Recent Content by zer0drag0nx

  1. zer0drag0nx
    Yeah I wouldn't want ya'll doing that.
    Post by: zer0drag0nx, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. zer0drag0nx
    Thx. I think it would be better off if the converted codes were added to the list too.
    Post by: zer0drag0nx, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. zer0drag0nx
    I have a little problem. I have an ARMAX and I wanted to replace Goofy or even Donald with lets say Riku or anyone else on the list but when I entered in the code, the code was not long enough or was too short.

    Character Slot 3 (Goofy)
    11CFA400 0000????

    Riku- 0819

    These numbers left me with 10 free spots to fill up the rest of the spot. Then again the code was either that or it was 3 numbers too long leaving me with an incomplete code.
    Post by: zer0drag0nx, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Code Vault