Well me and my friend got bored and edited the voice's from some other vidios of mine, were me and my sister's were joking around in really bad cosplays of Naruto character's, but if you look up Kakashi Files#1 on youtube you might get it alittle better. But anyway sorry you didn't get it...
I never really never remember my dreams only the sad ones..like this one i had i fell in love with this one guy that was a outcast and he was really sweet, but then we went out for icecream and we were walking across the street when a car came speeding by.He pushed me out of the way and saved me but he ended up dieing in my arms as i came over to him after he got hit...then i woke up. Needless to say i was very sad...-.-'
Description: Hair:Long sliver hair, Eyes:White or purple, Clothes: Organtion 13 Coat. Could you also add fox ears and tail that are white if not i don't care what color they are.
Hi im new here and not so good with introductions, anyway im a girl and you can call me Kitsune or Kitsunx, and well i love Kingdom Hearts then again im sure you allready knew that. I also love Yaoi and RPG i even have my own RPG site, but that another story. I hope to make alot of friends here and have some fun and i guess thats about it ...