ♡ :V
        Oct 8, 2013
      4. Mish
        i'll be waiting bb
        Oct 8, 2013
    17. Yozora
      I always wondered. Are you a guy?
      1. Antidote
        Idk I mean I think so
        Oct 6, 2013
      2. Yozora
        After years of being dead. this is the answer I get. Im ok with this
        Oct 6, 2013
    18. Mish
      Whenever I comment here I feel like I'm talking to someone's grave. :l
    19. Tootsie
      :c why you ded?
    20. Mish
      Well that grand reappearance was short-lived :l
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