Recent Content by xXYuukixTenjoXx

  1. xXYuukixTenjoXx
    Profile Post

    Thanks a lot :)

    Thanks a lot :)
    Status Update by xXYuukixTenjoXx, Aug 4, 2012
  2. xXYuukixTenjoXx

    I kinda agree with you there, but then again, it could be that instead of the SRK trio, they use some of the OTHER characters, (and there ARE a lot)

    I wouldn't be suprised, Nomura has a habit of doing a whole bunch of parallels, for example with the ATV trio and the SRK trio. Not to mention the RAX trio. Though something bothers me, there are THREE chairs in LoD and one was used by Eraqus, the other with Xehanort. What happened to the third? Or is it that THAT possible Third Master could be a potential boss after Squeenix is done using Xehanort? Because honestly I don't think Nomura would put a third chair there for decoration :/
    Post by: xXYuukixTenjoXx, Aug 4, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts