Recent Content by xxmrxsnowmanxx

  1. xxmrxsnowmanxx
    I tried the infinite jump code and it doesn't work. =/

    as for the magic code, i do believe there's an "item code" that allows you to access all the magic in the customize menu/magic menu. forgot where i found it.

    also, does anyone know how to port kh2 cb codes to kh2fx+ codes? i found a major list of codes and was hoping it could be patched.
    Post by: xxmrxsnowmanxx, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  2. xxmrxsnowmanxx
    I find that the all abilities (sora/roxas) code and the infinite jump fixed code conflicts with each other and the result is T-stancing in other drive there a way to fix the all abilities (sora/roxas) code? and is there a code to get all the magic/spells in the customized menu?
    Post by: xxmrxsnowmanxx, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: Code Vault