Recent Content by Zavaron

  1. Zavaron
    Why thank you ;D
    I shall, well i've already read the rules :3
    Oh stalkerish? That sounds fun :D
    Oh there's always rum somewhere, you just need to close your eyes and follow the little rum fairy's
    The Hunger Game's are just awesome <3
    I shan't xD

    On another note I've just been inspired :D
    Post by: Zavaron, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Zavaron
    My first ever anime would be Outlaw Star i think or Dragon Ball.
    But I do remember a long time back watching some purple haired kid with a giant yellow cat.
    Forgot what the anime was called though D:
    Post by: Zavaron, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  3. Zavaron
    RENT (1996 OBC Recording) - "One Song Glory"
    Post by: Zavaron, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  4. Zavaron
    .....Sadly i do not have any flesh, for you see I am made of stone which can only mean one thing!
    Don't blink

    @Llave de Espada
    Can't I choose to be a weeping angel or better yet Madam Red?
    But I suppose ninja's only if it's Naruto Shippuden base and only if it's vs One Piece, if its Jack......Then Pirates
    Wait no.
    Ninja Pirate cause i'm that cool
    I hate fish.....

    I haven't seen Loony Toons in ages D:
    Well it could be worse D:
    Much worse on this other site I keep getting put in a cage, a CAGE D:
    And being hanged in a tree by my wrists T.T
    So i'll take your embarrassment any day of the week
    Post by: Zavaron, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Zavaron
    *Eye Twitches*
    The rum is all MINNNNNNNNNNNNNNE
    So I can rave but I can't have anymore rum? D:
    What kind of a life is that D:
    Post by: Zavaron, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Zavaron
    Hunger Game's <3
    I'm in love with Cinna

    Ah thanks, I'll check those forums out now :D

    I've got about two pocket watches at the moment, I want more D:
    As well as a top hat >_>

    Nothing lasts forever and I fear the everlasting fountain of rum might have come to the end of its life. For one simple reason, I have the everlasting bottomless barrel that needs to be filled. It's been said that it's connected to Marry Poppin's handbag
    Oh I might upload some in a minute or two~
    Or later if I'm not to busy being lazy, then again i'm always lazy
    Sexyfied I like that word ;D
    It reminds me of when I kept on saying Zexion's name as Zexy
    There's a ride ;o
    Post by: Zavaron, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. Zavaron
    The rum is always gone for one simple reason.
    The monkey took it....
    I shall look at the rules in a bit, thanks~
    Post by: Zavaron, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. Zavaron
    Why thank you ;D *Bows*
    Post by: Zavaron, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. Zavaron
    Sadly though I've drunk all the rum D:
    Even so, hello!
    I suppose I should put something about myself here, soooo.

    I love Kingdom Hearts which should be obvious but my other obsession are
    The Hunger Game's
    Doctor Who
    Writing - poetry/scripts
    Playstation 3
    Pocket Watches and waistcoats
    And making AMV's till my laptop deleted every single piece of data
    Oh and RP'ing
    Thread by: Zavaron, Aug 24, 2011, 18 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures