Recent Content by Zed_Azrael

  1. Zed_Azrael

    ap biology

    Ahh...sorry, I don't take AP bio. The only AP course I've ever taken (just another week, and I'll be done~) was AP European history... =.= So glad that's almost over.

    How long were you stuck taking your test for? We were locked up from 11:30 to 4:30, but we didn't start the test until sometime around noon... TT3TT We started very, very late... The group before us took forever...

    w00t for IB testing! 8B
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, May 31, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. Zed_Azrael
    I have deja vu all the time, and, after taking my high school health class, it kind of unnerves me and makes me question my brain's capabilities D:

    Even beforehand, after seeing The Matrix, deja vu was ruined for me.

    Gaaa...why does science always have to ruin our perfect little worlds of ignorance?
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, May 31, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. Zed_Azrael
    Quite honestly, I would hate to see any romantic development in KH. I feel that it would take away from the actual plot. *dodges knives*

    Also, Squeenix has been toeing the line with their pairings in this game. I find that you can generally find proof for any pairing if you stare at the screen long enough...and, well, in KH, you probably have as good a chance of Sora/Kairi as you do of Riku/Sora. *dodges flaming knives*
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, May 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Zed_Azrael
    Sorry, all...I was digging through some of the older posts, and this caught my eye.

    I like the idea of Terra being a physical manifestation of Xehanort's memories because, well, in the secret ending of KHII, Birth By Sleep, one of the lines of text that flashes across the screen is "Xehanort's Memory."

    Of course, this could just mean that the events depicted in the secret endings are part of his memories (when he had them, anyway), but that just seems too...simple, for lack of a better word. Squeenix has an annoying history with making us struggle over ambiguous statements (refer to all of Nomura's interviews), and it would make sense that this would also be one such example in which they're pulling our legs and laughing at us.

    But if we were to operate on the premise that Terra is the third being of Xehanort -- the memories -- it would also shed some more light on his title, "Lingering Sentiment."

    It has been mentioned time and again that Xehanort had no recollection of his past. Perhaps that was because they had already left long ago.

    I'm a big fan of time travel and the like, so I think it's quite possible that some jumping between time periods was involved, and if Xehanort was Terra, and if Terra lost his memories in the event depicted in the secret ending Fate of the Unknown, it would explain why the unexplained lingering sentiments of hate toward Xehanort was preserved in the Terra that you battle in KHII:FM+.

    The idea of these feelings not being carried on to his Nobody, Xemnas, is fairly comprehensible, as well, as many of the Organisation have stated that Nobodies do not feel anything, and therefore cannot express the blind hate that plagues the remnants of Terra.


    Yeah. I'm going to bed now. I'll say something else later...
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, May 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Zed_Azrael
    I'd love it if Atlantis was one of them... *such a fan of the soundtrack*

    lol, Holes would be interesting, too... Can you imagine fighting off heartless!Yellow spotted lizards? lmao XD

    Umm...but yes, I would love for Lilo and Stitch and/or A Bug's Life to be in the third game...nyaan...there are just so many choices~ X3
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, May 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Zed_Azrael
    I figure he just likes watching us claw our eyes out as we speculate. He must be some kind of sadist, eh? All those annoying vague hints/lies and everything...
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Zed_Azrael
    Unfortunately, yes...
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Zed_Azrael
    Nomura isn't exactly a guy to tell us flat out what he's planning. He's very vague. I honestly doubt that anyone could ever develop the skill to accurately predict what his next move is.

    As for people making things up...well, what can you do? This is the internet. Rumours fly around here faster than the truth. (Mostly because nobody knows what the truth is at this point.)

    If you think you've got the answer, feel free to post it. Nobody's stopping you.
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Zed_Azrael
    Look, I'm not condoning the theory, or anything... It's just a factor of Nomura's interviews. He said that none of them are Roxas.

    (I'm hoping with all of my heart that it is him, though...)

    ^^ No problem...just a bit confused...
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Zed_Azrael
    :D Funny how quick it travels, eh?

    @_@ I must find it...
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Zed_Azrael
    WAO. That's a sick theory, yeah! ^^ And the logic you used to support your theory is great.
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Zed_Azrael
    ^^; There's always at least one person who defies mass hysteria with cool logic, lol.
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Zed_Azrael
    I guess we believed what we wanted to, eh?


    *breaks down into tears*
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Zed_Azrael
    @_@;; God, I hope this is an April Fool's Day prank... I don't have the cash, lol
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Zed_Azrael
    :D Thanks so much! No more soundtrack dubbing!

    Speaking of soundtrack dubbing, does anyone know of where to find the song that was played in the SE?
    Post by: Zed_Azrael, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Production Studio