Recent Content by xXRhaneXx

  1. xXRhaneXx
    Yuri, Karin and Alice from Shadow Hearts II
    and Sialeeds from Suikoden V (she would have been SO good as a scheming partner of axel or sth like that I think!)
    Post by: xXRhaneXx, Aug 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. xXRhaneXx
    ^Yay!!! Finally someone who was stuck on Hook too!!! My little sister even laughed at me because I had no trouble defeating Larxene but could not beat up this guy... I felt kinda bad about it.

    Still I think the other battles are manageble.:)
    Post by: xXRhaneXx, Aug 2, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. xXRhaneXx
    I think any pairing is fine, as long as one can provide evidence to some point. I just can't imagine two characters being together if they never EVER met during the storyline ... Sry, it's not that I am against fanfiction, but I can't think of it myself.

    As for my favorite pairings, I'm more conventional- everthing many fans call "cannon" (Though it might not be...) SoraXKairi, NamineXRoxas and so on... Just the regular thing ^^

    Plz don't hate me for it, but I don't really like RikuXSora or AxelXRoxas- I think it should be possible for two guys to have a close and special relationship without being called a couple.
    I DO admit that one can see hints for it though ^^
    Post by: xXRhaneXx, Aug 2, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts