'Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel. I made you out of clay. Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel...'
'Hey, Sora? Guess woot!'
'COOKIE! I munna EAT yoooooo!'
'Yawr ma bestiest fwend.'
'Jade Goody is racist toward Shilpa. Offer a robe and sign'erup!'
'Roxas. I'm gonna revive Axel and let you two live in Twilight Town in peace.'
'Sora, huuu fffwh, I am your FATHER, huuu fffwh.'
'LOLLYPOPS!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!'
'Yo, Kairi, like Chinese or Indian?'
'Use, the force...'
'Demyx, I saw your last concert.'
'I saw a squirrel.'
'I neeeed taaaacoos. If I don't eat them, I will expol...BOOM'
'I eat KITTENS!!!'
'OMG, I killed kenny! Im a...' [u no the rest]
'*sing* I-eat-turds, yeeeaaa, I-eat tuuurds...'
'Peanut Butter Jelly Time!'
'*rap* I'm slim shady, yes I'm the real shady...'
'*singtheme* Wish I could prove I love you, but does that mean I have to waalk... on waaaaaaaaateeeeeeer? When we are oooldeeer then you'll uuuuuuuuuuunderstand...'