Recent Content by Zasuke

  1. Zasuke
    Okay, to clear up some stuff, I kinda screwed up when putting in the anime.

    1: First of all, when I put D Grayman I was thinking of Death Note. Sorry, I screwed up. *Readies self for hate mail*

    2: I know I forgot some great anime, some that I love too, but they just slipped my mind 'cause I haven't seen them in a while (like Cowboy Bebob, Outlaw Star, Tenchi series, Rurouni Kenshin, DNAngel, Hellsing, Fullmetal Panic, etc.).

    3: Some of you are saying Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, but ask yourselves, are they really good shows? Let me answer that for you, no. Pokemon was made out of a game with very little plot (it's true), so the show has little story to go off of. And Yu-gi-oh, the manga was good, but then it just changed to sell the cards, and the anime skipped all the good shadow games from the the manga (like when Yugi played airhockey, except the board was a grill and the puck was a peice of ice with explosives frozen in).

    4: I can only have a maximum of 15 choices, and if there wasn't a maximum, you'd be overwellmed by choices.

    5: I can't change the choices.
    Post by: Zasuke, May 12, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. Zasuke
    O_o ... Ooookay

    Anyways, looks awesome.
    Thanks for the upload.
    Post by: Zasuke, May 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Zasuke
    I usually abhor 1337 talk, but this ocasion is an exception. ZOMG!!!1!! 1 \/\/4|\|7ORZ TEH KH:IIFM+!!!11!!!1!
    Post by: Zasuke, May 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Zasuke
    Lol, I watched one of your vids and the first person I hear is Goofy, he sounds nothing like the english Goofy. He sounds all serious up until the "h'yuck". Its funny. Also I took a look at some of the spanish vids and they're all fast-talking hispanics. Lol. And their voices aren't even close to the mouth movements, for instance, the mouth movement for one is 1 sylabol(sp?) and Sora crams 5 in there. But anyways, they are very good, keep up the good work.
    Post by: Zasuke, May 4, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  5. Zasuke
    Roxas's room I think, kinda like the Sora & Kairi dolls from Sora's room. Not sure though. *Runs off to see vid of that scene*

    Edit: Nope, I was wrong.
    Post by: Zasuke, May 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Zasuke
    WHY!? Why did they take that out?! That is complete awsomeness!

    Heres how I think it would go:

    1: City
    2: Cannons
    3: Core
    4: Xemnas (armored) 1
    5: Dragon
    6: Colossus (thats what I'm calling it, 'cause like someone already said, it look like something from SotC)
    7: Xemnas (armored) 2
    8: Colossus 2
    9:Xemnas (twilight)

    Of course some of the stages would have to be tweeked a little to keep the same difficulty level, as easy as it is.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to Japan to set fire to someones house.
    Post by: Zasuke, May 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Zasuke
    Cool, my favorite Xemnas form!... I see why we fight him while hes sitting down, he looks very top-heavy.

    I just wish we had a better pic of the full-body concept art.
    Post by: Zasuke, May 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Zasuke
    Yeah, I downloaded the render viewer and I can't find out how to get the renders on there. Can someone please help?

    P.S. I don't know if this is in the right place, so if it isn't, can a mod please move it?

    Edit: Please move to the right forum.
    Thread by: Zasuke, Apr 29, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  9. Zasuke
    4283 the year playstation 234 comes out
    Post by: Zasuke, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Zasuke
    Ah man! I wish those guys were still in there! 1000 heartless battle would have been a whole lot more fun with them!!!

    Also, where can I get that model viewing software? Please tell me!
    Post by: Zasuke, Apr 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Zasuke
    Naruto ops 2 and 4.
    Naruto eds 3 and *ahem* 6. <_< >_>
    Bleach ops 1 and 2.
    Bleach eds 2 and the ones that all have the same song but different videos that play as 3rd ed.
    .hack//Roots op & ed.
    Naruto Shipuuden op & ed.

    Thats all I can think of right now.
    Post by: Zasuke, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  12. Zasuke
    Don't make me chose! They're both awesome, I'll leave it at that.
    Post by: Zasuke, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Zasuke
    SIGN or Roots? Dosen't matter, they're both awesome.
    Post by: Zasuke, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Zasuke

    Naruto 300

    :eek: Awesome!
    Post by: Zasuke, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga