Recent Content by Yata

  1. Yata

    I thought that was Bizkit?
    Post by: Yata, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Yata
    I don't know if he's talking about Villians Vale or the Twilight Clock Tower, I just know, when I looked at Villan's Vale, I thought, "Oh hey, A Clock Tower" if your asking about the Twilight Town Clock Tower, I am sure you could get to it, but you would probably imeediately fall of and beunable to do anything, because the ledge is so narrow.
    Post by: Yata, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Yata
    Are you talking about the one with Pete and Malificant? That one already has a code, its called Villans Vale
    Post by: Yata, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Yata
    Thanks IshotAnsem, I wonder if someone else has those other ones?
    Post by: Yata, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Yata
    I know these have probably alraedy been answered, but I need some codes and I can't find them

    I need the replacement code, I have the Party ABC File that shows you the codes, but I need the actual code to do it.

    Can I have Enemy in party codes for
    Twililight Thorn
    Xemnas (Last Fight)

    I also have the Mods/Abilitys and Items/Equipment Digits, can I have the code for that?

    I am using AR MAX
    Post by: Yata, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: Code Vault