thank you very much
thats perfect i need armax.
one more question my quick run max does not look the same like it does with wisdom form is that normal? t everything is the same but normal soras qucik run doenst have that blurry effect
i cant seem to find a max ap or infinite ap code do you have one?
and my quick run max seems to be glitched i used the all abilities code sora can use it but i does not have that blurry effect like the one from wisdom mode is that normal? and if not what can i do against it?
i am trying to save in the garden of assemblage i used these codes to change donald/goofy to savepoints but the game didnt even load is there another way to save anywhere?
Character Slot 3 (Goofy)
11C6CC24 0000023A
Character Slot 2 (Donald)
11C6CC22 0000023A
Character Slot 3 (Goofy)
Character Slot 2 (Donald)
hi i have problems with this code
All Stats Base Max +Lvl
its from KH2FMCharacterStats of this forum
iwant to get to lv1 one with the weakest stats possibe what do i have to put there i used
All Stats Base Max +Lvl
2032E028 10101010
2032E02C 10101010
and got to level 16 or something can some body help me