Recent Content by zahnpaste

  1. zahnpaste
    I have a theory.
    I think that Terra will defeat master xehanort in bbs but the memories or the soul or just something of master xehanort will fusion with terra. Terra can't remember anything (but he didn't forget his friends), just that his name is xehanort (please watch the scene of kh2fm, where zexion an another org member are talking about xemnas secrets). Since the fusion, terra thinks that he is xehanorts and have a new identity. And probably since the fusion his hair turnt into grey. (Terra has the same hair like xehanort!)

    And I think that the soul, power or something of Ven will fusion with sora. That's why Sora can use a keyblade and that's why that soras nobody looks like ven. BUT i don't think that Ven is Roxas! Roxas just looks like ven because that Sora has something in himself of ven. And I thing that Ven say to Aqua that she should erase him because erase him means to fusion his power with sora. (That means that ven would die). Why he is doing that? I don't know. Maybe he knows that Terra is evil now and he won't fight against a friend. I don't know.

    And here is a hint that my theorie can be true: In the first scene of KH2 on the "dark" beach, Xemnas doesn't mean with "you looks like him" that roxas looks like sora, he means that he looks like Ven.

    And here an other big hint :-) (A little spoiler of 358/2 days!):
    We see the same scene of the "dark" beach in 358/2 days. But this time we see that xemnas touch roxas. Xemnas touches exactly on the same way as Terra touches Ven in a Trailer of BBS.

    And what happens with Aqua? I don't know :-), we will see it when we play the game :-)

    So, that's just a theorie. What dou you mean about it?
    (sry of my english)
    Thread by: zahnpaste, May 31, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. zahnpaste

    well, nomura said that the 3 knights r completely new characters which proly means that's not xehanort.

    Yeah, but that is a new charakter.I think it's problably an other form of xehanort. The original form of Xehanort. Xehanort, xemas and xehanort's heartless are not the same person, so why can't this not be a new chara, when this is a new form of xehanort?

    And when my theorie was right, than have i found some special.
    In kh:fx is the strongest optional boss xehanort's nobody, and then will it be in kh2:fx the strongest optional boss xehanort (Unknow form) too. All have to do with xehanort.

    PS: sorry for my bad english.
    Post by: zahnpaste, Mar 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. zahnpaste
    This guy has the same hair-style like Xehanort.


    I think that this guy is the real xehanort, before he lose his memories. But that's confuse. The old man has the same clothes like xehanorts' heartless.
    Post by: zahnpaste, Mar 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates