Recent Content by Zeroquest

  1. Zeroquest
    Sanctuary AMV

    I made another (it's been out for a little while XP).
    Anywhoo, it features Sanctuary, the theme song for KHII.

    I thought this one was my best, but others say "Wonderboy" was better. It may be true.. >.>

    Please give meh feedback!

    Post by: Zeroquest, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: Production Studio
  2. Zeroquest
    Some keyblades I made with a basic painting program, I have much more to come...

    ZXQ, the picture describes its special hookshot ability



    Fallen Star:

    Tri-Blade (triforce + keyblade, lol)
    Thread by: Zeroquest, Nov 28, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Zeroquest
    *Shakes hand* Why thank you!
    Profile Post by Zeroquest for Beau, Nov 15, 2009
  4. Zeroquest
    Hrm... It depends how long that was back there, electronics can just flatout die from long-term inactivity.. 0.0 Sorry to hear this... (that poor Wiimote T_T)
    Also if your Wii still has its warranty you could probably send it in to get fixed, which is better than spending 40 bucks or getting a 'used' one. I dunno, that's just what I would do.
    Post by: Zeroquest, Nov 13, 2009 in forum: Technology
  5. Zeroquest
  6. Zeroquest
    ~~Zero's Video Showcase~~
    Super Smash Bros Brawl - Wonderboy AMV
    An AMV featuring the song "Wonderboy" by Tenacious D, and scenes from the Subspace Emissary in SSBB.
    JimLad800's AMVs inspired me to do this, go check out all of his masterful works sometime! :D

    Super Smash Bros Brawl - 9 AMV
    The trailer for the movie "9" is combined with Subspace Emissary scenes from SSBB. This was my first actual 'video' AMV, and I thought I did ok. And yes, I know it's not really an AMV... more of an AAV =P

    Ignorance is Bliss - Brawl Trophy Edition
    My very first AMV, but it contains a slideshow rather than an actual video.

    "Ignorance is Bliss" is a song by Jellyfish, and there's an animation music video by BigArmyBug (basically the basis of this AMV). >Here< *NOT BY ME*

    Thanks for watching, I'd appreciate your feedback!
    Thread by: Zeroquest, Nov 13, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  7. Zeroquest
  8. Zeroquest

    Just kidding, I never saw in the rules that asking about that wasn't allowed.

    It still bemuses me though.... I know him from other places, I don't see him doing any of those...

    Ah well, let's carry on with our day.
    Post by: Zeroquest, Nov 12, 2009 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  9. Zeroquest
    I've noticed that some members here are currently banned, yet their most recent posts are not breaking the rules.. including Azure Flame...
    Is it due to inactivity?

    Please, someone go into depth with the circumstances for being banned, I don't seem to find my answers in any existing threads...

    Also if I could find more specific information on what happen to the member mentioned above, Azure Flame, I don't see this kind of person being banned.
    Thread by: Zeroquest, Nov 12, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  10. Zeroquest
    As others have been saying, I didn't find him too much of a challenge, just the 10 clones in 10 seconds part... ooo, that got me so much!
    I don't how you would get a game over just from not beating some clones in time, it's not like anything happens to you... -___-

    His death was epic though, and somewhat saddening...

    "Uag! NO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!" ~BaiBaiDemy
    Post by: Zeroquest, Nov 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX