its so fun to hang out with you again! hellz yeah! lets keep up the good work this time. pretty please? when do you get to know your ACT...
hey, this is Ol'Sephy's girl. u and me hung out once on skype. that was fun. how's it going? i've heard you're a genius.
Yo! i'm ol'Sephy's girl. i'm a big fan of your videos. i have them on my youtube playlist. i've watched them many times. You have a gift!
yo. i'm Ol'Sephy's girl. i've heard so much about u! your work is impressive
i miss you. what have you been up to?
thanks so much for letting me know. i'm so new to this internet thing, i'm lucky you've got my back.
i had the time of my life recording dialogue with you after the county fair. i'm so glad we didn't wait. even if the computer screwed us over, it...