Personally, I'm not too big on it, but if other people like it, why complain? I find that sort of thing fairly gross, but if you guys don't, that's fine with me. I'm not gonna start being all homophobic and such.
Excellent theory. Definitely one of the better ones I've read on the site; quite possibly the best.
I'm pretty sure he just wanted a heart. It's possible there's some deeper, more sinister reason, but nothing in the game would imply so, as far as I can tell.
I was thinking Xemnas would probably be the one who isn't playable. He doesn't tend to go on a lot of missions; he's generally back at the castle doing whatever it is he does. Although, I think I'd rather play as Xemnas than this mysterious 14th member, actually.
The year is hinted at in that there are 365 days in a year, we played on week of Roxas' life in KH2, and 365-7=358. As for the over 2, I'd suspect it's over 2 peoples' lives, presumably Roxas and Axel.
I believe, more or less, that evolution did happen, simply orchestrated by God. While I do believe in God's existence, the theory of us simply popping into existence has always seemed ridiculous to me. Also, the evidence for evolution is far to much to ignore.
I wonder, what type of nobodies would she control? Axel had his assassins, Demyx had his dancers, etc. For that matter, I wonder if Marluxia, Larxene, etc.'s nobodies are going to be in this game. And why does Roxas have samurai nobodies? And califa, there's no L in Aqua. Maybe Quaxa?
I'm expecting to have Snow White's world in this one, along with the Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan from the first game being brought back. Snow White is the only one of the Princesses whose world we haven't seen yet.
I at first assumed the Xehanorts were the same person, but actually, that theory does make sense. He has stolen his master's name before; I see no reason why he shouldn't do it this time.
Roxas' theme is my favorite. I don't know why, perhaps it's because it plays in my favorite scenes. Also, what is Namine's them called? I don't think I know that one.