Recent Content by ZeruHeartless

  1. ZeruHeartless
    Er....thank you
    But im not sure if i need it anymore though, dont get me wrong i do have problems, but im talking to someone about it, and it's working fine, Thank you though, its nice to know there are people here i can talk too....
    You can lock this thread if you want....and....thank you still
    Post by: ZeruHeartless, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  2. ZeruHeartless
    Okay so....Being the over emotional 16 year old i am, i find myself in a constant form of crisis.
    I was wondering if, maybe i could get an 18+ Person to talk to, I was just thinking of posting my problems, but more than half of them don't fall under the guidelines so...Yeah if someone has time..It would be nice to have someone to talk to...
    Thread by: ZeruHeartless, Jun 22, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  3. ZeruHeartless
    I was wondering if anyone still knew about it, and if you have, What you guys have thought about it.... :D
    I just loved it, the story line was so good, the characters could be real people!

    And the battle system was great(not as good as the one in Kingdom hearts but, it was a game from 1999)
    The story was something that worked at the time and i know i still play it, so what do you all think of it?

    Also on one last side note, who was your Fave Character?
    Thread by: ZeruHeartless, Jun 22, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  4. ZeruHeartless
    I still don't understand the Gummi Ship maker in KH1, So i just used the First Gummi ship until at worlds end....Then i just used a premade one.....To this day i still don't know how to make them xD
    Post by: ZeruHeartless, Jun 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. ZeruHeartless
  6. ZeruHeartless
  7. ZeruHeartless
    Um....okay, Let me see, im an over emotional 16 year kid in canada.
    and im a loser, So this is what i do.

    First Video
    So, take a look at it and tell me what you think?
    Post by: ZeruHeartless, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. ZeruHeartless

    Hia everyone

    So yeh, My screen name is kinda stupid and all but whatever :P
    I have played Kingdom Hearts for a good amount of time and im hoping to start making Music Videos to it, I like to think that im okay using forms and all that but I am kinda fail.....So yeh, I hope that maybe i can get some chat buddy's like i have on the other forum site I visit. Also, if maybe when i start getting up videos, i would LOVE if people told me there ideas and what they thought i could improve on, Just so we all know, i am kinda fail at everything i do, so i don't think the first few are going to be all that good.

    I look forward to your guy's input and I hope we can all just get along. :P
    Thread by: ZeruHeartless, Jun 19, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures