Recent Content by zhanj

  1. zhanj
    Haha yeah the mod is really only functional for the PAL version at this point in time. I should move it to FInal Mix but currently too busy to work on this mod.

    I've updated the original post with instructions for anyone else wondering.
    Post by: zhanj, Jul 16, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  2. zhanj
    No way to make it splitscreen as of writing. It'd be very hard to implement
    Post by: zhanj, Jul 15, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  3. zhanj
    You'll need to use an emulator to enable the cheat code from the main post. You'll then need to use a party modifier code to have two Soras in your party. Once that's done, start a new game or load a save file. You'll have two Soras that are controlled by independent inputs.
    Post by: zhanj, Jul 10, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  4. zhanj
    From a quick look, it doesn't seem like KH2 supports multitap so it's probably not possible without some massive code rewrites.

    Separate health bars would be possible but I don't have the time to implement it at the moment.

    If you want to learn how I made the hack, I've updated the original post with a link to how I did it.
    Post by: zhanj, May 25, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  5. zhanj

    Here is a multiplayer hack for the PAL version of Kingdom Hearts II. Players can move, jump and attack independently. I have also created a semi functioning version for Final Mix (only individual movement works well). Camera controls are currently locked to Controller 1 so could be confusing moving the camera around. I do plan to fix this at some point. The code needs to be used in conjunction with a Party or Character modifier to have 2 playable characters in your party.

    It works by running a custom subroutine in which it assigns different controllers for each playable character. You can watch it in action in the video below. Ignore the screwed up run animation at the start.


    1. Grab PCSX2 and have a PAL version of Kingdom Hearts II
    2. Create a file called C398F477.pnach inside the Cheats folder in the PCSX2 directory
    3. Use a code converter such as PCSX2CE to convert the raw codes (bottom of this post) into pnach format.
    4. Use a code converter again to convert the following party modifier into pnach
    4034119C 00130001
    NNDDWWMM 00000000

    NN = Slot 4
    DD = Slot 3
    WW = Slot 2
    MM = Slot 1 (Main slot Sora/Micky)

    00= Roxas/Sora
    01= Donald
    02= Goofy
    03= World Character
    04= Valor Sora/ Double Keybladed Roxas
    05= Wisdom Sora
    06= Master Sora
    07= Final Sora
    08= Anti Sora
    09= Mickey
    10= Empty Slot
    11= Something wierd, it's different in every world
    5. Start emulating and make sure cheats are enabled. You should now have two playable Soras/Roxas' when you start a new game or load a save file.

    In the end, your pnach file should look like this:
    // Party modifier to have two Soras

    // Multiplayer


    201BB8BC 0803F400
    200FD000 3C0E000F
    200FD004 35CECFF0
    200FD008 8DCF0000
    200FD00C 15E0000A
    200FD010 00000000
    200FD014 25EF0001
    200FD018 ADCF0000
    200FD01C 3C0E01C8
    200FD020 35CE92A0
    200FD024 3C0F0035
    200FD028 35EFBCC0
    200FD02C ADCF0000
    200FD030 0806EE31
    200FD034 260E09C0
    200FD038 00007821
    200FD03C ADCF0000
    200FD040 3C0E01C8
    200FD044 35CE92A0
    200FD048 3C0F0035
    200FD04C 35EFBD20
    200FD050 ADCF0000
    200FD054 0806EE31
    200FD058 260E09C0

    Final Mix
    201BD774 0803F400
    200FD000 3C0E000F
    200FD004 35CECFF0
    200FD008 8DCF0000
    200FD00C 15E0000A
    200FD010 00000000
    200FD014 25EF0001
    200FD018 ADCF0000
    200FD01C 3C0E01C8
    200FD020 35CE92A0
    200FD024 3C0F0034
    200FD028 35EFD6C0
    200FD02C ADCF0000
    200FD030 0806F5DF
    200FD034 260E0A30
    200FD038 00007821
    200FD03C ADCF0000
    200FD040 3C0E01C8
    200FD044 35CE92A0
    200FD048 3C0F0034
    200FD04C 35EFD720
    200FD050 ADCF0000
    200FD054 0806F5DF
    200FD058 260E0A30
    Thread by: zhanj, May 16, 2016, 14 replies, in forum: Code Vault