Recent Content by Zach

  1. Zach
    Hi guys,
    I'm brand new to the forums and I just wanted to show you all something that's coming out for 3ds that will allow us to capture video from 3ds. As far as I know this is impossible right now but some guy is working on a 3ds mod that will allow us to finally get those vids.
    here's a link to his site (I do not know him in any way and am not trying to promote his stuff I just thought that this would be appreciated here since we currently have no way of obtaining HQ video of DDD)

    If this is in the wrong thread then please let me know so I can put it in the correct place.
    thanks for your time.
    Thread by: Zach, Aug 22, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue